Reader's POV

I was waiting for them when I noticed a animal transportation truck drive by where I was hiding at.

I was hiding up in a tree waiting for them to pass. I checked the plates to confirm and it was the truck we were looking for.

The truck that the poachers were using to transport the animals that they poached.

Matthew and I had been tracking them for a while now.

We're putting a stop to this now.

I radio to Matthew.

"Scout to Maple. You there? Over."

"Maple to Scout. Here. Over."

"Truck just passed by, get your sexy ass ready Maple. Over. "

I quickly make my way out of the tree, grab my rifle and sling it over my right shoulder. I take off to where Matthew will be waiting for me.

I run as quietly ad I can in the snow covered forest.

~Tiny time skip~

I see Matthew already in position and do the same.

Matthew's sexy purple eyes flick over to me for a few seconds before going back to the scope on his rifle.

"Ready babe?"

A shiver runs up my back from the sound of his voice.

I just love it so much and he knows what it can do to me. (wink wink)

"Yea Maple."

We take aim and take out the tires on the truck and wait for them to get out. When they finally do, we already have our next round in and pick them off easily.

With them out, we head down to the truck and check on the animals that they had already caught.

2 bull moose. A mother and it's calf.

Both unharmed.

We set them free and watch them run off together.

I feel strong arms wrap around my waist.


"Yes Matthew?"

"You know I love you eh? "

"Yeah I know. I love you too. You be old softie you."

"Your gonna get it when we get home." He growled out into my ear.

"We'll see."