Close your eye and imagine this.

You're floating on your back in water, it's cold but not so cold that you're uncomfortable. Trees surround you, rising from the water like skyscrapers in a crowded city, their leaves cover the gray sky above you. Protecting you from the majority of an onslaught of rain. All you hear is the muted sound of rain drops, falling from the protective leaves above.

This is my peace.

This is my purgatory.

I don't remember the details of my first life, I remember the feelings. Hate, love, worry, hope, fear, protectiveness, and peace. I hated those who hurt the week, loved those close to me, worried about loved ones, hoped for the future, protected the week, feared the past, but felt peace despite the fear. And I remember my most important choices. Taking self-defense and kick-boxing classes till I was a master at both and then some, becoming a doctor and learning as many languages as I could to go to different country's to help those in need. In fact, that's how I died. But that's not important. What's important is I'm changing.

My body that is.

When I had first arrived in purgatory I had no physical shape, or senses. I was nothing and nothing was me. Then I heard the rain. Muted as it was it gave me something, made me something. Feeling came next, pleasantly cold. Taste and smell soon followed. Till finally sight. I know this body is different, I don't think I should know but I do. When I regained control of my new limbs the first thing I did was look at my hand. My skin was blue. After I had gotten over the initial shock I realized I could breathe under the water I floated in. despite this I was still humanoid in shape, two legs, two arms, ten fingers, ten toes, and upon further investigation, two eyes, one nose, one mouth with plenty of serrated teeth, two ears, and a head full of hair. I was still a girl, but I had newly acquired gills in-between my ribs, blue skin, and serrated teeth.

I also couldn't really move much. I could lift my hands and wiggle my toes but swimming or moving for real was out of question, all I could do was float down stream.

And that's exactly what I did. For who know how long before I fell into a dreamless sleep.

So peaceful,

So calm…

I hate it.