The drabbles that were originally created for IchiRuki Month (go to tumblr to enjoy the entries, you won't regret it!) will be titled using the prompt. I set a challenge for myself for each of these: complete it in one sitting, don't go with the "obvious" choice for the prompt, and be creative. These are all stand-alone drabbles that are too short to be counted as one-shot so that's why they will all be listed here. Also, I will only be including some of my drabbles here. Any rating warnings (such as language or sexual content) will be included.

King/Queen (531 words)

"And then what happened?!" The child bounced excitedly on his bed.

His mother softly chuckled and shhh-ed the child back down to a calmer state. "This is a bedtime story, silly. You're supposed to be falling asleep," she playfully chastised, pulling the covers back over the little boy.

The sound of the child's giggles attracted his father to peer into the bedroom, his orange hair almost a dark auburn in the dimmed lighting. "What am I missing in here?"

"Mama is telling me a story about a prince and a princess and bad guys too!" The excitement was undeniable in his voice.

"Oh yeah?" The man walked carefully into the room and joined his family on the small bed. "Well maybe I can help tell it. What story are we doing tonight?"

His wife unexpectedly blushed and softly admitted, "I'm telling him about a princess that was a magical warrior that lost her powers and how a prince saved her so that they could fight evil together…"

Her husband grinned at that and leaned in close to her ear to whisper, "I like that story too." He tenderly reached up to brush some of her black hair off her shoulders in an uncommon show of affection in front of their child.

"Do you know the story too, Daddy?" the boy asked, determined to hear the rest before being left for the night to sleep.

"Yeah, I do actually. That warrior princess became so powerful that she could defeat almost all the bad guys without the prince even helping."

"WOW! All by herself?!" The boy's excitement was barely contained even when his mother once again shhh-ed him and laid him back into his pillow with an amused smile.

"Yeah, all by herself. But want to know the most amazing part?" The father smirked in a teasing manner, his wife knowing it was meant for her probably more so than their son.


"She gave it all up." The woman held her breath. She, of course, knew how the story went all too well. But she found herself waiting to hear his next words. Depending on what he decided to say, she may have to take it out on him later.

"Noooo!" the little boy complained, not liking that the action was taken out of his story. "Why would she do that?"

"She and the prince got married. They are now a king and queen. And there aren't many bad guys or monsters anymore for them to defeat." Her husband answered, pleasing her immensely.

"UGH! This story is all about that love stuff, isn't it?" The child squirmed in disappointment, his face set in an adorable pout.

"Of course! Would you like to hear more about their love for each other?" Her husband teased their son with a smile. She felt his hand take her smaller one and she held on tightly. She wanted him to know that she loved him too.

"EW! No! Good night!" The child threw the covers up to his chin, turned on his side, and immediately began pretending to be asleep. His parents chuckled, each gave him a kiss on the cheek, and left their son's bedroom hand-in-hand.