A/N: What's up readers! This is me attempting a challenge from SparkinClark. I feel that the, Gohan goes to Konoha-Gohan becomes a shinobi-Gohan is an overpowered badass, thing has been done to its fullest. So, this challenge gives me a chance to try something a little different. Lets see how this goes!
"This is talking."
'This is thinking.'
"This is an attack."/ 'This is an attack.' (Whether a character calls their attack name or thinks their attack name will vary based on the situation.)
This is a flashback / dream sequence
*This is a voice in someone's head*
"Hey Ma! Where did you say the monkey wrench was again?" A teens voice called out from inside a yellow dome building.
A woman with blue hair tied in a loose ponytail, dressed in a dirty red jumpsuit, sat outside screwing in bolts to a tall yellow machine. The machine, oddly enough, looked similar to an airplane, with yellow turbines connected all around it. If one had to describe its shape, it would be egg-like, with a single seated glass dome built into the top. The glass dome would allow the pilot a 360-degree view of the outside. There were several opened sections to the machine's body, showing off a series of wires and cords to the machine's insides.
The woman stood up, wiping sweat from her brow before calling back in an annoyed voice, "Like I said before honey, it's in the toolbox under my work table. The one across the window!" She picked up a rag and used it to wipe the grime and dirt from her face.
Tossing the rag onto her toolbox nearby, she stretched her back, before she took a second to turn and gaze out over the ruins of what was once a sprawling city.
She sighed sadly, 'It'll all be over soon.'
It'd been fourteen long and horrible years since Son Goku died, only for things to get much worse when Dr. Gero's terrible creations surfaced. The Androids had made it their hobby to hunt down and kill every human being they encountered; man, woman… and child. They'd even slaughtered the Z-Warriors, the men who made up Earth's Special Forces.
Piccolo, son of the once feared Demon King, sensei to the son of Goku, and the other half of the Earth's guardian, was the first to fall to the cyborgs. His death killed the DragonBalls as well, rendering all chances at reversing the damage caused by the Androids, near non-existent.
Vegeta, prince of the saiyan race and rival to Goku, was the next to fall… even with his ascension into his race's legendary transformation. With Vegeta's death, the prince being undoubtedly the strongest of the Earth's Special Forces, the Androids cemented themselves as a force that could not be stopped by any means.
Then came Yamcha's death, then Tien's, then Chiaotzu's, then Krillin's.
For over a decade, the only survivor of the Earth's Special Forces had been Son Gohan, the son of Goku… but even he had fallen to the Androids.
With no one left to stand up to the two cyborgs, the world's population had been reduced to a mere third of what it was before, with all remaining humans having been forced into hiding, and reduced to living every day in fear.
The machine that Bulma was building, might have been their only hope at bringing their world peace.
She turned when she heard the back door open, and smiled when she saw the only pride and joy she had left in this world. A fourteen year old boy with blue eyes and lavender hair in a curtained haircut, the hair of which he let fall in front of his left eye. While the boy did take after his mother in his eye color and odd-colored hair, one could see he took on many of his father's masculine facial features as well.
The teen wore a white, long sleeved capsule corp. shirt, and grey sweatpants, with a sword fastened tight behind his back.
He brought with him a giant silver wrench.
"Here's the wrench you were looking for mom." The teen handed it to his mother.
"Thanks sweetie." She took the wrench and went back to working on the machine.
Trunks took a seat on a supply box and boredly watched his mother work. "You know mom, I still think this is a big waste of time. What makes you think it would be possible to time travel?"
Bulma chuckled lightly at her son's young ignorance, "You know son, people used to say stuff just like that to your Grandfather when he invented capsules. And what do you know, we became the richest people in the world because of it." she continued screwing in the bolts to one of the steel plates.
"Yeah," Trunks admitted, "but a capsule and a time machine don't exaclty go hand in hand. Besides, I don't think I'll need a bunch of dead people from the past to help with the androids. I'm a super saiyan now incase you forgot."
"Incase you forgot, so was Gohan, Trunks. And not only was he a super saiyan, but he had thirteen years of experience as one backing him up."
At the mention of his fallen master, the teen flinched, and his face became downcast.
It had been almost a year since Son Gohan was killed by Androids #17 and #18.
Bulma sympathised with her son, he was still mourning over his master and best friend's loss. "I know you miss him Trunks, I do too. But think of it this way sweetheart, you going back to the past gives you the chance to see him again."
That brightened up the saiyans mood. He nodded and smiled, "Kay mom. Thanks."
The boy watched as his mother went back to work on the Time Displacement Machine. Knowing she couldn't be the only busy one between the two of them, he decided to head over into the garden in their backyard… or what was left of it.
Capsule Corp used to have a massive courtyard behind the building that served as its impromptu backyard. Said courtyard once held a beautiful garden, a luscious fountain, and a patio large enough to hold any party or celebration. When West City was attacked, the courtyard sustained so much damage that now, it was merely a bed of cracked cement and scorched dirt… a shadow of its former beauty.
