A/N currently working on updates

He nodded and rubbed his nose against hers "I can't think of anything I would rather do"

Shiro got up and went to the bathroom to wash her face "ill be right out". Sosuke nodded and got up, he sat on one of the chairs in the room and leaned back, closing his eyes 'I wonder what they were talking about, maybe I should ask her. Another day though, I want her feeling better first'. Within a few minutes Shiro walked out of the bathroom, she looked better but her eyes were still a little puffy from crying. Sosuke stood up and smiled warmly at her "is it alright if we stop by my room so I can change?" she bounced over to him and nodded "of course!". She followed him out of her room and into his room, she sat on the bed and flopped back. He looked over to her and laughed "comfy?" she nodded as he got his clothes and went into the bathroom to change, when he came out a few minutes later she sat up and smiled "you look nice!" she blushed lightly as he smiled "thank you, would you like to go get lunch?" She jumped up and nodded "where should we go?" He had no idea what was around "how about we ask your boss? She might know of a few good places". Shiro nodded and slid her hand into his as she dragged him out of his room "let's go!" she laughed as she dragged him through the hotel, once they got to her boss's office she knocked softly. They heard a faint "come in!" Shiro slid open the door "good morning boss!" the old woman smiled at them but once she saw their hands laced together she grinned "I see you guys worked things out, yes?". Shiro nodded happily "we did! We were going to go out for lunch, did you have any recommendations?" the old woman nodded and told them about a place in town, Shiro thanked her and skipped off while dragging Sosuke behind her. They got to the bus stop just in time to get on, the restaurant was on the other side of town so it took about forty-five minutes to get there. Once they got there Sosuke held her hand as they got off the bus, they got a table within a few minutes. Once they were seated they ordered drinks and were left alone. Sosuke placed his hand on Shiro's "thank you for giving me a chance" she smiled brightly at him "I really like spending time with you!". He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed her knuckles "you are amazing, I'm looking forward to learning more about you". She smiled nervously "what if you don't like what you learn?" he shook his head "not possible, are you worried?" She looked down and nodded, he leaned over the table and lifted her face so she would look at him "whatever I learn about you is okay, we all have a past". She nodded and smiled as the waitress came over to take their order, Shiro ordered something sweet while Sosuke ordered a more savory lunch. They shared with each other once they got their food, the meal was spent with talk of what they should do the rest of the day. Once their meal was finished they paid and left, deciding to walk around the town to spend time out of the hotel. Sosuke put his arm around her shoulders as they walked around, Shiro saw a sign for the zoo and jumped up and down" can we go!" he laughed and pulled her into a hug "anything for you". She pecked his lips then pulled him to the ticket counter and bought two tickets, they spent the next few hours there. Once they saw everything and got stuff from the souvenir shop they went back to the bus stop to head back. Once they were seated on the bus Shiro yawned and leaned against Sosuke comfortably, he smiled as he watched her fall asleep 'I'm so lucky to have her'. The bus ride home went fast, Shiro was asleep so Sosuke carried her on his back to her room. As he got to her room Ichigo walked out of his "is she okay?" Sosuke nodded "I'm putting her in bed, can we talk when I'm done?" Ichigo narrowed his eyes at the man "I guess".

Shortly after Sosuke went into Shiro's room he came back out, the men went outside to talk, Sosuke sat down on a bench "why do you treat her like she cant make her own decisions?" Ichigo sighed and sat next to him "because she's gotten into some shit situations and I want to prevent that from happening again" Sosuke nodded "im not trying to cause problems but I know how I feel about her, as long as she will have me I will be here. But I also know you are important to her, as much as I hate it you need to fix things with her. So fix it tomorrow" he stood up and started to walk away. Ichigo stood up and scowled, walking to his room. As soon as Sosuke walked into Shiro's room she pounced on him "where did you go?" he ruffled her hair and lifted a bag he grabbed from his room "I brought some clothes…just in case I stay in here tonight". She sighed in relief "perfect! I like having you here, you keep the bad dreams away" he dropped his bag and lifted her up, carrying her to the bed. He gently set her down then sat next to her "what are the bad dreams about?" she groaned "lots of stuff". He looked at her sadly "will you ever tell me?" she nodded "yeah but not right now, I don't want to think about it." he smiled at her "I understand, I just want to help" she got up and stood between his legs "you have helped" he held her hands and smiled. She got on his lap and straddled him, hugging him tightly. He buried his face in her neck and breathed in the scent of her shampoo, she leaned back away from the hug then pecked his lips "thank you for today, it was perfect!" he rubbed his nose against hers "yes it was". She stood up and went to her dresser and grabbed a fitted t-shirt and some shorts "im going to get ready for bed" she went to the bathroom to change, Sosuke decided now was the best time to change as well, he changed into a pair of sweats and left his shirt off. He was in bed by the time Shiro got done, she saw him on his stomach and snuck over to him. She crawled on him and sat on his butt, she moved her hands across his back "how did you get these scars?" he relaxed at her back rubs "mainly from fights, nothing too serious though" she hummed then leaned down to kiss the marks on his back, she heard a light groan come from the man under her. She smirked and kissed the back of his shoulders, hearing another groan "what are you doing woman?" she nipped at his back "nothinggg, what are you