Naruto of the mist

Hinata was walking in the forest looking for herbs in order to have Kakashi healed.

While she was doing that she was thinking about that song because she only new one person who played that song before when she was really little.

When she thought about it it made her blush a bit because it was the boy who proposed to her when they were kids that played it.

Hinata was thinking about him that she didn't realize that someone was approaching from behind her.
Haku was also in the forest gathering Herbs as well

he was wondering why Zabuza was so scared when they herd that song.

She soon saw Hinata and realized that she was a hidden leaf Nin that battled against Zabuza.

Haku was tempted to kill but something about it just didn't seem right about it.

Soon Hinata noticed her and Haku smiled and spoke

"sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm looking for herbs in order to help out a friend of mine," said Haku.

"Oh me to" said Hinata.

"Is this person close to you?" Asked Haku

"Well he is one of my Sensei" Hinata replied.

"Do you have someone you love in your life?" asked Haku.

"Well" Hinata said blushing before looking toward the sky and continued

"There was a boy that I new when I was a little girl" Haku decided to speak

"why don't you tell me the the whole story,"

"ok" said Hinata.

"It all started when I was a Kid I was being picked on by other kids because they didn't like that I was the daughter of the head of the Hyuga household.


"Look at this girl she's nothing but a coward," said one of the older boys.

Hinata was crouching on the ground crying because her little sister defeated her and her father was very much disappointed in her for losing to someone younger than her.

Soon the older kids started kicking her but Hinata didn't care she probably deserved that for failing.

It kept going until someone shouted,

"that's enough" they all looked over to see a red spiked hair kid looking angrily at the bullies.

"Kicking little girls isn't right to do" said the red hair.

"Oh yeah what are you going to do about it," said the older boy and his three friends came up to him.

Without warning Naruto punched the leader in the face and started punching and kicking the crap out of the other kids they tried to attack him back but he was to fast.

In one fall swoop they were all on the ground

Soon the bullies ran off and Naruto held out his hand and Hinata blushed a bit and took it.

"So whats your name," Naruto asked in a curious voice

Hinata blushed even more and whispered, "My... name is Hinata"

"That's a nice name" he said sweetly to her.

"You can call me Naruto," he said with a grin "Believe it"

"So why were those kids picking on you and how come you were crying before they came and attacked you?" he asked in a curious tone.

"Well as you know Im a Hyuga and because our clan is very powerful a lot of people think were stuck up but thats not all true.

And the reason I was crying was because I lost to my little sister when I didn't want to hurt her but my father said he was ashamed of me,

he said Hanabi would be a better clan leader." she said finished starting to sob.

Naruto looked at her with out any emotion and decided to speak,

"well in my opinion if your not clan leader you'll have more free time to do what you want to do." Naruto said in a carefree tone.

"Besides you chose compassion over strength which will make you ten times stronger then your little sister,"

"Don't worry about what others think just be happy with what you will and will not do."

"Come on my mom and I are having a picnic by that water fall over their why don't you join us." he said with a smile.

"I was able to find you because I was taking a small walk." he smiled and held out his hand.

Hinata blushed and took it they walked to the waterfall once they were out of the forest Hinata saw a women with red hair sitting on a cloth looking

at the sky.

She turned around and smiled and said "Oh hello their are you Naruto's new friend,"

Naruto smiled next to Hinata and said "Mom this is my new friend Hinata,"

"Oh your Hiashi's daughter well you can call me Kushina," Kushina said sweetly.

"It's nice to meet you Kushina" said Hinata

"Hinata would you like to here me play my flute," naruto said in a happy tone.

"Sure" she said with a smile and Kushina smiled as well as she loved listening to her sons songs.

Naruto Played his flute (Power rangers wild force Zenaku flute if you want to listen to it also it will be called Z for now on)

Hinata closed her eyes and listened to it being played and felt she was at peace.

When Naruto finished Hinata clapped her hands

"That was amazing Naruto-kun," Hinata said happy like.

"You've really nailed it there," said Kushina

"Thanks but I had a great teacher," said Naruto smiling at his mom.

Kushina looked at the sky and said "we might have time for one more song, would you like to listen to it Hinata?"

"Yes Please," said Hinata as she continued to eat the cinnamon bun that was given to her.

"Naruto why don't we sing that special song," said Kushina

"Ok" said Naruto excitedly and started playing his flute.

Kushina stood up and started to sing (Song of the Animaria)

Each day when the sun rises, I hurry from my sleep,

I can't wait to greet you with my song.