Bulma did her work on one side of the courtyard, the area she chose being cement based and closest to the home. The ruined garden Trunks stood in was a good distance away from his mother, which was perfect for his intent.
The boy pulled out his sword, giving it a twirl before holding it tight in a two-handed grip. The blade was leveled right down his center, the boy's eyes hardening as he imagined his opponent.
A young man with shoulder length black hair and ice-blue eyes served as Trunks enemy. The half-saiyan's blue eyes grew filled with hatred as the opponent only he could see smirked sinisterly at him.
With a battle-cry, Trunks lunged at his imaginary opponent, swinging his sword furiously at the young man that brought him so much pain. The demi-saiyan swung his sword for the young man's head, taking it clean off.
To someone watching, it would appear that the boy was aggressively going through various sword kata's. The saiyan boy swung his sword around in a wide-arc, before leaping high into the air to bring his sword down, bisecting an invisible opponent.
Trunks weaved a punch from Android #17, before flipping back to avoid a roundhouse kick from Android #18. He flew back in with a kick that knocked the female Android away, the instant the saiyan's foot touching the ground he spun a kick into #17.
Trunks shook his head, bringing himself back to reality. He looked around, eyeing the large chunks of broken and upheaved concrete littered around the courtyard.
He vanished; the slabs of concrete flinging high up into the air less than seconds after. Trunks reappeared in the center of the courtyard, the boy having thrown the large concrete pieces high up into the air as a means of target practice.
Yellow orbs of light filled the half-saiyans palms, before he rapidly fired the orbs of light at the large pieces of debris.
Bulma ignored the sounds of explosions and lights flickering above her, the woman both being invested in her work and having gotten used to this act. A peddle of concrete landed on her shoulder, the blue haired woman simply brushing it off and continuing her work.
Trunks eyed the last piece of debris as it fell, the boy rolling his shoulders before he pulled his sword again.
One second he was in one spot, and another second he was in another spot in the courtyard, sword held at his side in post-swing.
Oddly, the concrete boulder hung suspended in the air before the boy stood straight up, and re-holstered his blade.
The boulder burst apart in a shower of pebbles.
With a triumphant grin, the boy pumped his fist, "Yes! I'm getting way better at that!"
And he continued his training.
After a few hours of extra work, Bulma managed to put together the necessary components of the time machine. She let out a tired breath, and a triumphant smile crossed her lips. "Well, it took forever, but the T.M Mark 1 is finally done!" The woman checked her watch. "And it's only a quarter past three!" Meaning she only worked for about six hours that day.
Trunks walked up next to his mom, anticipated smile on his face. "So, the Time Machines finally done?"
Bulma dusted her hands, "Hmm, not exactly. This is just a prototype. I'm gonna have to run some tests on it for safety precautions and functionality." She pointed to a giant red mechanical box that all the wires flowed from the time machine flowed into. It was a fair distance away. "Go power up the generator, I need to give it a run."
The son of Vegeta walked over to the alternator, flipping a few switches and watching as it revved to life, sputtering a few times but staying on. It gave off the strong musk of gasoline. He watched as a few electronic beeps from the time machine began to resound, making his mother whoop and almost leap up and down in joy. He smiled for a moment before his eyes widened at the sight of electricity popping out of the machine. Bulma covered her eyes as the flashes got brighter. The air grew warmer as the machine grew much more volatile, parts of it exploding in white flashes, smoke, and heavy static.
Bulma let out a cry as a shock wave knocked her on her rear. She gasped in horror as she noticed the state of the machine.
It was gonna explode.
"MOM!" Trunks shouted as he sprinted as fast as his saiyan body would take him to protect his mother.
The teen leaped on top of her just as the machine exploded, shielding her from the blast. A searing pain covered Trunks body as he took the blast full force. An electric sting could be felt on every square inch of him, making him cry out in agonizing pain.
All there was in his vision was a blinding light. He knew that if he didn't go blind after this it would be a miracle. A voice in the back of his head gave him some clarity.
At least his mother was safe.
When the explosion ended, the time machine was completely obliterated, leaving nothing left of it in existence. Only, there was something else wrong.
The Briefs were gone as well. West City didn't have a single human being left within' it.
The streets of the Hidden Leaf were bustling with people. It was a beautiful star filled night and the village illuminated with lights as children ran through the streets with their friends, couples went on romantic strolls, and other people went to the various stores present in the shopping district. It wasn't a festival, or even a special occasion. Just a lively night where people enjoyed themselves.
Atop various buildings, cloaked figures stood overlooking their village, ready to kill or arrest anything that permitted them to. They stood as still as statues, and as silent as ghosts in the night.
These were the shinobi, the soldiers of this village.