doing?" he turned over with her still on top, she was resting on his hips. He was content and closed his eyes as he placed his hands on her thighs, she playfully pulled at the string on the front of his sweats. He peaked an eye open at her "are you trying to cause trouble?" she smiled innocently "I have no idea what you're talking about" he grinned and tickled her sides "you're such a pain, but I love it" she laughed and rolled off him in an attempt to get away from his tickles. He grabbed her and pinned her down gently "you're not getting away from me that easily". She was breathing hard from laughing and tried to catch her breath as she whined "you're so mean to me!". He stuck his tongue out at her and laughed as she huffed, he leaned down to nuzzle her cheek. He flopped down next to her and wrapped his arm around her stomach, she rolled over to face him "thank you for staying with me at night, its nice not sleeping alone" he smiled and kissed her nose "as long as you let me, you will never sleep alone again". She cuddled into his chest "sounds like a plan, goodnight Sosuke" he kissed her head "goodnight"

Sosuke woke up in the middle of the night to Shiro tossing and turning, she was mumbling in her sleep but he couldn't make out what she was saying. He sat up and turned on the lamp next to him then placed a hand on Shiro's shoulder "you're dreaming, wake up my love" she began thrashing around which surprised him, he held her shoulders firmly and tried to gently shake her awake. Her eyes snapped open as she panicked and jumped up, she looked around frantically. He crawled over her side of the bed and tried to grab her hand to calm her down, she jerked away from him like she didn't recognize him. He turned on the lamp on her side and saw her sigh in relief when she realized it was just a nightmare "S-Sosuke?" he nodded and started moving closer to her but stopped when she backed away, his forehead creased with worry "its me, you're safe here. It was just a dream" she nodded but said nothing for a few minutes, she sighed "it wasn't just a dream, its something that happened" he watched her curiously as she sat down next to him "his name was Akuma, he was what Ichigo was talking about yesterday." Sosuke nodded, waiting to see if she would continue. "he had me for a week before I got away, Ichigo's dad fixed me up. I really like him, he's a good doctor." he was nervous to touch her since she had been jumpy not long ago "what happened?" she smiled sadly at him "a lot, I don't even know where to start." he slid his hand into hers and kissed her knuckles "you can start from the beginning if you want." she rubbed her face with her free hand "the beginning, alright. There was a doctor in Tokyo named Sorae. But she wasn't the good kind of doctor, her and her team were doing experiments. Once they needed someone that wasn't dead , she adopted me. I was there for years, I wanted to die. I tried to end it, but because of what I am it didn't kill me. I developed a second personality that protected me, everyone called it the wretched egg but she was my aceman. "she looked at him nervously, he was looking down. When he noticed her stop he looked at her and saw the fear in her eyes, he smiled at her and squeezed her hand. She let out a shaky break to continue " I was kept in a place called Deadman Wonderland, it was a prison that was also an amusement park. Once I found out where my old friend Ganta was I did something bad to get him to the wonderland with me…" she sniffled, Sosuke thought about what she had told him so far "what are you? And what did you do that was bad?" she stood up and paced back and forth "im a Deadman, the first one. We can manipulate our blood into a weapon called our branch of sin, and the bad thing was when I found out where Ganta was, I attacked his class and gave him a branch. He was held responsible for the attack and was sent to the wonderland." Sosuke nodded "what happened after that?" she smiled at him and told him all of the fun memories she had with Ganta and the other prisoners. He smiled at how happy she was as she told him of her adventures, she sat down next to him again "after we escaped I was with Ganta for a few years but I ran away, I found chad and Ichigo and his family!" Sosuke didn't like Ichigo but he was glad that she had a friend like him "what happened after you met him but before you met me?" she nervously picked at her nails, worried he would think less of her "I started school with them but then I met someone named Akuma, I didn't know until later but he was related to one of the bad guys from the wonderland. He um, he took me and no one could find me. I was stuck with him for a week before I could get away, Ichigo and his dad took care of me and helped me. Then a little bit after that I met Grimmjow and you!" he smiled at the memory of the first time he met her "I remember that day, you shared your almond cookies with me." he paused, scared to ask questions but he did anyway "what did he do to you for that week?" she tugged at the bottom of her shirt nervously "he did a lot. I can show you" she stood up and took her shirt and shorts off, leaving her in a bra and panties. Sosuke's eyes widened in shock as he saw her covered in scars "he didn't cause all of these but he… he made a lot of them" he kneeled down in front of her and traced the large angry looking scar on her stomach then looked down at her legs and saw the scars running along her inner thighs, he stood up and rubbed his face "those scars on the inside of your legs… did he?" he couldn't finish his question, Shiro was looking at the floor, she knew what he was asking and mumbled out a quiet "yeah". He stood in front of her and tilted her face up to meet his "it wasn't your fault, you are very strong to have lived through all of it" her eyes watered as she sniffled "told you I wasn't perfect". He pulled her into a tight hug and whispered in her ear "you are the strongest and most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you are still perfect" she shook her head and cried as he held her, he picked her up and got them both in bed. He covered them both up with a blanket and did his best to comfort her, soon he noticed her tears had stopped as she fell asleep. They spent the whole night like that.

