Chapter 1: Freedom

Disclaimer: I don't own Freezing or Bleach.

"So this is it." Whitey sighed. Like his name every thing about his appearance was white. His skin was white as paper, his hair was white, the clothes he wore were white. The giant meat cleaver of a sword that was strapped to his back was white. The only thing that wasn't white were the black bandages that covered his blade from hilt to tip and his eyes, the irises being yellow and everything else being black.

Whitey stood atop of a tall building that was on it's side. Which was the mindscape of his captor Ichigo. A few feet away was the only other being of this world, Zangetsu. He was a middle aged man with black hair and was wearing dark sunglasses. Form the neck down this man's body was like a black tattered sail in the wind. He was looking off into the distance just like Whitey was.

"It seems so." Zangetsu sighed in agreement.

Ichigo had just used the most powerful attack, known as Final Getsuga. This attack was powerful enough to defeat anyone but it came with the risk of losing all of a person's powers. And since Whitey and Zangetsu were the manifestations of Ichigo's power it would mean that they were going to fade into nothingness.

"So…" Whitey said trying to come up with something to say. He had never really talked to Zangetsu much even though he was the only other thing in this world. "... think it will hurt?"

"I don't know." Zangetsu admitted.

"Wow. The great Zangetsu not having an answer. There's a big shock." Whitey chuckled. It was true though, it always seemed that Zangetsu had an answer for everything. The two became silent again and just watched as the world slowly began to disappear.

"Whitey." Zangetsu spoke catching the hollows attention.


"If you had beaten Ichigo, and took over his body completely, what would you have done?"

Whitey looked toward Zangetsu. "That's a weird question to ask. Why ya wanna know?"

"Just making conversation."

"Yeah right." Whitey sighed as he turned away. "Hmm, You know I never gave it much thought. All I really wanted was to be free, to be honest."

Zangetsu looked toward him. "And what would you have done with that freedom?"

"Well, to be completely honest, I liked 'King'. If there was a way out without getting rid of him I would have taken it. But if I were to be free, I'd probably just finish off that Aizen guy myself."

"What about Ichigo's friends?"

"Aren't you the chatter box today." Whitey chuckled. "King probably thought if I got loose I would kill every one that was precious to him but in reality, I may just have ignored them. Hell, maybe even fight for them if I really felt like it."

Zangetsu just looked at him a bit surprised by his response and turned back to the disappearing horizon. "Really."

"Yeah, whenever I was trying to take over and Ichigo became a hollow that was just my power making him go nuts not actually me." Whitey admitted.

At this point all most of the world had vanished into nothingness. The only thing left was the building and the two spiritual entities.

Zangetsu just looked off into the distance before making up his mind. "What if I told you there was a way out of this for you."

Whitey started laughing. "Ha- ha- ha! What? You getting all Matrix on my a*s now? Cuse it's not all that funny."

"Made you laugh didn't it?" Zangetsu huffed.

Whitey opened his mouth to respond but closed it and shrugged. "I guess."

The building was now disappearing only the place were they were standing remained. Zangetsu pulled a black orb out of his sail like body.

"What's that?" Whitey questioned not actually caring too much.

"Freedom." Zangetsu answered. Then faster than the eye could follow he through it straight at Whitey. Hitting the hollow dead center of his chest. Whitey fell to the ground in pain clutching his chest has a black substance started to spread around his white body.

"What you do that for?!" Whitey yelled in anger.

"I set you free." Zangetsu answered as he looked away.

"What do you meen?!"

"I don't know, where or when you will end up. You may end up in a completely new world the only thing I know for sure is that you will be free from this fate." Zangetsu turned to look at Whitey for one last time. "Just don't do anything that will make me regret doing this but I have a feeling you won't disappoint me."

"But what about yo…!" Whitey was cut off when the substance covered his mouth keeping him from talking.

"I am accepting this fate." Zangetsu turned away and looked back in the direction he was before.

As the subsistence started covering his eyes one question popped into his head before he was consumed. 'What the hell is he always looking at?!'

Once Whitey was consumed the bulb was enveloped in light and vanished.

"Goodbye Whitey and good luck." Zangetsu spoke aloud as oblivion started to eat away at his body. Zangetsu had one final thought that put a smirk on his usually stoic face. 'It's probably killing him wondering what I'm always looking at.'

Year 2064

West Genetics: Carnival Field

West Genetics is a large private school in Japan for training young women to become warriors known as Pandora. A Pandora is a female warrior who have small machines called stigmata embedded into their backs. These stigmata enhance a person's abilities to superhuman levels allowing them to fight this worlds looming threat, the Nova.

