Chapter 2 is here~
So I decided to put more dialogues and also please help me decide if I should continue the character POV or just regular POV and I'm trying my best to improve my english since it's not my native tongue but I do appreciate the tips.
(b/n) stands for brand's name since I don't know the characters in their anime show
Chapter 2: Hangout activity
Crystal's POV
It's fun knowing Lyra and I was surprised Gold is her brother. I mean how can such a rowdy, irresponsible pervert like him related to a responsible, sensitive, trusting girl like Lyra? They're completely different. I was on my way to New Bark Town flying with Xatee. Once we arrived, she landed me safely at the ground.
"Thanks Xatee." I said to her and she happily chirped in respond.
I put her in her pokeball and was about to start my day with a bunch of important paperwork but then my eyes took a glance at the familiar black haired boy sitting at their bench with a serious face. He must be thinking. He's even murmuring something-maybe cursing. I walked towards him to see what's wrong. I sat beside him and observe him. To my surprise he didn't even notice me.
"Umm Gold?" I called trying to look at him straight in the eye and he suddenly flinched seeing me.
"I-it's you!" Gold stuttered surprisingly looking at me with wide eyes.
I gave him a sarcastic glare, "Who is it this time?" I asked,
"What are you talking about?" He said as he gave me a confused and innocent look which has no effect on me.
"Don't act so innocent." I said sarcastically. Like I even trust Gold that quick. "why are you even murmuring?"
"Does my every action put you to worry sweetie?" he asked jokingly giving me a seductively look that I quickly punched his face in response.
"Don't you dare give me those eyes if you know what's best for you." I scolded, giving him a tell-me-the-truth look. I saw him snicker ten bowed looking at the flowers her mom planted last week.
"Just thinking something." He said, putting his hand behind his head and look up. "You're with the Dex holders right? You're with Lyra and the others the other day right? Mind sharing it?" He then showed me a serious look. "And I mean every detail, as much as you can remember with such great memory of yours."
I looked at him, I wanted to question him why. I mean, does Lyra even told him? It makes me uncomfortable seeing Gold looking straight in my eyes waiting for the story. It looks like I don't have a choice.
All of the Dex Holders are outside of the professor's lab, their introductions and number exchanged have finished and they decided to hang out with Lyra. Crystal had an unexpected day-off by Elm but Green went back to Kanto, Dia, Pearl and Platina went to Ecrutreak City for the manzai and Gold was going to Goldenrod City day care.
"So to celebrate Gold's sister's first day with us I recommend to go shopping." Blue happily suggest and Red, Silver, Emerald and Sapphire exchanged looks, knowing they don't like when it comes to shopping because the boys except Ruby will just bring the bought items and Sapphire might be Ruby's mannequin. "And you guys are coming as well." Blue added pointing to the boys and Sapphire which stayed by force.
Blue used her Abra to teleport the party to Dewford City at Hoenn. Lyra looked around and saw the biggest department store she has ever seen. Ruby began to drag Sapphire inside tailed by Emerald and the others entered. Lyra saw many things like furniture, potions, different kind of pokeballs, held items, food and everything.
"Let's go to the clothing section." Ruby suggested as he dragged the yelling Sapphire. Blue dragged Lyra along. "C'mon Lyra, I'm gonna buy some new clothes for you." She said as he dragged Silver as well who's going with Red and Yellow to check some potions and battle items. "Silvy, you're coming with your big sister okay? –Crys, I'll help you choose clothes as well." Crystal just nodded walking with Emerald who amazingly watches the struggle of his two teammates.
"I can't believe Ruby and Blue-senpai drag them like luggage." Crystal wondered aloud. Emerald then smirked and looked at his senior. "Aren't you the first who dragged Gold like that every time he's naughty?" Emerald said jokingly. Crystal just ignored.
"Can you not drag me please?" Lyra asked that made Blue let go of her without hesitation. "Thank you but why didn't let go of him?" Lyra asked pointing at Silver while Ruby started to pick clothes for Sapphire at the background.
