Hey guys thank you so much for the reviwes! Heres your long awaited chapter 4!sorry guys my internet was shut off but know I'm back! Yay!
the sacred flower lands on the left side of his chest slowly the flower enters the young princes body as if it had nothing in between it and kandas body, as it in ally enters his body completely kandas body rises from the ground in a soft pink glow, while kandas body hangs in the air his wounds begin to clean themselves and close up as he finishes healing Allen looks in awe as Kanda is softly lain on the ground and an odd tattoo etches itself over the spot where the flower entered his passes out ofter the tatto completes. Allen looks down to his new master and sadly smiles as he picks up the prince and takes him back to his room in the castle. Leaving the small oasis.
"Such a master as him. I Don't mind serving. Thank you kanda~" Allen whispers to the unconscience prince.
The morning sun gently settles in the sky just as prince Kanda awakes from a dreamless sleep. He sits up quickly and instantly feels excruciating pain all over his body.
"Argh! My everything fucking hurts!" Kanda groans as he closes his eyes from the light and clutches his chest (the left side). As he opens his eyes slowly he examines the room to find allen smiling at him.
"good morning master~" Allens voice rings like the most beautiful chime. Kanda observes the young male before widening his eyes in surprise.
"Che good mornin-...wait a minute did you Just talk? To me?" Kanda couldn't believe his ears. What would cause the boy to speak. He pondered this before his memories from the night before came flooding back. His mouth made an 'oh' shape.
"Do you wish for me to not talk young master?" Allen cocked his head to the side in question.
"No! It's just I was surprised is all!" Kanda quickly said as he raised his hands in defense while shaking his head no.
"ok. What would you like for breakfast master?" Allen asks with a polite smile.
"Don't call me that..." Kanda mumbles trying to hide a blush.
"I'm sorry master I didn't hear you. And do you have a fever?" Allen questions while he puts the back of his hand on prince kandas' forehead in a worried manner.
"what? No! And I said to just call me kanda!" Kanda quickly raised his hands in defense while shaking his head no While strangely blushing.
"yes mas-Kanda." Allen bows respectively at the young prince.
Kanda went to stand up when a surge of pain knocked him off of his feet. Allen saw this and quickly caught Kanda before he hit the floor causing the prince to land on said boy. Kanda winced as the pain didn't falter. Allen swiftly put the prince on the bed. The whittet sighs.
"you just got the power of the lotus, it is not done healing you from last nights rendezvous." Allen states coldly in an almost scolding manner. Kanda looked at Allen through pained eyes in a confused fashion.
"So that wasn't some crazy far fetched dream?" The stoic prince asks in disbelief. Allen just shakes his head no with a sad smile on his face. Kandas mouth takes the form of an o.
Allen then steps forward with a tray of grapes and nuts. Kanda looked at the boy then at the tray before reaching for a grape, his hand was violently smacked away. He looked at Allen shocked. Allens eyebrows scrunch in childish anger, before he looked at kanda. Kanda held his hand in protective manner before he glared half-heartedly at Allen.
"where are your manners, kanda?" Allen scolds at the prince quietly with a slight pout on his mouth. Kanda rolls his eyes before standing up straight his hair spilling around his face and shoulders. He looked at Allen again beforeing reluctantly doing as told.
"May...I...*cough*...please...*cough*...have a grape?" Kanda try's to hide his embarrassed blush as he chokes out the word please. Allen smiles brightly at the prince, kanda almost had to cover his eyes with how blinding the smile he was given was.
Allen thrust the food tray out towards the prince once again. Kanda looks at the white haired boy cautiously before hesataintly reaching for a grape, suspicious if his hand would be smacked away again. He picked up the grape and eat it the sweet juices spilling in his mouth with a pleasant tingle.
kandas mind
What is wrong with me? Why didn't I cut his hand off for touching me? What makes him different? Why do I treat him differently? Right he's Allen, why wouldn't he be different? He saved my life more than once, protected me even though without knowing I almost accidentally sold him to a bunch of loonies.
Kanda was shaken from his thoughts as the sound of a smack resounded the room. He looked up to see a girl with long green hair dressed in elegant clothing standing next to Allen. Her hand still in the air while his head was slightly turned from the unexpected hit.
"You have no right to touch Kanda-sama! You filthy urchin scum! You don't even deserve to be in his presence! Lowly trash like you should be killed!" She screamed at Allen as she leaped onto Kanda latching herself onto the unsuspecting princes arm.