At the center of the village, where people were the most active, winds began to pick up, quickly swirling until they could be described as violent, creating a sense of disarray among the villagers. Shinobi began to move in closer to get a view of the phenomena, those atop buildings appearing on the village streets in the blink of an eye.
Suddenly, a small orb flashed into existence with a flare of electricity. As the orb started to flash brighter and grow larger, high-voltage electricity began to violently shoot out of it, zapping nearby buildings. A few shinobi moved in to keep the villagers at bay. Though some unlucky individuals got struck and were severely injured. When the orb grew its pinnacle, it began to take a metallic appearance, reflecting its surroundings and the civilians off of it.
There was a moment of silence among the people as they watched the light show die down and the electricity stop flowing. The sphere began to get more translucent, urging the ninja to step up closer, cautiously. Some pulled kunai and others had their hands ready to summon a jutsu.
When the sphere completely dissipated, the last thing anyone expected to see was an injured teenage boy on top of an older woman, obviously his mother, in a crater left by the orb. The boys shirt and pants were singed with holes, and he had burn scars on his face and hands. The woman they noticed had taken considerably less physical damage, but was still unconscious. The shinobi could tell that the boy had been trying to protect his mother from whatever it was that sent him there.
"What the hell?" A ninja said in disbelief, also voicing what was going through everyone else's mind.
The boy's breathing was pained and ragged. He couldn't bring himself to move from his mother, still feeling that they were in danger. Trunks could feel several dozen eyes staring hard at him, but the muscles in his body were too locked up to move. He could only look down at his mother's injured and unconscious face, which pained him even more. He couldn't feel her energy.
Trunks weakly let out, "M-mom… please… no… s-someone… help." He himself was losing consciousness, his vision fading to black as the sound of various footsteps approached him.
The Hokage was in the Konoha hospital, standing, pipe in mouth, as doctors hastily pushed two beds past him to the ER. Hiruzen received word in detail fairly quickly when he heard of the incident. The old man couldn't seem to catch a break as he spent the entire day studying economic trends in his village, planning meetings with other allied villages, only to have several shinobi practically kick his door in to tell him about two people practically warping into existence… as ludicrous as it sounded.
A man with white hair and most of his face covered, save for his right eye, walked up next to Sarutobi, bringing him out of his thoughts.
"Kakashi, have you received word on the visitors?" Sarutobi asked, not looking at the man, but automatically knowing who it was.
The man had a lazy tone in his voice, "Although the boy appears to have taken most of the physical damage from whatever attacked them, the woman appears to be in the more life threatening condition."
The old man raised an eyebrow, "Interesting. Were there any clues left behind as to what could have brought them here?"
Kakashi slowly shook his head, "No. But we were able to recover a sword strapped to the boys back, and from the woman," Kakashi pulled out a small silver case and handed it to the Hokage, "a tray full of small white devices."
The hokage opened the case to see nine tiny white pods, each having a different number labeled on it, and a small piece of paper telling what each number was for. Hiruzen also noticed the strange blue 'C' engraved on the top of the case. Deciding it was all a bit too much for him to wrap his mind around at the moment, Hiruzen handed the small capsule case back to Kakashi, and made his way to the ER that the boy and the woman were at, followed by Kakashi.
Sarutobi stood outside the room, watching as the doctors wrapped gauze around the injured parts of the boy's body, also slipping a breathing tube down his throat before focusing more attention on the woman's injuries, hers being more serious.
For a second the boy's eyes fluttered open, seeing his mother being tended to by the doctors, whom seemed to be rushing and uncertain.
"M-m-moth-er…" Trunks mumbled out, his arm slowly reaching out to her. One of the doctors noticed and attempted to inject the teen with an anesthetic syringe to put him unconscious. Only, the needle broke off on his skin.
"How in Gods name?" The doctor asked himself, but saw the boy lose consciousness on his own accord. The doctor didn't have a chance to dwell on how the boys skin was needle-proof, as he was called to grab more gauze by the other doctors to tend to the woman.
One doctor noticed the Hokage outside the room, and approached him. He bowed before speaking, "Lord Hokage, we know for a fact that the boy will be okay. He'll be back up in a few days and ready for questioning then."
Kakashi spoke up for the Hokage, "What about the woman?"
"We're still unsure. She's in critical condition, and she'll likely be out for several days, maybe even a few weeks if she's unlucky." The doctor spoke.
The Hokage took a puff on his pipe, thinking things over.
The doctor spoke up again, "Please Lord Hokage, it's late. Get some sleep. We'll inform you of their condition tomorrow." The doctor hurried back into the medical room.
Hiruzen took another look at the injured boy and mother, before turning and moving to walk out of the hospital. Kakashi watched the Hokage leave, but stayed to watch the boy who seemed to be fighting to wake back up.
A/N: Alright, first chapter down!
Now, I do want to forewarn you guys, that this story will (mildly) follow Naruto-canon up until about the end of the Chunin exams. After that, this story will branch off into an identity of its own.
Hope you enjoy the adventure!