Blast from the Past
Not mine, don't own them, not making any money from them. Please don't sue :)
I'm fudging some time lines here so it's slightly AU for both shows but I try to stick to Canon as much as possible. This takes place post Dark Angel. The Pulse happened in 1998. Most of the US recovered very quickly but there were pockets (like Seattle) where the local government or private business took over and hampered the recovery effort in those areas to their own end.
Chapter 1
Very Special Agent Antony DiNozzo entered the bull pen from the elevator at a quick step. He was running behind after a late night, though none of his co-workers would believe him if he told them why. Dropping his bag at his desk he greeted his teammates.
"Bishop. McGoo. Boss not in yet?" Tony asked, as he looked hopefully at the empty desk across the walkway.
"Morning Tony, nope, apparently he's been in with the director since early" replied their newest team member Ellie Bishop.
Tony groaned. Coming in late was one thing but knowing the Boss, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, had been in with Director Vance for any length of time was not a good sign. It also spelled likely doom for his weekend plans. It would surprise McGee and Bishop to know those weekend plans didn't even involve any of his supposed lady friends. Just as he was settling into his seat and started booting up his computer his computer Gibbs strolled in from the stairway leading to the Director's Office. Striding to his desk he grabbed his gun and badge from his drawer.
"Grab you gear, we have a body, Ducky's already on the road with Palmer and will meet us there. Local LEO's are holding a perimeter but refuse to move in. Vance tried to get more but the only information they would give is that 'It's a Navy Matter'"
They all jumped up and grabbed their bags, preparing for the hour drive (longer if there was traffic). As he strode past Tony, Gibbs gave him a slap to the back of the head. No words were needed to explain what it was for.
"Right Boss, won't be late again." Tony knew better than to apologize, he was well versed in Gibbs' Rules having worked for the man for nearly 10 years now. Grabbing his backpack off the ground he joined the rest of the team in the elevator.
They got lucky on the drive out, meaning they were only delayed by 20 minutes due to construction. The bad luck is that Gibbs ran out of coffee at the 45 minute mark of the trip. By the time they made it to the crime scene Gibbs mood had deteriorated. Arriving at the house Dr Donald Mallard was waiting for the team to clear the scene before examining the body. One too many surprises at crime scenes had Ducky and Palmer waiting for the Agents to clear the scene before entering.
Once arriving on scene McGee and Bishop were dispatched to search the perimeter and talk to the neighbours to see if anyone saw anything.
Gibbs and Tony approach the home and entered the front door, Gibbs going high and to the left and Tony dropping low and to the right. Seeing nothing in the entryway or down the main hallway, Gibbs signalled Tony to check the rooms to the right of the hall as he moved to the left. Tony cleared the first room, an office and moved on to what appeared to be a den through the joining doors. There he found the body of a woman laying on the carpet. There was no immediate sign of trauma. Scanning the room for any immediate threat he crouched next to the body to check for a pulse. There wasn't one. Gibbs joined him having cleared reminder of the main floor, the kitchen and dinning areas. By this time McGee, Ducky and Palmer had also joined them, leaving Bishop, as the "probie" to continue with interviewing the neighbours outside.
"What do we have Boss?" McGee asked while glancing around the room.
It was then that they heard the noise coming from upstairs, like someone bumping into something. The team immediately split. McGee headed up the stairs, Gibbs out the front door and Tony out the back, leaving Palmer and Ducky with the body.
Making his way out the backdoor onto the patio Tony glanced around. The yard backed onto a wooded lot and was right on the edge of town and if the intruder escaped they could very well lose them in those woods. From inside the house came McGee's startled cry, the sound of glass breaking and then a thud. In the back of the house Tony saw a figure slipping out a bedroom window onto the roof of the garage. Slipping around the side house he was just in time to see the back of the intruder disappear around the front of the house. Seconds later a near blur came streaking back around, nearly running right into Tony's gun.
"Freeze! NCIS! Hands in the air" Tony ordered, only to nearly drop his gun when the intruder stopped and he got his first good look at her, for it was a woman.
"Hello Max" was the only thing he could think to say.