HELLO! IM NOT DEAD! WOOO! sorry for the wait, my life was complicated, me and my family went on a trip and on the trip i lost my iPad, thankfully we where just at relatives houses and they mailed it back to us, the bad thing? it got lost in the mail… so, yah. and i had let my friend have my iPad for a while so i didn't have that… so…. ummm…. sorry for the wait!
The jedi youngling leaped and flipped through the air, The youngling, Whom went by the name Henry, Landed gracefully on the floor, He was practicing his jumps and leaps, he was so happy, just a hour ago he had been picked by Master Yoda himself to be yoda's new padawan.
Henry did a back flip, landing in the splits, Henry was the most agile one in the class of younglings, Behind him was a togruta, She had diamond markings on her face and soft blue eyes.
The togruta was the worst in the class, Being clumsy and weird.
Henry mental roared with laughter as the togruta dropped her light saber.
He grinned and did a cart wheel and then going straight into a flip.
Then the unexpected happened.
As the Togruta was bending down to pick up the light saber, Henry tripped over a different younglings tail. (Causing a hiss from the tall, blue youngling)
Henry fell on top of the Togruta, they fell into a heap on the floor, the Toguta gasped.
Henry got up and brushed him self of, shooting a glare at the Youngling with the tail.
Then others started to scream and yell.
The commotion caused Henry to look down at the togruta youngling, She was laying on the floor, a light saber blade sticking out form her back.
Henry freaked.
He screeched and screamed with the rest of the younglings until a padawan came in to see what all yelling was about, when the padawan saw the toolruta she also freaked and called for the healers, but it was to late, the youngling had already died. Henry looked down, his blue hair fell into his face.
This was his fault, he was the reason the togruta was dead.
Henry felt tears build up in his eyes, he was a killer.
Thanks so much for reading! again, I'm sorry for the wait!
have a good day or night!