Shiro woke up first the next day and slid out of bed without waking Sosuke up, she grabbed some jeans and a sweater then went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. By the time Sosuke had woken up she was out of the shower and dressed, he had a sleepy smile on his face "good morning " she bounced over to him and pecked his cheek "morning!". Shiro heard a light knocking on the door so she went over to see who it was, Ichigo was standing there with his bag of belongings he brought with him "ichi? Why are your bags packed?" he smiled at her "can I come in?" she nodded and stepped away from the door, Sosuke was glad Ichigo was here "ill go shower so you guys can have some privacy" Shiro smiled at him and nodded "okay!" Ichigo sat on the bed and rubbed his face "im sorry" she sat next to him "about what?" he sighed "I've been an ass, you are more than smart enough to make your own decisions". She smiled as she slid her hand into his "its okay, you just want the best for me". He nodded "as long as you're safe and happy im happy." she hugged him tightly "thank you" they spent the next half hour chatting before Sosuke walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing dark wash jeans with a deep blue shirt, he was drying his hair with a towel "did you guys get everything worked out?" Shiro nodded happily while Ichigo stood up "I should get going" Sosuke looked surprised "you're not staying? Shiro loves having you around" he wrapped his arm around the girls shoulders and squeezed gently "you've been happy and done good for yourself here. You'll be okay" she hugged him tightly, sad he was leaving "ill miss you lots!" he chuckled and kissed her head "im going to miss you too, want to walk me out?" she nodded and went out the door waiting for him, Ichigo looked at Sosuke "don't fuck this up, keep her happy and safe. You know how to find me if anything happens" Sosuke nodded "I will, make sure to visit her sometime". Ichigo grunted and walked out, following Shiro to his car, they said their goodbyes then Shiro went back to her room. Sosuke was sitting at the table reading a newspaper, he looked up at her "im sorry he left" she sat on his lap "its okay, I'm sure his family misses him". He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder "as long as you're okay" she hummed "you're not leaving, are you?" he shook his head "never, unless you want me to" she giggled "good because I don't want you to leave" he smiled then pulled her face to his and kissed her, she smiled into the kiss then pulled away "I like you" he grinned "good, because I like you. I've been thinking of finding a job somewhere around here or in town" Shiro's eyes lit up "boss is hiring a maintenance person to fix stuff! Do you know how to fix stuff?" he nodded "im pretty decent at fixing things" she jumped up and grabbed his hand, dragging him to her boss's office. She knocked excitedly at the door, as soon as she heard "come in" she barged in "hey boss! Are we still hiring someone to fix stuff when it breaks?" she grinned and nodded "we are, does this fine man behind you want to apply?" he nodded "if possible I would love to" she nodded "how about we do an interview now since I have things that need fixing! Shiro would you wait outside while we chat?" Shiro nodded and stepped out as Sosuke sat in the chair in front of the old woman's desk. Shiro stood on the other side of the door, bouncing from one foot to the other. About fifteen minutes later Sosuke and the old woman walked out of the office, the woman spoke first "well Shiro! Meet our newest employee" Shiro jumped up and down excitedly, she hugged her boss then jumped on Sosuke "thank you boss!" the woman smiled "ill get you a uniform soon my dear" with that she disappeared into her office. Sosuke kissed Shiro's cheek "want to go to the movies in town then get lunch to celebrate?" she nodded "lets go!" they spent the next few hours in town, enjoying each other's company. The rest of the week Shiro had off was spent with them either in town or relaxing in Shiro's room.