Allen looked at her with deadly blank eyes, they looked just like when he...killed prince Tyki; a shiver ran down kandas spine at the lurid memory. The atmosphere became heavy and the air turned cold. Kanda looked at the boy in shock as Allen just nearly began to open his mouth to attack the girl.
"Allen. Don't." Kandas voice stood firm and unwavering, it almost sounded like A warning. Allens eyes locked into kandas deep blue eyes before he turned and exited the room in almost a rush. Just as Allen turned kanda saw the tears beginning to prick allens silver-gray eyes. Kanda moved to go after him when a wait on his arm reminded him of a certain pest.
"Lenalee." Kanda says dangerously.
"yes~Yuu~?" She asks in an innocent voice.
"don't call me that! You have no right! And if you touch, or hurt Allen again I WILL hurt you in more ways than one. I will kill you." He stared the upset girl in the eyes with fury unknown to even ran out of his room angry leaving kanda standing in the room thinking.
lenalee pov
I'm going to kill that ugly slut! It's that stupid! worthless! Slaves fault my yuu is upset! I will make his life hell! He will wish he had never met kanda! Better yet he will wish he was never born! That filthy piece of trash!
Normal pov
Allen ran through the castle, while cursing himself. He let go of his control over his emotions; that is never good especially since they could easily sell him again and the pharaoh earl will have his chance to capture him, so he kept on running, and running. God he felt stupid.
Kanda ran out of the room as soon as Lenalee stormed out of his room. He had to find Allen before he hurt himself. Kandas sandals clicked against the cold stone floors as he ran left and right looking everywhere. He ran down hallways and searched any room he thought Allen might be in, He searched for hours before stopping in an empty hallway that had been abandoned for years.
Kanda looked out a nearby window to see the setting sun gleaming on the horizon its fiery colors dancing gracefully on the Egyptian dessert. He stared at the land until he heard a mournful melody. His head perked up as he heard a distressed voice singing. It took only a moment to realize it was allens voice.
he ran down the hallway trying to find the sorrowful song. He ran until he came across an old door. Kanda slowly opened it to find Allen humming a song wity h tears streaming down his softly defined face. The setting Sun beams created what looked like a halo around the boys head. The feeling of seeing him was euphoric.
Kanda slowly inched forward, towards the unaware male. He noticed in his pale hands he was holding a worn down music box. It's wood aged and the entr'acte cravings just barley visible. There was a name on the side of the ancient box but he couldn't identify the language it was written in.
"you came to see Allen did you not?" Kanda looked around thinking someone else was in the room only to find out the voice came from Allen.
"duh. Beansprout." Kanda replies confused why Allen was talking in third person. The boy turned around facing kanda with his silver hair covering his eyes.
"Hehe funny. I think I like you. But right now I hate you." The voice that was Allens yet not quite spoke again his voice childish then turned serious.
allen looked up his eyes stared at kandas, The prince soon noticed there was gold swirling and mixing with silver. Kanda was about to ask when he was cut off.
"Neah." 'Allen' said. Kanda looked at Allen confused.
"my name. It's Neah, I am the soul of the oldest king of these lands that was forced to merge with this poor boy. You could call it a split personality so to speak." Neah explained with a hint of sadness.
"Where is Allen then?" Kanda spoke concern laced his voice.
"He's watching but not in control. He asked to have a break for awhile. When I asked him why he said he is starting to loose himself in his emo- whoops sorry guess I can't tell you he won't be very happy if I let that slip." Neah said with a matureness that is gained from years of being alive. Kanda stared into the now gold eyes.
"let me talk to Allen...please." Kanda said between clenched teeth.
"I don't think he wants to. OW DONT YELL! Sorry gomen...gomen...but..I was just playing with him! Aww but ally-chan you never let me have any fun!" Neah pouted childish before he closed his eyes and hummed a quiet tune. When he opened his eyes again the were pure silver.
"yes master?" Allen asked emotion gone from his voice.
"I told you to call me kanda. I came to see if you were ok." The handsome prince says as-matter-of-fact tone clearly in his voice.
"Old habits die hard?" Allen shrugs his shoulders at his own excuse.
"That doesn't matter right now what does matter is are you ok?" Kandas then began looking the siren boy over for any injures, but all he found was tear marks on his cheeks.
"I'm fine."