Currently working on edits and updates

" you guys are sweet but I don't need you arguing over me. I can decide myself who I want to be with..." She stared back and forth between both men " I choose..."

She looked at both men and smiled sadly "after everything here I need some time alone to think...I'm sorry" Grimmjow nodded "I'm always here if you wanna play, princess" she grinned at him then looked to Ichigo "...are you mad?" he looked at her and smiled "I'm not mad. I didn't expect this but you know what's best for you. That's all that matters" she darted to him and hugged him tightly "thank you" he ruffled her hair and pulled her through the portal to Karakura.

Once they got there Shiro smiled at him " I'm gonna go for a while... I'm not sure when I'll be back but I'll be okay" he nodded and smiled, next she went into the shop to pack the few belongings she had. Once she was all packed she went up to Kisuke and bowed to him "Thank you for everything you have done" he smiled and pulled her into a hug then gave her a small bag that he had packed for her trip, it had sweets and enough money to get her started wherever she ended up. "take care of yourself and call sometime" she giggled and took off towards Ichigo and smiled up at him as they walked to the bus station. Once she got there she picked a random place and bought a ticket to Okayama. She Gave Ichigo a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he left, she excitedly waited for the bus. Within an hour the bus showed up and she happily climbed in, she found a spot near the front and got comfy for the long ride.

After a 4 hour ride the bus stopped at its destination. She excitedly jumped up and darted off the bus. She got a late dinner and found a hotel to stay at. The next morning she sleepily woke up and looked around the unfamiliar room, she decided to get out of bed and jumped in the shower. She yawned while getting ready and decided to look for a job, figuring the sooner she got one the better. Around 11 in the morning she went to the front desk of the hotel she was staying at and asked if they were hiring, luckily they were. She was scheduled to start the next day.

A good few months passed of her working at the hotel, doing the same thing every day. She worked at the front desk and checked people in but she loved every minute of it. She got along well with the staff and no one suspected that she was anything but a sweet girl. She missed the bloodshed and killing though but did well with hiding it.

Her boss called her into the office to have a chat " Shiro! You've been such a big help and we love having you here. You work so much though, I worry you will work yourself into an early grave! I want you to take the week off and have fun, go explore the town and make friends. Or do whatever people your age do!" Shiro looked at her boss, she was a sweet older woman who always wore her silver hair in a bun "are you sure? I don't want to leave you short on help" the old woman nodded " go relax and have fun" Shiro hugged her then clapped her hands together happily "thanks! This will be so fun!"

She slept in late the next morning and didn't get out of bed until noon, she took a bubble bath and thought about the past few months 'this place is really nice, I like it here but it's so different from a few months ago' she smiled sadly as she thought of her friends, she missed Grimmjow and Ichigo. What surprised her was that she found herself thinking about Sosuke, she wondered how he had been these past few months.

She sighed 'no more thinking of the past! I need to do something' she decided to go for a walk to clear her head, she wandered down a nature trail that was near the hotel. A few hours later she got back to the hotel, she tried to figure out what to do next but she heard her boss shriek. She got worried since her boss never raised her voice and darted off to where she heard the older woman.

As soon as she got to the elderly woman's side, she froze at the scene in front of her. There was a pool of blood and a man was laying in front of the old woman, she was attempting to stop the bleeding but was having a difficult time on her own. Shiro sat near the man's head and got a good look at his face once she wiped some blood away. She jumped up and took a few steps back "w-what happened?" she asked the old woman. The woman shook her head "I have no idea. He walked in and collapsed" Shiro kept staring at the man and felt tears prick the back of her eyes. " will he be okay?" the woman stared up at Shiro, noticing her distress "that depends...do you want him to be okay? Why do you look so worried?" Shiro sat down again and pushed the hair out of the man's face, seeing a large wound on his forehead. She looked at the woman "I know him" the old woman looked at her young employee curiously but said nothing.

Shiro frowned as she looked at this man from her past "we have to fix him...But after that I'm not sure what to do" she didn't realize tears were running down her face until they landed on the man's face, her tears and his blood mixing.

Shiro and the old woman struggled to get the man onto a futon mat but succeeded after a few tries then the woman grabbed a first aid kit. She had Shiro cut off the man's shirt, the old woman poured some water on his chest to get the blood off then cleaned it properly and stitched it together then did the same with his forehead. Shiro wrapped his chest, thinking the entire time about what she should do next. The old woman grinned as she looked at the unconscious man "he should be fine... You said you knew him, were you and him ever involved? Shiro nodded and smiled sadly "it's a complicated mess." the woman nodded "he's what you were running from when you got here, am I correct?" Shiro nodded. The woman smirked "he may be an idiot... Like a lot of men but Damn! He's a nice looking man" Shiro giggled and nodded "I suppose he is"

A few hours passed with both women checking on the unconscious man. The old woman was dressing his wounds when his hand gripped her wrist tightly but not tight enough to cause pain. He groaned and opened his eyes "where am I?" the old woman gave a perverted grin "well handsome, you are in my hotel, I nursed you back to health" she winked as his eyes widened in shock. She burst out laughing and got up "I'm just kidding boy, you collapsed here but my job is done, someone will be here soon with food and a drink for you" he nodded and mumbled "thanks" then flopped back down.

Not long after the old woman disappeared he heard the door slide open, when he looked up he saw the woman that had been plaguing his thoughts for months. "Shiro!" he sat up quickly but winced in pain. She sat on her knees in front of him and set a tray down with food and water on it. She then got up and went to leave but he grabbed her wrist gently "where are you going?" she looked at him and tried to mask her emotions with a neutral look "I have work to do..." he sighed sadly "please stay... For a little bit at least" she nodded and sat down "what happened to you?" he groaned.