Currently the academy was having its annual Carnival, where Pandora fight against one another for their rank in class. This battle is between all of the second years and by this point almost all of the other Pandoras have been put out of commission and only two remain standing at this point.

"I see why they nicknamed you 'The Untouchable Queen'." A young woman yelled down to her opponent. She was sixteen years old, had red hair tied into two pony tails, and was wearing a maroon uniform. "You may be number one out of all the second year students, but that's all about to change today when you face your defeat by my hand, Ganessa Roland. So prepare yourself, Satellizer L. Bridget!"

The other Pandora, Satellizer L. Bridget said nothing but just gave the other Pandora a cold look. Satellizer was a seventeen year old women with long blond hair, a large bust, a very curvy figure, and was wearing a red uniform that was like a dress. Satellizer had earned the name 'The Untouchable Queen' for two reasons, she had never lost a battle, most opponents not able to lay a single strike on her and because she had a mysterious fear of being touched by anyone.

The two Pandora rushed at each other at inhuman speeds ready to bring down their opponent.

"I hope you said your prayers!" Ganessa shouted. "Chains of Binding!"

When she yelled the name of her weapon, six chain flails materialized out of her back and were launched at the other Pandora. Satellizer didn't even flinch as she continued to rush toward Ganessa and dodging or blocking the chains with her weapon Nova Blood, witch was an arm length mid-handled blade with the blade running down the guard, as she whent. Satellizer proceed to slice Ganessa's right arm. Blood suddenly spewed from her arm and she let out a small cry of pain.

She leaped back a few feet and looked down at her arm with a look of shock after a few moments the look changed to a dark sinister smile. "Well it seems you were the one to draw first blood." Ganessa started calmly, then she snapped. "And because of that, YOU WILL PAY DEARLY!"

Above the Carnival Field

Hundreds of feet above the carnival filed there was a small flash of light and from it came Whitey out cold and began falling. After a few moments he awoke and looked around confused.

"What the hell? Where am I?" Whitey questioned allowed. He wasn't even phased by the fact that he was plummeting to the earth and just kept trying to remember what happened. Then he slapped his fist into his flattened out plam in relizashin. "Oh yeah! King used the Final Getsuga and I was about to vanish and then Zangetsu said he freed me. But where am I?"

Whitey looked down to the ground which he was rapidly approaching.

"Well first things first. I need to not crack open my head on the concrete." Whitey flipped himself so his feet were pointed at the ground and released a bit of spiritual pressure so he could stand on the air. He didn't stop falling, he expanded it more. Still nothing. Whitey started panicking a little and closed his eyes and concentrated. After a moment his eyes shot open in panic.

"WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THE REISTU?!" Whitey screamed out. Reistu is a spiritual energy the floats around the air, using spiritual pressure Whitey could focus this energy under his feet so he could stand in the air. Problem is there is no reistu in this world.

Whitey looked down at the ground which was only about fifty feet away now and saw someone was standing right where he was going to crash.


Back On the Ground

Satellizer and Ganessa had stopped there barrage of attacks on each other to catch their breath but stared each other down. Ganessas uniform was ripped and torn and was covered in cuts but Satellizer didn't have a scratch on her.

"Jeez." Ganessa mumbled to herself. "What's the point in getting stronger if she's just going to get even stronger than that?" She used her stigmata to repair her uniform and summoned her chains again. "Ok then lets finish this!"

Satellizer didn't respond but just kept glaring at her opponent. 'I can't lose.' She thought to herself. 'Not now, not ever!'

Right befor the two Pandora could attack each other again. They heard someone scream from above. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

Satellizer looked up in the sky to figure out what had said that but befor her mind could register what she saw it slammed into her forcing her to the ground knocking her out cold.

And done. I know that this first chapter is a bit short but it will get longer as I post updates to the story. This is something I wanted to try and see from fanfictions having Whitey, or being better known as Hichigo, as the hero of a story. And yes, I do know that Zangetsu is actually Ichigo's quincy powers but I'm following the logic of the first session.

What's more is that Whitey is going to a little bit more mellow in my story. He is still going to be a little crazy but that will manly happen when he fights so he will be a little OOC. Now I guess you're wondering why I called him Whitey (Other than the obvious reason). Well me and my friends talked about a lot and it was just annoying to call him Hollow Ichigo and we didn't know about his online name at the time so we just called him Whitey and it stuck I guess. Also sorry if I got the standing on air thing wrong but I never really understood how they did that or why they didn't use it all the time.

So I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and please review constructive criticism is always welcome.