He guys I'm sorry I've been MIA for so long. I was having issues with my laptop but I just stared summer vacation last week on Tuesday and I have finally fixed all the bugs in my laptop. So without further ado… ON WITH THE STORY!


Also this chapter is dedicated to chibi monsta. Thank you for this wonderful pairing for this chapter.

Here they were again. It was always like this. Whenever their teams got together, which was becoming a very common occurrence; he would get dragged off afterword for a date with his "Boyfriend". Tsukishima hated days like these. "Why can't I just go home I'm tired Kuroo" he would say every time but Kuroo never listened. "Babe, you know that isn't going to stop me, I barely see you as it is". This was how they always were. But Tsukishima hadn't fought as hard as he usually did this time and that concerned Kuroo.

"Babe, what's going on" Kuroo said as he stared at the blonde in the passenger seat of his car. "Nothing I'm just tired" the blonde replied but, not with the bitter tone he usually used with everyone else, not even the slightly irritated yet loving tone that he reserved for the Nekoma boy, it was a very unusual tone for the boy and it bothered Kuroo to no end. "Something is wrong; you can't hide it from me my cold little raven." He knew that Tsukishima hated being called a raven but desperate times called for desperate measures. "Nothing's wrong Kuroo, and please just call me my name." He got out of the car as Kuroo parked it in his driveway and made his way into Kuroo's house leaving a concerned Kuroo following slowly behind. When Kuroo entered his living room he saw Tsukishima already sitting on the couch with a bowl of popcorn starting a movie. Kuroo sat next to him and threw his arm over the back of the couch. "So what are we going to watch tonight Tsuki?" "Friday the 13th" he answered laying his head on Kuroo's shoulder. Kuroo moved his hand to his boyfriend's hair. He wanted to know what was wrong but he knew now was not the time to push him about it.

When Kuroo opened his eyes he heard the sound of music. When he looked at the TV he noticed that the credits were playing, it seemed he had fallen asleep halfway through the movie. When he turned to find his boyfriend he was happy to see the blonde still leaning on his shoulder having also fallen asleep. He went to run his fingers through his hair to wake him up when he noticed how hot his skin was. Tsukishima was burning up and his skin was slick with sweat. No wonder he had been acting so strange, the boy was sick. "Tsuki wake up" he spoke softly so as not to wake the boy too violently. However, when he did not wake up Kuroo grew concerned again. "Hey wake up Tsukishima" he said a little louder while slightly shaking the boy. When he still received no answer he started to shake him a bit more violently while speaking a bit louder. "Hey you're not funny Tsukishima you need to stop playing and wake up now ok". He was relieved when he heard the blonde mumble slightly that he didn't feel well. Kuroo smiled relieved that he had finally woken up the sleeping boy. "Give me your phone. I'm calling your mom to let her know you're staying here tonight. You're sick it's not good to move you around too much. I wish you had told me, I would've brought you straight home instead of dragging you here." Kuroo rambled while helping the blonde boy upstairs to his bedroom. "We barely get to see each other though. I didn't want to miss it even though I basically ended up missing it anyways. We always have so much fun together, like the time I beat you at air hockey." Tsukishima stated half-awake, smiling sleepily as he changed into a pair of Kuroo's pajama pants. Kuroo blushed. Although he knew that Tsukishima secretly loved their time together he had never thought he'd hear him admit to it. He remembered that day very well. It was his favorite too. He took his boyfriends phone and called his mom letting her know what was going on and explaining that he would bring him home in the morning so she could bring him to a doctor if he still wasn't feeling well. Then, he went down to turn off the movie and pick up the popcorn that had fallen on the floor when the two of them had fallen asleep. Once done he returned upstairs and put on his pajamas before crawling into his bed. He closed his eyes listening to the breathing of his sleeping boyfriend. Just before he fell asleep himself, he heard the sweet sound of his boyfriend saying his name. "Yes?" he asked wanting to do anything he could to make his boyfriend comfortable. He was surprised when Tsukishima snuggle up against his chest. "I love you" He whispered before falling back asleep, leaving a blushing, astounded Kuroo. He wrapped his arms around the sleeping little raven in his arms, "I love you too" he whispered before falling asleep.

So, that's it guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know I made Tsukishima a little OC but hey he's sick I can make him however I want. Sorry about any spelling errors. See you all next chapter!