A/N: Okay, here is the chapter as promised. A lot of you correctly guessed what Godrics weapon is. So congrats to: tadah2, crazichick and Siobhan Whitlock who guessed right! :D The weapon that I picked for Godric is a Spear. I think that this fits well with his character, simple and unassuming but when used properly is very deadly. Also simple like Godric, nothing flashy or complicated. Plus, I am sure that the Celts used spears so makes sense.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Godric sat in Eric's office on the couch, trying very hard to stop himself from barging into the shower with Bella and taking her against the wall like an animal. Training with her is proving to be more difficult then he originally thought. He had not anticipated his bodies reaction to seeing her panting, sweating and lunging at him. He closed his eyes. Gods he could see her now, in her anger, fierce and beautiful. He swallowed. He had been hard from almost the beginning and could not get rid of his need. Godric thought he would go mad when she embraced him, panting against him, her hot breath against his neck, her warm, moist body against his. He swallowed again.

"Everything alright master?" Eric's voice brought him out of his inner thoughts.

Godric blinked and saw Eric behind his desk with a large smirk on his face. He groaned painfully.

"Yes, I had not expected this type of a reaction to training her" He got out, listening to her washing her delightful body in the shower... where she was... naked and dripping wet...

Eric laughed loudly, breaking him from his fantasies.

"Well get a hold of yourself, master. Your fangs are showing" Eric said with much amusement, snickering.

Godric felt his retracted fangs with his tongue in embarrassment. He had not noticed them release.

"So what weapon is hers?" Eric asked as he looked through papers on his desk, signing things and checking things over.

"A doubled bladed sword" Godric said proudly.

Eric looked at him and smiled hugely, "Impressive" He stated, pride gleaming in his eyes.

"Indeed" Godric replied smugly.

He heard her turn the shower off and could hear her begin to get ready. Pamela had a hair drier in her office and he could hear his mate began to dry her hair.

Godric sat, impatiently, waiting for his Bella when Eric spoke.

"master, if it is acceptable to you I would like to give Bella a test today on the book I have given her, see how she is progressing. This is part of her punishment" Eric inquired in a respectful tone.

"Of course, my son. I will give you both some time alone for your testing" Godric replied amiably. Eric nodded indifferently but had a wicked glint in his eye, making Godric pity Bella for whatever he has planned.

Bella walked through the door at that moment, looking uneasily at her feet, avoiding eye contact. When he saw her attire, he sucked in a deep breath. She was magnificent. The outfit that Pam had chosen was clearly meant to emphasize her innocence and boy did it. She wore a cream lace dress. It had long sleeves and was surprisingly modest, not clinging to her delicious curves but still show casing them. It showed her creamy legs with adorable little shoes with a bow on them. Her hair hug down in a wave of brown down her back, it was pleated beautifully away from her face and pushed back with a delicate headband. Her outfit made her big doe eyes appear larger and her face sweeter and more inviting. It was simply put: mouthwatering. His mate stood there looking oh so deliciously corruptible.

He stared at her in lust until she cleared her throat and shuffled nervously. He stood and approached his angel.

"You look radiant, my Bella" He whispered reverently, staring deeply into her beautiful brown eyes. She stared back at him with a sweet blush adorning her features. Godric longed to feel her delicious lips against his. He licked his lips, wondering if they could have some alone time in Eric's office before her test.

A throat cleared behind him and he sighed in disappointment. Later, He promised himself.

"Bella, It is time for your test on all things faery. I hope you have studied up well" Eric flashed her a devilish grin. His mate sighed.

"Okay, fine. What is this test" She grumbled. Bella was happy that she could finally relax for the night but apparently not. Stupid testing. Stupid 'punishment'.

Godric tugged on her arm to get her attention.

"I will leave you to your testing. I shall be out at the bar waiting for you" He explained then leaned forward to press a soft kiss onto her lips. She swooned internally at the kiss.

Godric then left the office, Bella watched him leave and stared at the door longingly wishing he was still with her. Preferably still kissing her.

She heard a chair scrape back, she looked towards Eric as he stood.

"Please, sit" He ordered, gesturing to the chair across from his desk. She complied and sat obediently, waiting for the stupid test to begin.

"Okay, first question, I'll start of easy. Name the two major weaknesses of the fae" He started, walking around the desk towards her.

"Iron and Lemons" She responded strongly, knowing for sure she was correct.

"Excellent" He purred, staring at her intensely. She ignored him.

"What are the different types of Faeries" He continued.

"Sky, water, earth and fire" She responded.

"Correct" He said sternly. He was now somewhere behind her. She kept her eyes focused ahead.

"What are other types of fae besides Faeries"

Bella considered her options.

"Elves, daemons, sprites, angels and pixies" She recited.