Blue just smiled in a pesky way, "He might run and no one will bring the bags, Green's not here doing it." She replied. "Just follow me sweetie and help to pick some clothes okay?"
"Can I pick it by myself? I think I know my taste, but thank you." Lyra said nervously and went straight to some dresses. Blue just nodded."Alright, just holler if you need to decide." She cheered.
"Nee-san, can I go somewhere? This is embarrassing." Silver began, covering his face as he saw a child staring at him. Blue gave him a hesitant look and saw the situation, making her let go of her figuratively brother.
"But don't go anywhere." She scolded as he saw Silver flinched after looking at the stall that says Proteam Omega section is at next floor. Blue just sighed and let him. "I'll give you a call if we need something to carry and if Red's not here." Silver nodded and took off.
"Does this suit me well?" Emerald said now wearing a light green checkered polo shirt with a green cowboy hat to match. Ruby suddenly nodded excitedly.
"Yeah, great taste Rald!" Ruby said giving Emerald a thumbsup. "Wear these Sapph, it looks cute on you."
"Why a sudden rodeo?" Sapphire asked and quickly looked at the dress Ruby picked for her. "No way I don't like wearing those stuff!"
"No reason!" Emerald replied. "Is that a lot?"
"C'mon Sapph, enjoy your femini—ehh?" Ruby was cut off as Blue took the dresses and dragged Sapphire to the dressing room. The battle in the dressing room was won by Blue. Sapphire was dragged out wearing all the dresses Ruby picked up for her one by one. Emerald, Lyra and Crystal clapped at every dress and Ruby shouted "Beautiful" at every turns Sapphire made showing how the dress fits her.
"Ladies and gents, introducing Sapphire Birch's last showdown!" Blue announced and took Sapphire out. Sapphire was wearing a light blue dress until the knee, a beach hat with a blue flower pinned and a beach ball as an accessory. "So what do you guys thinks? I picked the best for last."
Ruby had his jaws dropped. He just couldn't have the words to react. Sapphire was looking at him, waiting for a comment from Ruby, she's flushing pink from embarrassment. "So Ruby?"
Everyone looked at Ruby who was still frozen. "" Ruby stuttered then he quickly hugged Sapphire. "You're very cute!" Sapphire then tuned into a tomato by the compliment and the action from Ruby.
"So what do you bought?" Blue asked facing Crystal and Lyra.
"Well, this winter clothing since I need it for my trip at Snowport City." Crystal replied showing the white winter coat and boots.
"A tracksuit Blue-senpai…you see I'm planning to continue my morning aerobics and also accessories for Pokemon contest." Lyra replied then Ruby and Sapphire looked at her.
"YOU'RE GOING TO CONTESTS?" They shouted in a happy and angry look
"I'm gonna go shopping, Crys you babysit okay?" Blue said then she went to go shopping, leaving her juniors behind.
Lyra nodded and Ruby and Sapphire dashed towards her. Ruby's eyes sparkles and Sapphire's fired up from anger.
"If you're going to contests let me help you become the best." Ruby offered.
"No, pick gym battles or continue them if you're challenged one! Pokemons grows stronger that way." Sapphire begged.
"But she already got accessories."
"It doesn't mean she got those she's gonna compete!"
"WILL THE TWO OF YOU STOP FLIRTING!" Emerald yelled as he got out of the dressing room. "You're making a scene."
The two did stop but they looked at Lyra waiting for an answer if she's going to be a contest lover or gym lover. "Umm I want to try contests for a change, I mean I did try battling Pewter and Cerulean city gyms." Ruby cheered and Sapphire looked surprised.
"Then I'm gonna teach you the basics, just tell me when are you gonna start." Ruby said excitedly, starting to dance.
"Why did ya stop?" Sapphire asked, putting her hands at Lyra's shoulders and start shaking her in frustration.
"I didn't say I stop challenging gyms, I just want to try contests." Lyra replied as she stopped Sapphire from shaking her. "But you can give me pointers at gym battles if that makes you feel better."