Sosuke's first day started the day Shiro's vacation was over, while Shiro was at the front desk working Sosuke went to the managers office and knocked lightly. His new boss swung open the door "good morning handsome! Ready for your first day!?" he nodded and smiled "im ready wherever you need me" the older woman grinned "I could think of a few places" his eyes widened a bit which caused her to cackle "im just messing with ya, follow me!" he spent the day fixing whatever needed fixing. At the end of the work day Shiro saw him bent over picking up some tools, she smacked his ass which made him jump up and spin around. He relaxed when he saw it was Shiro "you surprised me! I thought it was the old lady" she laughed loudly, knowing that her boss was a feisty woman that loved to tease "it very well could have been!" he picked up the rest of the tools and set them in the maintenance room and locked up "im ready to go relax, I haven't worked like that in a while" she nodded and slid her hand into his as they went back to her rom "was it a good day?" he nodded "I really enjoyed it! Its very different than the soul society or Hueco Mundo" she unlocked the door and kicked off her shoes "im glad you like it! I love it here" he followed her in and shut the door, locking it behind him "I can see why, its relaxing. Would you mind if I took a shower here or did you want me to head to my room?" she smiled and grabbed a bottle of water "you can shower here, I was thinking… would you like to just stay in my room with me? I thought it might be easier since you stay here a lot" he walked towards her and took her bottle and set it down, he then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close "are you asking me to move in with you?" she suddenly felt shy "I mean, yeah I think so…its okay if you don't want to, I understand" he picked her up and smiled as her legs went around his waist "I would love to move in with you" she smiled shyly "really?" he nodded and kissed her cheek "I was hoping you would ask, I didn't want to assume I could" she threw her arms around his neck and pecked his lips "good, I was nervous you would say no and it would get weird!" he set her down and hugged her tightly "you're amazing" she snuggled into his chest an sighed happily, content with life. She pulled away and smiled up at him "you are too, but go shower before it gets to late!" he chuckled and nodded then stepped away from her, he stretched then pulled his shirt off. Shiro blushed as she watched him take off his shirt, she felt butterflies in her stomach. He caught her staring and winked playfully at her, satisfied as she blushed a darker shade of red. He smirked as he turned around to grab some clothes, she then watched his muscular form retreat into the bathroom. She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, she decided to order a pizza for dinner since she didn't feel like cooking. She went to the bathroom and cracked open the door "think we can do pizza for dinner?" Sosuke peaked his head around the shower curtain "that sounds great babe, whatever you get is fine with me" she nodded and shut the door then ordered the pizza, looking forward to food since her stomach was grumbling. About twenty minutes later Sosuke walked out of the bathroom with just sweats on and the towel around his neck as he dried his hair, Shiro smiled at him with a light blush on her face. There was a knock on the door, she excitedly bounced to the door "pizza!" as she grabbed the handle to the door she yelped in surprise as Sosuke snapped the towel against her ass, she looked back at him while rubbing the sore spot. She couldn't help but laugh as he pretended to examine the dirt under his nails "what? I didn't do anything" she opened the door and took the pizza with a thanks to the delivery man, she set the pizza box on the table and poked Sosuke's side "im going to have a red mark now!" he grinned and rubbed the spot on her ass that he got with the towel "want me to kiss it and make it better?" she pouted playfully "maybe!" he pulled her closer and whispered in her ear "well, I guess you better ask nicely then" she smiled at him playfully then stuck her tongue out at him "no thanks!" she pushed away from him and opened the box of pizza, he grabbed a slice and smirked at her "I dunno, you may be asking me for something later" he then sat at the other side of the table and watched her, she blushed and cleared her throat as she grabbed a slice of pizza. She sat across from him and happily ate her food, pretending she didn't hear him. Once she was done she got on the bed and turned on the tv "anything specific you wanna watch?" he shook his head as he got on the bed with her "im not too familiar with any shows so anything is good" she put on a cooking show and flopped back, he rolled onto his side to face her and the tv. He rested his hand on her lower stomach and absent mindedly tapped his fingers against her while he was deep in thought, he was wondering where their relationship would go and what was in their future. Shiro saw that he was zoning out, she laced her fingers with his "what are you thinking about?" he kissed her knuckles "just about the future" she rolled over to face him "what do you think is in our future?" he closed his eyes and relaxed "im not sure, do you ever want to get married or have kids?" she scrunched her eyebrows together "I wouldn't mind getting married but im not sure about kids, what if they end up messed up like me or somethings wrong because im not exactly a normal human. It makes me nervous…if I don't want kids are you going to leave?" he pulled her closer and held her tightly "I would love to start a family with you in the future but I understand if you don't want to or aren't sure, nothing would make me leave. I finally have you and don't want to lose you" she relaxed in his arms "we have plenty of time to figure out the future" he nodded and kissed her forehead "yes we do."