A/N Uh…wow. I wasn't really expecting such a good response to this fic. It was originally intended to be an oneshot but since you guys like it, I'll continue and see how it goes. Shall we?

p.s. To all those that are reading my other fic Same Cut, Different Color, I assure you I am by no means abandoning the fic. I will finish it but I have decided to ultimately rewrite it, rejuvenate it and post it in the SW archive where I can start clean. It just doesn't seem right to me to continue to write something that is not up to standard and continue to post it just for posting's sake. I just can't really accept that as an author. I'm really sorry guys. ;(

Anakin's room is a mess, littered with droid parts that he'd been tinkering with not so long ago. As Obi-Wan walks along the mess that was once Anakin's carpet, he wonders how Ahsoka has managed to keep up with this constant littering. Such immaculacy. No.

The Council had decided to move Ahsoka into Obi-Wan's quarters for the time being while Anakin's old quarters are being cleared up for another Jedi's use. Perhaps a newly graduated Padawan, much like Anakin was. It's when he looks at the dusty old calendar proudly featuring pods from various pod races that hangs directly across from Anakin's worktable that he realizes Anakin's only reached twenty one. His twenty second life day would have been three months later. The war has made him…no, all of them have to grow up too fast. Even him. He realizes again…the amount of realisations one can come to while reminiscing and looking around their deceased Padawan's room is endless, so it seems.

"I suppose now I cannot blame you for all the gray hairs that currently reside on my head now can I, Padawan?"

The silence seems to scream at him. Another loss. Another one close to him gone. A child's fingers don't grow as fast in a mother's womb. But he supposes he can count. Qui-Gon. Siri…Anakin. But somehow he can't seem to find the Anakin-shaped hole in his heart. His heart seems whole, albeit battered and torn and abused by this harshness of this world. He hasn't yet shed a tear.

The model of a Starfighter hanging by a metal piece of string spins lazily above what used to be Anakin's bed and somehow, he can hear Anakin's crazy whooping and screaming that is typical of him before he dives headfirst into another reckless stunt.

He isn't really all that surprised when the Chancellor calls him to his office at midday after he has finished surveying Anakin's quarters. After all, the Chancellor was a great admirer and friend of Anakin. Or at least the Chancellor says. Of course. He is a politician after all. He's never quite liked them anyways. Ah well. Anakin seems to have attached himself to a few. Apparently his former Padawan is capable of leaving behind messes for him to clean up even when he's dead.

Dead. The word leaves a particularly sour taste in his mouth.

"Ah Master Kenobi. I was wondering when you would arrive." The Chancellor sits up in his seat, red eyes streaming as he ever so gently dabs at them with a napkin. "Come, come, you must be exhausted, please, sit." He inclines his head slightly and sits.

"Chancellor. Is there anything I can help you with?" He does not want to antagonize one of the most powerful men in the Republic however much he may dislike him. So he will be civil and polite.

"Ah yes Master Kenobi…please…help yourself to some tea." The Chancellor fumbles for a teacup and shakily pours out a pungent brew of what he assumes is Nubian Tea, seeing how the Chancellor is from Naboo.

"Thank you." He takes the cup and sips. Rather well brewed. He will give it that. "What was it that you called me for?" Politicians always have ulterior motives, never trust one on site.

"Oh yes, yes…Seeing as Anakin was always dear to me, like a son you would say perhaps…he did tell me that he once wanted to be buried on Naboo so I took the liberty of asking permission of the Jedi Council for permission to do so before the ceremony. I only wanted to inform you of the fact, Master Kenobi seeing as Anakin held you in such high regard." Palpatine says this almost with disdain, taking care to daub his eyes again as he says so.

"Thank you for informing me Chancellor." He inclines his head gently over the cup of tea. "Then may I ask, whose body it was that we burned at the ceremony?"

"The body, yes. It was merely a mannequin, just as yours once was. Not a real body. I assure you. Not to worry." The Chancellor seems a little hassled over this fact, fumbling around with long fingers, shakily pouring himself a cup of the pungent brew and taking cautious sips.

"You may also want to know Master Kenobi, that the ceremony is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. The body has been preserved perfectly, as in keeping with tradition of Naboo so Master Skywalker may look quite…alive. I assumed you might want to oversee the ceremony so I have taken the liberty of purchasing two tickets to Naboo for tonight. The travel barge will arrive at Naboo the next morning. Here." The Chancellor dipped his hand under his desk to reveal two tickets. "I thought that Anakin's padawan might also want to go. He did tell me he was rather fond of her."

He did warn Anakin not to form attachments. "Thank you Chancellor. I shall take Ahsoka with me to Naboo. She will be most pleased. Thank you for your Excellency's kindness."

"Oh. There is no need Master Kenobi. Truly. Please. Take your time to grieve. The Jedi are still humans, are they not?"

"What about you Chancellor?" He looks at the tickets then at the Chancellor that stands before him.

"I have a rather important meeting to attend. One that I cannot seem to call off. Take care now, Master Kenobi. Farewell." The Chancellor smiles kindly at him and takes his leave, flanked left and right by guards.

Farewell. He says this more to Anakin than to the Chancellor.