Chapter 2: Finding New Purpose

Hello everyone Red Diz here. First off I would like to apologize for the incredibly long wait for the next chapter to this story. A lot of things got in the way of my writing and eventually I just kind of stopped writing altogether but now i'm back and I'm here to stay! After all I did promise a lot of you that I wouldn't give up on this story. So I intended to keep that promise. So please enjoy what I came up with.

Disclaimer: I do not own Freezing or Bleach.

Carnival Viewing Room

Sister Margaret was currently watching the carnival from the Viewing Station. There were only two other people in the large room with her. They were the people who monitor all the equipment for the event.

"It seems that Satellizer will be winning once again." She said as she watched the Pandora's almost one sided fight. Sister Margaret was sure that the generals would have been impressed by her performance if they hadn't cancelled at the last minute. This left only her to watch the games. This fight unlike most of the carnival's was not being broadcast but the results would still be announced.

Sister Margaret looked at the two Pandora that stood on opposite sides of the field. They seemed to be getting ready for their final clash. She was about to walk away to get, back to her office and greet the new transfer student that was coming in today when suddenly alarms started going ballistic.

Sister Margaret quickly spun around. "States report!" She shouted in a somewhat commanding tone.

One of the operators spoke. "There appears to be a rift in space opening up above the Carnival ground!"

"What kind of Nova are we looking at?" A rift opening so quickly? There was always some kind of early warning for when a Nova was coming whether it was a major or minor clash.

"Actually it doesn't appear to be a Nova rift, ma'am. It appeared to be something else entirely."

'Something else?'

The other operator spoke up. "Something is coming out of the rift and is rapidly descending to the Carnival field."

"Do we have a visual?"

"Affirmative, bring it on screen now."

The object was plummeting out of the sky at a rapid pace. It appeared to be humanoide.

Sister Margaret looked confused at it's appearance it looked nothing like a Nova at all. 'What is this?'

"Sister Margaret!" One of the operators spoke. "The unknown object is about to hit Miss. Bridget!"

Sister Margaret knew there was nothing to be done. An announcement would take a minute to activate a minute they did not have to worn Satellizer.

At the last moment Satellizer looked up at the falling creacher only to be knocked to the ground.

"What is Miss. Bridget's condition?" Sister Margaret obviously concerned.

"It appears that Satellizer has only knocked out ma'am."

Sister Margaret gave a sigh of relief.

"Ma'am the creature is moving."

The white creature appeared to be getting up and was looking around dazed. The thing then seemed to notes the knocked out Satellizer.

"Hey lady, you OK?" They heard over the speakers.

'It can speak?!'

Before anything else could be said Ganessa yelled at the white creacher.

"Hay pale a*s!" The creatcher turned to face Ganessa. "What the hell do think you are doing!? I was just about to finish that b*tch off for good!"

The creature looked around observing the area. Noticing how it looked like a battle zone and looked between the knocked out Satellizer and Ganessa. Then it spoke. "Hmmm… Seems I've interrupted a war. How unlucky for me."

'It thinks it's in a war zone?' Sister Margaret thought to herself. It wasn't really a unreasonable to think that in the carnival field. The arena was supposed to be a simulation of a real battle so they made the place looked like a city in ruins. Not to mention Ganessa made it sound as if the mock fight was a dual to the death.

"Well guess i'll have to fix things…" The pure white being said as it picked Satellizer up bridal style then suddenly vanished from the screen and then reappeared about 100 yards away.

'That speed!' Margaret's eyes widened in surprise. 'That was at least a triple exelrashin!'

The creature placed Satellizer down gently so she was far from the fight before vanishing again and reappearing in the spot prior.

"Alright I guess I'll finish this for her." The white creature spoke as it pulled what appeared to be a giant sword off its back. "Getsuga…"

The alarms shrieked again.

"What's happening?!"Sister Margaret yelled out.

"There appears to be a massive amount of power building up in that sword that the creatcher is wielding. I believe it's going to fire it off!"

"The power building is immense and it's rising fast!" Said the operator alarmed. "If that thing fires that energy off then there won't be anything left of Miss. Roland!"

Sister Margaret was thinking rapidly, then she came up with a solution. 'Wait this creature thinks it is in the middle of a war zone, so if it realizes it's not, then it may stop.'

"End the carnival and announce the winner!"

The operator nodded and activated the mike and spoke. "Satellizer L. Bridget had been knocked out, the winner is Ganessa Roland!"

The pure white creature stopped mid swing after hearing the announcement and was looking around seemingly confused.

"Wait this is some kind of mock battle?"

"Stats on the power surge." Sister Margaret ordered.

"Energy around the sword has vanished."

Sister Margaret breathed a sigh of relief. It worked.

"What now ma'am? Should I order an attack?"

Sister Margaret thought for a moment. "No, have someone invite this cretcher to my office. I would like to speak to it."

"Affirmative!" Both operators responded.

As Sister Margaret left the room she spoke up. "Also what happened here does not leave this room." Without another word she left.

Carnival Field

"Wait this is some kind of mock battle?" Whitey said aloud as he placed his sword back on his back.

Whitey looked up as he noted a helicopter flying towards the area. When it landed three man came out and two of them put Satellizer onto a stretcher. The third man was wearing a military uniform and approached Ganassa. The man told her something that obviously made har happy as started jumping for joy. The man then approached Whitey.

"Good evening sir I must ask you to come with me. My higher up would like to speak with you." The soldier spoke.

