Kon'nichiwa min'na-san!

I would like to thank all of you who has reviewed the last chapter and for your continued support by following and favoring my story.

There has been a reviewer that said that this story is CANON? And that it's too much of a cliché? Seriously? How can a crossover for Naruto and Twilight be CANON? And FYI this story is definitely not CLICHÉ because I have yet to read any other crossover for Naruto and Twilight that doesn't have Naruto being an immortal fire fox demon or was thrown out off Narutoverse into Twilight world or some other characters.

You know who you are and the only thing that I can say is you are one very confusing person. I'm just saying! Yeah?

Some might be wondering, some might not about why I haven't placed the names of those who had reviewed as was tradition with the other chapters. Well, it was actually hard doing that when I am using my smartphone as an updater to my story.

**huffs** I'm gonna need to buy another set of desktop computer, maybe a laptop or a smart tablet?

Goodbye paycheck, hello gadget!

Attention readers:

This chapter won't contain Yaoi, I will be posting a warning if there are any. Even though this story has been rated Yaoi there is no need to be alarmed, it was just rated as such for future chapters.

Okay! So the delving-into-secrets arc is now officially over and now we enter a whole new other arc which is all about emotions as is indicated by the chapter title. This arc will be a single chapter only.

"Jealousy . . . an emotion if constantly nurtured will without a doubt fester into Hate."

Ruh Soo Jeong



The Shifter Vampire Hybrid, Naruto.


Chapter Seven

"The Jealousy."


Monday morning, Naruto came to campus twenty minutes earlier to see if he could get his makeup assignments and projects for his subjects and to hand in his letter of excuse for being absent for a whole week straight from school to the principal.

Climbing out of the car, Naruto headed straight to the Principal's Office. After handing in the document, Naruto then made a beeline to the faculty. Once there, Naruto was bombarded with wh and h questions; like 'where were you this week?' 'What were you doing when you were gone?' 'how are you feeling?'. Naruto answered their questions as best as he could.

As Naruto waited for his teachers to finish compiling their papers and project they want him to do, Naruto made the mistake of looking at the window that was facing the parking lot area. Naruto couldn't believe what he was seeing and just to make sure that this wasn't some kind of hallucination he pinched himself in the cheeks, hard.

There walking through the parking was Edward, that alone was normal, but Edward with his arm around Bella's shoulder was a shocker and he isn't the only one thinking of it seeing as how all the students around the vicinity had stopped to look at the phenomenon that was happening in front of them.

Naruto didn't know what was wrong with him but seeing Edward being intimate with Bella was causing his heart to contract painfully. He raised his hand to massage his chest hoping that it would the pain go away, to no avail.

Naruto turned his attention away from the window to face Mr. Banner, who had coughed to get his attention. Smiling sheepishly, Naruto took the folder from his teacher's hand, thanked them before excusing himself from the office.

Shrugging off the dull ache in his chest, Naruto went to his locker, extracted a book and a fountain pen before going to his first class of the day, where there are no Edward and Bella. Sitting in his designated seat, Naruto decided that he needed to know how this newly established relationship between Edward and Bella happened.

And Naruto knew just the person to ask, the biggest gossip in Forks High, possibly in the whole of Forks and is proud of that fact. And that person is Jessica Stanley.

Alice didn't know what was worse; the fact that Naruto was hell bent on avoiding her and her siblings all day or the fact that she just had a vision of Bella being a FREAKING vampire!

Oh hell no!

Alice would rather join the Volturri and feed on humans than have that THING in their fold, as part of the coven. Isabella Swan would never, ever be reborn as a vampire. As long as Alice exists she would everything in her power for that particular vision to never happen.

Bella couldn't believe her good fortune. With the blonde bimbo gone for a week, she had been successful in her mission, bagging herself one hot hunk by the name of Edward Cullen.

Unfortunately, even though she was Edward's girlfriend his siblings has an apparent dislike to her person. If only Edward would change her into a vampire, she would be the happiest. Bella couldn't help but salivate at the possibilities.

Forever young.

Forever beautiful.

Forever alive.

One way or another she would have what she wants.

Naruto couldn't believe it. Within the span of a week, Edward got snagged by a human and not just any human, it just had to be Bella Swan. The shallowest and most ambitious human he had the misfortune of meeting, that girl even puts a temperamental bitch to shame with her attitude.

Hopefully, Edward hadn't exposed his secret to Bella. That would cause the Volturri to intervene. No human can ever know of their existence and as such they must remain thus, ignorant.

Naruto pulled out of his thoughts when he saw a familiar mop of raven pixie hair coming his way, he backtracked to one of the emergency exit's which has stairs that led to all the floors and the exit outside the school premises.

Naruto jumped off the space between the railings of the staircase onto the first floor before joining the lunch crowd to the cafeteria. Naruto can't risk hanging out with Cullen's yet, he still smell the blood on his skin and until it fades away he needs to avoid them.

All the while missing the watchful eyes of one Edward Cullen, whose eyes are now widening in disbelief as he continued to read his sister's thoughts.

