Kyla-chan does not own Man. T^T
"Normal talking"
'Allen talks to neah in his mind'
"Neah talking"
'Allen thinking to himself'
P.s. This is my first fanfic please give me constructive criticism! THANK YOU! I edited it for you guys :)
Warning: violence, BOY X BOY DONT LIKE DONT READ! And there's kanda after all, it is rated m for a reason...
"NO I WILL NEVER GO WITH YOU ASSHOLES!"I hear a silky yet unfamiliar voice scream in anger and frustration. 'I guess they got another one...' I think to myself as I sigh. I sit back down in my cold rusty metal cage as the smell of mold fills my senses. I look at the bottom of the cage and see the tally marks I had created over the years sadness fills my very being as I use my torn fingernail to scratch another tally mark.
"So today will mark me being here alone for 4 years now huh..." I say to myself in a quiet yet sad voice. I tremble as tears flow down my cheeks stinging the scratches that was on my face. I can see my breath in the cold laboratory that my cage was placed in. As I was about to lay down to try to sleep away the pain I hear a crash and the voices again.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME YOU DONKEY SHIT!" The voice I heard earlier screams out but his time it's louder. I assume he is closer to the laboratory.
"You better behave or else~" I then hear an all to familiar voice. I begin to shake in fear. Is he back for me?
"OR ELSE WHAT?!" The new voice spat back with venom.
"I warned you boy~" I hear skin being peirced and the sound of liquid leaving the object. 'Syringe' I think to myself. My senses have extremely hightend due to the experiments that has happened to me. I continue to shake knowing that they are still outside just through the door. Then I hear Tyki tell in a non-caring voice to Skinn.
" Skinn, can up you put him with our favorite pet~"
" Yes Tyki." I hear a deep and masculine voice reply to Tyki. I then hear heavy footsteps approach the laboratory door but they stop so they can enter the room. When the large metal door opens I see Skinn with fairly fresh blood stains on his overly large lab coat. As I look up at him, I also see he has a boy about my age hung over his shoulder. Skinn comes closer and puts the boy in my cage and stomps off.
I slowly move closer to the new visitor to get a better look at him. I notice he has midnight blackish hair that stops at just below his shoulders. He has a white dirtied tank top and brown tattered shorts. As I look closer I see that he has dirt and blood covering his face. After my observations I move to the farthest corner from the new comer. I start to fall asleep when I hear a grunt and my eyes shoot up to the now moving figure.
" what the hell? Where am I?" The new boy asks unapparent to my presence. I shuffle away hoping to not draw too much attention to myself.
" WHOS THERE! SHOW YOURSELF!" The boy looks angry and ready to kill. I sigh at the fact that I had not succeeded in being invisible I hesitantly step forward revealing my presence.
"What the fuck is a MOYASHI doing here." The boy glared at me. I stay silent afraid what would happen if I where to speak I tremble at his strong and intimidating voice. But before the boy could say anything the door opened to reveal a girl with short spiky blue hair and a lab coat converted in to a Lolita dress.
" Allen-chan! Time for your regular 'playtime' session!" The girl said cheerfully.
" Yes, master Rhode." I say blankly. All emotion gone from both my voice and eyes.
"awwwww~ Allen-chan is so cuteeeee!" Rhode says as she shoots the new boy with a paralysis dart she then proceeds to unlock the cage and grabs my wrist and pulls me to the experiments room.
"Since I convinced Tyki to get you your own room with a real bed you have to play with me after the experiments." Rhode states sadistically. I nod silently. she pulls me through the hallway only to go through a pair of white double doors reavealing another hallway.
" Yes master Rhode" I say emotionless. I stay looking at the labs hallway floors as Rhode drags me to the experimenting room. All I hear is her shoes skipping against the cold concrete floor. The sound stops as we have arrived at doors of the experimenting rooms. Rhode opens the door to the room showing Tyki next to an operating table and surgical supply's.
" Today we are doing something a little bit different shounen~" Tyki says as he picks me up and lays me down then tightly ties me to the medical bed. That's weird usually they only do that if I was bad.
" Oh by the way we thought that the other boy with a sour attitude will be joining us in this little endeavour." Rhode tells me as she point to where the new boy lay Bearly conscious in the arms of skinn, in the door way. My eyes widen oh so slightly but just nod anyways.
" Ok Allen-chan today we will be doing cross gene contamination using animal genes. It will hurt a lot but since you've been a good toy we will give you pain killers when it's over." Rhode says half-heartedly. My eyes widen as they strap the boy down. The rough leather straps irritate the skin on my arms, wrists, and feet as I struggle to get free. But I give up as I realize it's pointless.
" Yes, master Rhode and master Tyki." I say with dead eyes as I stare at the ceiling that is covered with mine and previous 'lab rats' dried blood. The room reeks of metallic iron and a hint of vomit. I remember when I first came here all I did was try to escape until I met mana the only nice scientist here but is gone now because of me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by he sound of a scream. I feel pain all over my body I could feel the cells in my body bursting and destroying themselves, I then realize it's my blood-curdling screams. It feels like Im being scalped with a butter knife. It burns all over ,my heart beat is out of control. I feel pain in my spine as though someone has ripped it out and was stretching it apart then playing jump rope with it. I then hear voices.
' Allen relax it will be over soon just try to stay conscience, focus on the voices if you have to.' The pain subsides the slightest. Who was that?
"He is doing better than all the others ,same with the newbie." It's Tyki.
"I know , it's weird usually they reject the genes but it's like they want them... But that's stupid. Oh well." That's Rhode.
I try to stay concious by focusing on who is talking. I feel my energy drain further as my eyelids feel heavy.
"Well maybe it's because this time we fit the genes with certain personality traits..." Tyki.
"I guess.." Rhode. I feel another wave of intense pain but this time in my hands and jaws. I scream in unimaginable agony. It burns as though my muscles are being burnt apart by a lighter. The pains stops and my body is sore everywhere.
" 1 hour until full recovery. Shall we set up the room in that time?" Rhode asks bored.
" Sure it passes the time efficiently. Hey lulubell, can you notify us when they are complete?" Tyki shrugs.
" Only if Mimi can as well. " lulubell said flatly
" sure. " Tyki shrugs again as he walks behind Rhode to finish my new room. As they leave I fall unconscience as they leave the room. My pain is immediately gone. I float in the darkness of my subconscious until I hear the voice I heard when the pain started to become too much.
'who is there?'
'I'm not an enemy Allen~.'
'then who are you? What is your name?'
'im your uncle, my name is NEAH~'
Well that's chapter one tell me how you guys like or hate it and any improvements I can make! Thank you! Bye~ from Kyla-chan!
I hope you all enjoyed it! Please comment, favorite, reviews I neew it all pleaseeeeee! Thanks again!