Whitey shrugged. "Fine, that's the least I can do for messing up this fight."

The man nodded at led him off the Carnival Field.

Whitey was taken to the academy's main building and found himself in front of an office.

"Please wait inside. Sister Margaret will be with you momentarily." The officer spoke.

Whitey merely nodded and went inside. The room looked like a fancy principal's office, he quietly took a set in front of the desk and decided to use this time to collect his thoughts.

"So from what I understand i'm in some other world. That is if Zangetsu was telling the truth." "Wait do I still have my powers!?" Remembering how he couldn't stand on the air earlier. Whity quickly funneled some his energy to the end of his index finger and was relieved when a small red sphere appeared at the end of it. 'But what about my sword?' he said had he placed his giant blade in his lap and proceeded to got into a state of meditation.

After a few moments he owpened his eyes and found he was no longer in the office. Instead he found he was in what he could only assume was his inner world.

"So this is my inner world, huh?"

The world looked a lot like Ichigo's inner world, with all the building being on there sides, but instead of a bright blue sky the world appeared to be in a state of constant twilite. The windows of all the skyscrapers glowed golden from the light reflecting off of them. Whitey smirked as he looked upon the world.

"My world…" Whitey chuckled a little. "Yeah, it has a nice ring to it." Whitey dashed around his world using the flash step bout found nothing but more buildings.

"I guess I don't have anything in here." Whitey sighed. "That means I can't use bankai I guess." Whitey said a bit disappointed but quickly shook it off. "Ahh, what do I care! I'm free!" After reveling in this fact for a few moments Whitey decided it was time to wake up. He was supposed to be waiting for someone after all.

When Whitey opened his eyes he found he was no longer alone. Sitting on the other side of the desk was a woman wearing a nun's outfit. She looked to be middle age, had black hair and was wearing a white religious habit that perfectly framed he slightly wrinkled face. She was currently looking at him with a studying eye.

There was a few moments of silence before Whitey gave the woman a smirk in some attempt to try and be friendly. "Did I keep you waiting long?"

After a moment of silence she spoke. "No I only just arrived and didn't want to interrupt whatever you were doing. My name is Sister Margaret Lindman."

"How polite," As he leaned back in his chair. "Names... Whitey. So why did you want me here?" He asked although he could already guess the answer.

"I would merely like to spe…"

"Bullshit." Whitey interrupted. "From what I can tell about this place it's some kind of military organization. And even if the reason behind the military is for some good purpose in the end all a military wants is power crush it's opponents. So why don't you cut to the chase. I know you saw my speed and maybe you can feel my power and you want it. And if you think I'm a threat you will try to destroy me."

Sister Margaret sat silent before sighing. "Suppose you're not wrong about that."

"So what do you really want?"

Sister Margaret pulled out a folder from her desk and placed on the desk. "Like you said the place is a military organization called West Genetics. It is also a school for training our soldiers which are called Pandora and Limiters." Margaret went on to explain what both Pandoras and Limiters were in detail.

"So these machines that are placed the backs of women allow them to have strength and speed beyond normal humans and when placed into men it give them the power to slow or even stop opponents entirely?" Whitey asked after the explanation.

Margaret nodded. "Interesting so who are you opponents?"

"This world is under threat of an alien race called the Nova." Sister Margaret began as she pulled out multiple photographs of various types of Nova out of the folder. Some looked like giant battle mechs but others appeared to be much smaller most only slightly larger that an average human but still resembled machines.*

"These creatures have terrorized humanity for decades with both major and minor clashes happening over the years."


"It is what we call it whenever Nova enters our world. When a large one appears we call it a major clash, and come less often. The small ones we minor clashes which happen more often."

"This is all very interesting." Whitey yawned. "But you still haven't answered my question, what do you want from me?"

"I see, you want me to get straight the point then." Sister Margaret sighed as she put away the the pictures. "To put it bluntly we would like you to join us in this fight."

Whitey smirked. "What? Just like that? You don't even know anything about me. How do you know I'm not just going to betray you?"

"We are in a time of peace right now but I have a feeling we won't have it for much longer. I have alway trusted my instincts on things like this and right now my instincts tell me to trust you."

'Instinct, hmm.' Whitey thought to himself. 'Something I understand.'

"So are you interested?"

Whitey looked at the woman with a blank stare. Then his face twisted into a sick grin.

"You are insane lady you already have an alien problem and you're placing your trust into the hands of something that isn't even human." White leaned forward in his seat and looked deep it to Margaret's eyes. She didn't react merely stared the hollow down. "But you have a look in eyes that I like, the eyes of warrior, an old and tired warrior but a warrior nonetheless."

"And you have the eyes of barely contained monster held back only by a your humanity." Margaret shot back.

Whitey leaned back in his chair and tossed his head back and laughed. "Humanity huh? I'll take your word for it. So…" Whitey looked back at Margaret. "Where do I sign up?"

So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter please review and tell me what you thought and expect some kind of activity from me in at least 30 days. Whether that's updating this or my other story or maybe a new story idea that has been in my head for a little while.

So how does this sound Crona (from Soul Eater) in the world of Sekirei. Pairings being Crona X Akisu (#7) and Yashima (#84)?

*The Minor Clash is some thing have add to the Freezing world. They are Nova that are basically the size of human and are rather weak only able to a top speed of half an acceleration. But they come in groups and show up more often.