Edward can't decide whether to believe Alice's thoughts or not. I mean who can run that fast from the fifth floor to the first in just one second? It most certainly is not a human. As far as he knew, only vampires can do that and Naruto certainly isn't one. Or is he?

But seeing that golden blonde hair, pale tan smooth skin and sparkling blue eyes is enough to make his mood lighten and leave a pink undertone to his otherwise pale cold skin. Maybe. . .

Edward was jarred off his thoughts by Bella. He looked down to her doe brown eyes and almost flinched when he saw her obsessed possessiveness for him in their depths. Maybe his siblings were right about Bella? Was she really just pretending to be a shy, clumsy damsel in distress? That she has a rotten personality?

Edward groaned in frustration, what he would give to just have a chance to read that mind of hers and see a sliver of thought running around that mind of hers but Alas! He sighed, he can't. He'd have to talk this through his family and decide what actions best to take.

Casting a longing glance at Naruto, Edward thought that maybe, just maybe if Naruto was anything but human he can tell his feelings but until he can prove otherwise that would be put on hold. He still has Bella to deal with.

Naruto was confused. Why the hell would his heart ache whenever he see's Edward with Bella? It has been three days for fucks sake and ever since then the two love birds have been joined by the hip. It wasn't like Edward is the one who is initiating any of the touchy-feely display of affection. It was Bella!

And that smug smirk that she keeps throwing his way, it was as if she was rubbing it in his face that she had Edward first. Ooh! How he longs to claw and rip that smug look off of her face! Screech! (Mental brakes activated)

What the hell? Bella's a friend.


Well, not really. Wait who are you?

No one.

Great! Now I'm talking to someone imaginary! Couldn't this day be any wierder?

Yes. Yes, it can.

Naruto sighed. He knew he has some feelings for Edward but was only ignoring it because he think its only an infatuation, a crush or whatever the hell people calls it.

Hmm. . . even if his infatuation would grow into something more he still has a chance with Edward. He has an eternity for it. It wasn't like Edward would turn Bella. Not likely.

Just as he was about to climb into the car, he looked up and there they are by Bella's eating their faces off. Naruto snarled, his eyes flashed red in anger. How dare that bitch mark what was his?!

It's official, Namikaze (Uzumaki) Naruto was one pissed off, jealous hybrid.

Yokohama, Japan.

Uchiha Compound. . .

A figure stalked towards the lone man sitting in a high back distressed black leather chair whom is facing the hearth, drinking what seems to be champagne from a flute. Stopping just a step behind of the chair, the figure knelt down his head bowed.

"Itachi-sama. I have returned from my reconnaissance mission from Italy." Pausing for a bit, waiting for his Lord to make a comment and when it was apparent that he wouldn't he continued. "The Bloodsuckers are making no such erratic movements except two weeks ago when they have received a guest, a male to be exact."

"Describe to me this guest of the Volturri to me." The person now known as Itachi said, in a melodic baritone voice devoid of any emotions whatsoever.

"Hai. This guest of theirs has blonde hair, pale skin and blood red eyes as is typical of the bloodsuckers."

"Hn. Go back to your post and any further lead you get will report through payphones so there won't be any leads."

"Hai, wakarimashita Itachi-sama." the figure then left the room and its occupant.

Once the figure was gone, another emerged.

"So Aniki, what's your next move?" the person asked as he poured himself a drink at the bar.

"Hmm. There is no definite move as of yet, Sasuke-kun, as I have yet to find Naruto-kun."

Sasuke grunted, "You should just give up and let Naruto be. He could be at the end of the world for all we know."

"Hn. Don't you have important things to attend to Ototo?"

Sasuke grunted before turning to leave the room. There isn't much he can do with the matter, it's not like he can change his Aniki's mind. The man was in love with his bestfriend, Naruto and it was bordering into obsession and what an Uchiha wants an Uchiha gets but not if he could help it. Sasuke sighed as he scored his fingers through his hair, he needs to find Tsunade and have her track Naruto down and he needs to do it discretely as to not being found out by his older brother.

The ones who can track a vampire is another vampire , Sasuke thought ruefully, as he exited the compound, climbing into his car before driving into night.

Somehow I, myself was kinda stomped with the way I wrote this chapter. Isn't Jealousy supposed to be a slightly angst-ish emotion? but anyway, here is the somewhat introductory of other Naruto characters and the opening ceremony of Tsunade's appearance in this story. So yeah.

And I would like to thank Arun Errol for blowing a plot bunny my way! So stay tuned Readers!

Oh yeah, I may or may not update next week but hopefully I could? It all depends on my schedule really.

Yo min'na-san! Ahem. . .


I have decided while I was writing and rewriting this chapter that the 'what if' voting portion to be dropped seeing as the majority of the reviews or votes have voted one Naruto character to make an appearance.


And so it was decided that Tsunade would make an appearance for how long is an unknown and Itachi would have a one-sided relationship with Naruto and Jacob would also make an appearance but I won't make him a lover of Naruto.

So that's it!

Take care! Love you all!

**shudders** Creepy!

KazaHaru peace out.

This story is still un-beta'd

Ja mata ne min'na-san!