"Then that's great! Just know the gym's type and its weakness and ya'll be fine. Of course strategy will know 'em out for sure!"
"Thanks I'll remember that!" Lyra said smiling.
Blue arrived carrying as many bags as her hands can carry. She breathed heavily once she put all down. Emerald helped Blue and took the lighter bags, Ruby carries the medium bags after getting Sapphire's new clothes and leaving the heavier ones to either Red or Silver.
Blue took her PokeNav and called Silver and unfortunately, she can't contact him. "I can't believe that Silver's not answering!" Everyone sweatdropped. "I should've let him free."
"Why not call Red-senpai?" Lyra asked.
"I can't bother him, not if he's with Yellow. I don't want to spoil their date" Blue replied dialing Silver again and again.
"I'm sure Silver didn't hear his PokeNav Blue-senpai due to the crowd he's in." Emerald said then he saw a color of Red and Yellow. "Hey it's Red-senpai and Yellow-senpai." They saw Red and Yellow having a nice chat, hand in hand. Such a great view to see now they are known as a couple a few months ago. Their lovey-dovey atmosphere changed until Blue yelled.
"RED, GET THESE BAGS AND LET'S ALL GO TO THE CAFE!" Red do what the woman said still holding his girlfriend's hand.
They're now at the Dewford cafe, they bought enough burgers, fries, pasta and smoothies. Everyone starts to eat except for Blue who calls Silver every second.
"Say, Lyra?" Sapphire asked. Lyra faced the wild girl."How young are ya to Gold-senpai?"
"Two years younger." Lyra answered drinking her smoothie. "I'm 14 years old."
Sapphire widened her eyes. "That means I'm your senior!" She said happily shaking Ruby in excitement. "Ruby she's our junior!"
"How unfortunate of you Lyra having Gold as your brother." Blue began impatiently, trying to socialize with her juniors. "Ah,Hello Silver," Blue finally got hold of the signal. "We're at the Dewford cafe now, get yourself here right now and have lunch with us. I see. It's fine. See you." Then Blue started to eat.
"Why?" Lyra asked as Blue is eating her salad but she can't due to her full mouth of pasta.
"Your brother is more of a pervert and a delinquent in some girl's eyes." Red said eating his burger. Lyra listened at what the others say as well like how Gold flirts with every girl, how he always made the professors angry, how he sometimes cheats at the game corner and always gone into fights and tricked some of the juniors especially Ruby.
"I'll take that as a compliment about my brother." Lyra said smiling that made Red and Emerald laugh, Yellow giggled nervously and the other three just shouted "WHHHAAAATTT?"A few minutes later, Silver and his pokemon Weavile arrived carrying two bags full of Proteam Omega merchandise. Everyone turned their eyes to the red-head.
"And I thought Dia's the only hardcore fan of that anime." Red said as Silver joined them.
"Tell me about it." Blue said, not impressed.
"Why so many merchandise it's not like you to collect something like that." Crystal whispered.
Lyra just looked at the bag Silver got and stared at the items which Silver noticed. "If you like to see what I bought go ahead but don't remove its container since most of it it's not mine." Silver said.
"Who ish?" Sapphire asked with her mouth full of mash potato.
"Diamond and Platina asked me to buy them." Silver replied.
"How?" Lyra asked, looking at the action figure more closely.
"Well…" silver began.
I was browsing at the shelf of the collectibles of Proteam Omega buying some little items just for the keepsake until I heard my pokeNav ringing. I suppose Nee-san calling me to help but it turns out to be Diamond.
"Silver-senpai, are you by any chance in a department store by another region?" Diamond asked sadly.
"Yeah why?"
"Buy me Proteam Omega merchandise! I'll pay you back!"
"What? Just go to Goldenrod."