You are every kind of flower, every animal I meet,

You are nature full of grace and majesty.

From your skies the snow gently falls to the earth,

From your tress the birds nest and play.

From your oceans the fish school and travel the world,

Oh, nature, please don't ever go away.

Each day when the sun rises, I hurry from my sleep,

I can't wait to greet you with my song.

You are every kind of flower, every animal I meet,

Nature you are grace and majesty.

Hinata blushed with amazement and clapped even more she felt the song was being played all over the leaf village.

It turned out to be true the villagers stopped and looked up as they heard the song.

Even old man Sarutobi was smoking his pipe and was listening to the song.

Other kids including the Konaha 12 were listening to it.

Kushina continued to sing as people stopped to listen.

Each day when the sun rises, I hurry from my sleep,

I can't wait to greet you with my song.

You are every kind of flower, every animal I meet,

You are nature full of grace and majesty.

From your skies the snow gently falls to the earth,

From your tress the birds nest and play.

From your oceans the fish school and travel the world,

Oh, nature, please don't ever go away.

Each day when the sun rises, I hurry from my sleep,

I can't wait to greet you with my song.

You are every kind of flower, every animal I meet,

Nature you are grace and majesty.

When Kushina stopped Hinata clapped even more

"that was amazing," she said in happiness

"I'm glad you like it I use to do it with Naruto's father when I was younger.

Kushina instantly covered her mouth and looked over to were Naruto was standing his hair was covering his eyes

He soon started to walking away

Kushina looked down sadly until Hinata decided to ask.

"How come Naruto doesn't want to here about his father?"

Kushina sighed sadly and said, "I never did tell him who his father is because If he found out who that person was and what he did I don't know how Naruto will react,"

"what did his father do to him?" asked Hinata

"Lets just say Naruto's father gave him a curse but you must promise not to tell him about that. Once he figured that out I don't know how he'll react."

"I'll see if I can talk to him" said Hinata happily.

"Thankyou," said Kushina

Hinata was walking through the forest looking for him until she heard his flute playing the z song.

She continued walking until she found a valley of flowers with a pond in the the middle and mountains off in the distance.

Just at the edge of the pond Naruto was playing his flute and as soon as Hinata was 5 feet behind him he stopped playing.

"I'm sorry its just I don't know why my mom wouldn't tell me about him but all I know was he's suppose to be a hero,"

Soon the Sun starts to set and Naruto watches it

"Here's one of my sayings" said Naruto

"Never give up and you will achieve awesome greatness," said Naruto

He soon turned toward Hinata and spoke.

"If we both become strong Shinobi then I will become your husband and you will become my wife," he said in a happy tone he turned and walked away.

Hinata had a giant blush on her face. However She was smiling with sweet happiness.

(End of Flashback)

"After that I spent the next three weeks with Naruto and His mother and they were the most happiest moments in my life," said Hinata coming back to reality

"However When I came to see them on the fourth week they were gone as if they didn't exist I even went to ask the hokage but he told me he didn't know anyone by that name,"

"It was like they straight up vanished and I almost forgot about him to," Hinata said in a sad tone

"but he was the one who told me to never give up so I won't," she said with Confidence.

"I will find no matter what because

I never go back on my word that is my ninja way,"

Haku who was just sitting there listening to her story decided to break her silence.

"Well That is quite the story on how you met that boy and I hope you do find this boy," said Haku

"I must return now My friend needs these herbs and he won't get better if he doesn't have them," Haku said.

Soon she got up and picked up her basket and started walking away

Hinata smiled a bit and realized it was getting dark so she headed back However a strong gust of wind blew a few pieces of her hair off her and was flying away.

However while it was flying over the town it was about to get pushed back into the but a hand shot up and caught it. (Guess who)

Naruto eyed the blue hair with interest and saw it looked familiar.

He sniffed it and then smirked a bit.

"Interesting very Interesting," he put the loose hair into his pocket and walked down town with the mist covering him from sight.

the Battle had only just begun.

Well thats the newest ch what do you think and also its a two parter with Naruto being a swordsmen and his love for Hinata.
Tell me your thoughts,

Sorry for taking so long I just haven't been inspired that much because Naruto shippuden the english form isn't releasing new episodes and the sub version is getting a bit old.

Although I do hope that the next Infinite Tysukuyomi character would be Hinata cause that would be awesome for her dreams to be a reality.

I'm now going to work on my chapter for Yugioh Arc V Because I got super Inspired by the new Ch that was released.

Stay tuned.

Next time on Naruto Ultimate swordsmen of the mist Love and Hate Reunite.