Hey Guys! Been forever since I posted anything and a Dear friend of mine (she knows who she is) has gotten me hardcore into Haikyuu and its many pairings. So in honor of her I have decided to do a few short fics and post them up here! This beautiful idea came to me while I was discussing what I should draw with the very friend who brought me into this beautiful anime's fandom. So without further blubbering…
It was late Saturday night and all of the Karasuno Men's Volleyball team were partying it up at Nishinoya's house. They had won a practice match against Nekoma and, as promised by their lovely captain, they were partying at his cost. Nishinoya had offered his home for the party due to the fact that the first years had requested it since they had yet to see it. He just couldn't say no when they called him senpai.
So there they all were sitting in Noya's living room drinking sodas and eating pizza. That was, until Hinata finished his drink. "LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE" he screamed holding up the bottle as high as his little arms would reach. The third years groaned, the second years cheered, the first years had mixed feelings especially from Kageyama and Tsukishima. The groaners were overruled and the game started. The only thought going through the third years heads was that this was going to be one long night.
After about an hour of hilarious dares and embarrassing truths the group was about to start heading home when Tsukishima made one last dare to Hinata as he walked out the door. Not wanting to be made a fool of he decided to try and complete the dare but that would require some trickery.
"Hinata you're still here?" Nishinoya asked as he walked back into the living room after bringing all the trash into the kitchen and doing the dishes. The rest of the team had already left for home. "I called my mom but she said that my dad was working late and Natsu is already in bed so she can't come to get me."
This was a lie, yes he had called his mother but, he had asked for permission to spend the night at his friends home so she would not have to come get him. Nishinoya looked at his poor kohai who looked so sad sitting on his couch, and then he got an idea. "Well then stay here tonight it's already pretty dark out I'd hate for you to get hurt walking home, practice wouldn't be as fun without your crazy spiking." Hook line and sinker Hinata thought to himself as he jumped up and plastered a fake shocked look onto his face, not that he wasn't secretly really excited to stay but he couldn't let his senpai know that so quickly. "What, Really, are you sure Noya-senpai" he asked knowing of Nishinoya's love of being called senpai. "Sure Hinata, it's no problem at all just text your mom and let her know you'll be home in the morning." Noya was excited to know the slightly taller ginger would be spending the night he had liked him ever since the first time they met but there was no way he'd admit that out loud Hinata would probably reject him if he ever found out.
The two boys spent a lot of time that night playing videogames. "Well Shoyo I am going to go take a bath once I'm done you can take one and I'll leave out some pajamas for you ok?" Noya said with one of his signature grins plastered on his face. "Thank you Noya-senpai" Hinata said with his own signature smile. Once the older male had left Hinata set his plan into motion.
When Noya returned from the shower his usually stuck up hair was limp against his head. "Shoyo shower's open" he said loudly as he walked into his living room wearing his pj pants with the skulls on them and a towel around his neck. He looked around the room but his kohai was nowhere to be seen he was about to walk into his room when he heard the crash in his kitchen. He ran towards it worried Hinata may have hurt himself and his fears were right. There on the kitchen floor sat a crying Hinata holding his hand to his chest. His shirt was slowly becoming stained a scarlet red from the blood leaking from his palm. In front of him was a broken glass a few shards with blood on them from when Hinata had tried to pick them up. "Hinata are you all right?" Noya asked slightly scared at the sight of his little Hinata's blood staining the ginger's shirt. Hinata looked up startled and started blubbering out apologies for breaking the glass and for getting hurt under Noya's watch. Noya grabbed a broom sweeping up the glass and getting it off the floor so he could care for Hinata without injuring himself as well. "Calm down ok, let's get this cleaned" Noya said calmly showing Hinata a smirk to help him calm down.
After cleaning the cut Noya realized it was not half as bad as it had looked, just a small little cut nothing serious. He was thankful for that. He dried the hand and started to bandage it for Hinata all the while using the upmost care so as to not cause Hinata any more pain than he already was feeling. The ginger had since stopped crying and instead was gazing at the libero with a look of longing but the libero noticed none of it because of his attention to his bandaging job. Once he was done he looked up and caught sight of Hinata's look for just a second before the younger boy quickly stood and said he would go take a bath quickly before they went to bed. The libero smiled happy that Hinata was alright and went to set out clothes for him to wear to bed.
Hinata sat in the bath gazing at his bandaged hand smiling happy his plan seemed to be going, well, exactly as planned. All that was left was the part that involved sleeping arrangements. He quickly washed himself before getting out and wrapping himself in a towel to head to Nishinoya's room to get dressed. When he got there on the bed was a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt, he put them on quickly and went to go sit with his senpai until bed.
The two vertically challenged boys sat in the living room for a half hour talking about the practice match with Nekoma. Then it was time to head to bed so they could get up for morning practice before Hinata had to go home. Noya pulled a cot out from his closet and set it up next to his bed, setting it up for Hinata to sleep on. It was for his cousin who often spent the summer with him he explained to Hinata who looked shocked that he had such a thing just lying about. The boys lied down and Noya started to fall asleep while Hinata pretended to sleep in order to set the last part of his plan in motion.
After Noya had fallen asleep the ginger waited about fifteen minutes before starting to pretend to groan in his sleep while making a scared face and thrashing slightly. Noya, who had yet to fully fall asleep, noticed the sudden discomfort the other boy seemed to be going through and called out to him. "Hinata are you alright" the ginger did not answer him. "Hinata?" he repeated but still no answer was received. He crawled out of bed and walked over to the boys cot shaking him a bit "Shoyo are you alright wake up" this tie the small boys eyes shot open as he launched himself upwards like he had been awakened from a dream. He looked at his senpai and began to tear up. The older boy didn't know what to do so he followed his instincts. He pulled the ginger close so his face was in the crook of his neck and he ran his fingers through his hair trying to soothe the sobbing boy. Going just like I planned Hinata thought to himself as he played along slowly calming his sobs at the touch of the libero holding him. He slowly pulled away looking at his senpai with big doe eyes. Noya couldn't help himself anymore. He pulled the ginger closer and kissed his gently on his lips. Hinata slowly wrapped his arms around the libero's neck and deepened the kiss shocking Noya even if just for a moment. The two boys were in a heated battle of tongues and teeth as the older moved them onto the bed and off the small cot. Noya realized it was a lost cause to try and sleep at the moment and decided to just spend his time making the freak spiker beneath him quiver with pleasure.
It was hours later that the two were snuggled up under the covers of Noya's bed. "So what does this make us" The libero questioned in a sleepy voice as he drew Hinata closer into his chest. "If you're ok with it I think this makes us a couple" Hinata stated nuzzling his face into the crook of his senpai's neck. Noya smiled liking the sound of that "yeah ok" he said kissing the gingers forehead "I love you Shou-kun" Hinata smiled into the libero's neck "I love you too Nishi-kun"
The two boys walked into practice the next day hand in hand. Tsukishima started a slow clap as Hinata walked onto the court. "I see you completed your dare shorty" he said while smirking. "Yeah I did thanks for daring me to confess" The ginger smiled.
Well there you have it guys thanks so much for reading I WILL BE POSTING MORE CHAPTERS AND THEY WILL ALL BE ONE SHOTS. Well I'm out guys if you have specific pairings you'd like me to do I can try to get them in too I plan on adding a Tsukishima chapter as well as a three-way relationship of Kuroo/Kenma/Hinata