"I did but it's sold out quickly because of our manzai, pretty please senpai." He begged as if he was going to cry .I refuse but he kept forcing me feeling me guilty saying I failed as a fan to it but I have declined since I don't want to-
"Silver-senpai?" A female voice suddenly was heard. It was Platina. "I'm gonna pay for all of those merchadise so you don't have to spend." After hearing that, I was relieved and accept the favor
"Fine, what will I buy?" I asked taking a chain strap and a small action figure of the hero in the show.
They asked me to buy every item there starting from stickers to costumes. I was amazed and surprised how Diamond know every merchandise available and I was also surprised Platina asked me to buy some posters. No wonder the Berlitz heiress would like this kind of stuff as well.
"Senpai, is there a (b/n)and (b/n)?"Diamond asked.
"Buy me any poster with (b/n) okay?" Platina asked.
"Don't trouble Silver-senpai too much." Pearl said and I heard a loud slap in the device.
I was frustrated and I released Weavile to help me. He got a cart and help me put them in. The cart was almost half-full. The people kept staring at me and I heard them saying "Why is he buying that many stuff, he's trying to get all the items." I ignored them and continued to follow my juniors' commands.
I was now at the counter and I seperated my 3 items from the mountain of theirs. It took nearly an hour.
"Sir, that's a total of 15,000 pokedollars." the cashier said.
"Put all those items at Ms. Platina Berlitz's tab except for these three items."Silver ordered.
"So that's why Blue-san can't contact you." Yellow said. Silver just nodded.
"And how much did you spend?" Crystal asked.
"15,000 pokedollars," Silver replied. "i'm not the one who pays for everything, it was Platina.
"Did ya buy your items free along with theirs?" Sapphire asked.
"Of course not, she wanted to but I refuse I buy things with my own money." Silver said to the brunette. Lyra just stare at him confused.
"What is it?" Ruby asked curiously, looking at Silver.
Silver looked at Ruby and Sapphire who's curious at what he bought for himself. "Just a chain strap, poster and a small action figure." And he noticed Lyra staring at him. "What?"
"Say Silver, are there still available?" Lyra asked as she returned the figurine to the bag. Silver nodded. "Accompany me there I want to buy something in there too."
"Sure, just let me eat." Silver said getting the burger that Blue bought for him, Lyra nodded and smiled. "Thanks!"
"Next stop let's go to Slateport and head to the beach!" Blue suggested.
"But what about my merchandise?" Lyra asked loudly as if Gold was trying to force someone giving him an autograph from his favorite idol making everyone looked at her, making Lyra nervous. "What?"
"She sounded like Gold recently." Crystal said, she's used to Gold being like that if there's something against he wants.
"Nothing dear." Blue said, "You can follow us to Slateport just use your flying pokemon to get there, of course Silver will accompany you, no?" Lyra just nodded and looked at Silver who just shrugged but smiled at her in the end making Lyra a slight pink in the cheeks.
Blue use-
Crystal's POV
"They bought what?" Gold exclaimed making me stop the story. I saw Gold reacted like he saw something that made him angry. His hat fell down as he looked up and put scratched his head like he has lice.
"A proteam Omega merchandise," I replied. "Don't worry they're all for Dia and Platina. I don't know what Lyra bought though." I saw Gold's frustrated look which I got confused because he never gets frustrated.
"Wait, you made me stop when we went to the beach it's not like you." I asked, very confused. Gold just glared at me like I glare at him when he made me annoyed. This is definitely not the usual Gold.
"I mean, Lyra's still young to have some relationship like that. She still needs to study pokemon and I can't allow that to interrupt because of some sick relationship." Gold said determination in his eyes.
Chapter's 2 done~ I'm sorry if Gold's OOC but I'll try to preserve his bad boy attitude in a same time being a worried onii-san. And I kinda fail at how first Soulsilver moment came to be maybe it's because it's too awkward? I edited a little cuz it feels I tell the story too fast.
Gold: Super serious gal thought I had lice ewwww! _
Crystal: It's not my fault you're scratching like that!
Gold: Too bad I didn't get to hear those beach girls OTL
Pearl: I thought you don't like to hear.
Gold: I didn't mean that :P
Me: You did!
Pearl: Please Review if you like~