"Correct. Except that pixies are now extinct" Eric commented.

She turned around in her chair to give him a questioning look,

Eric turned her back around forcefully but gently, "Eyes front" He commanded. Bella rolled her eyes, knowing he couldn't see her.

"Pixies were exceedingly irritating and troublesome, they were hunted out of sheer dislike for their mischievous behaviour. Plus, it was good luck to kill a pixie, they were difficult to catch" The Viking explained from behind her.

She scowled at the wall, what a terrible reason for the extinction of a whole race!

"What are the three biggest strengths of the fae" He continued. Bella considered this for a moment.

"Their deviousness, their raw magical power and..." She faltered, unsure. What else could there be? Long life-span?

As she wondered at this she felt Eric stand behind her. He trailed a finger across her shoulder blades, the motion made her shiver. Bella felt him lean towards her, his breath hot at her ear.

"Their allure, Bella" He murmured, into her ear.

"W-what?" She asked uneasily, wondering why he was behaving so strangely.

"Their attractiveness, their raw sexuality that they use to their advantages, Faeries are very beautiful and intoxicating creatures, they can seduce almost any being to anything" He continued, his lips ghosting at the shell of her ear.

Her heart sped up but she tried to remain calm, "Oh..." She got out stupidly.

Eric chuckled lowly behind her, he was so close she could feel the vibrations from his chest.

"Yes, the fae are most poised in the art of seduction, tell me, are you, my lover" Eric purred out and began nibbling behind at her ear.

Bella gasped, remembering what had happened the previous night.

'"Tell me and you shall receive, my lover" Godric purred, leaning forward, eyes smoldering into hers.'

She felt a flash of arousal go through her at the memory.

All of a sudden she was stood up and pressed up against a large Viking. Even more alarming was that he attached his lips to hers quickly and was teasing them into action, before her brain registered any movement.

Bella jumped back startled, staring wide eyed at Eric.

"Wha-what are you doing?!" She stretched in shock. Why was Eric trying to kiss her? What the hell was going on!

He simply smirked at her and removed his top slowly, she eyed his chest as he did so. He gave her a heated stare. She scowled. She was not checking him out!

"Something that clearly, we both want" He said huskily and began stalking forward. Bella blanched. She did not want this! Why would he think that?!

"No, Eric, stop. I don't want that, I don't know what your talking about. Stop this" She begged uneasily. He was starting to worry her, what was he doing?

He stopped in front of her still smirking and took a deep deliberate breath, "The smell of your arousal begs to differ" He commented, pushing some hair back. She batted his hand away and moved backwards, he simply followed her movement.

"I... That's... I was thinking about something for last night with Godric. Not because of anything you did" She explained, scowling at him. He continued looking at her heatedly and backed her into the wall.

"Ah, yes. I heard it was your first time experiencing the delights of oral sex. Tell me, did you enjoy Godric sucking on your pussy?" Eric said lowly, whilst leaning towards her. She tried to back off but there wasn't any space. He placed a kiss on her jaw and began down her neck. She didn't hate the feeling per se but it was wrong. Her and Godric were... well they were lovers but monogamous lovers! This was wrong and Eric liked Sookie... why was he doing this? How could she stop this?

"GODRIC" Bella yelled as loud as she could.

In an instant, Godric was in Eric's office with his fangs bared. Pam beside him in a defensive crouch. Eric froze from his position at her neck. Oh shit, Bella thought. She looked at Godric with wide eyes, not knowing exactly what she was expressing. He looked so... murderous. His fangs were out and a continuous rumbling was coming from his chest. His eyed locked on Eric's form over her. Eric still hadn't moved from her. She began to worry for his safety.

"Eric. Ta dig från min kompis. (Remove yourself from my mate)" Godric voice was pure icy rage, promising retribution. Bella shivered in fear for Eric, Godric needed to calm down.

Eric moved slowly, his eyes cast downward the entire time. He moved away from her body but stayed by her side, looking down, his posture submissive in the extreme.

The room was very tense. Pam stood watching with a horrified face, eyes darting between everyone in the room. Bella's insides were screwing up in worry.

Godric's eyes were glaring murderously at Eric. She had never seem him so enraged before. He had never looked so... dangerous before. She could see why people feared him.

"Godric..." Bella whispered, quietly. Staring into the pitch black eyes of Godric, she began seriously panicking for Eric's safety.

His eyes met hers, "Bella, go with Pamela out to the bar. I will join you after I am done dealing with my son" Godric spoke harshly and filled with venom at the end. She bit her lip and gave Pam a worried look.

"What are you going to do with him?" She whispered, her mind flashing to the dungeon worriedly, shooting Eric a concerned look. Godric apparently did not like this and snarled loudly as her eyes strayed.

"Bella go with Pamela, Now" He spat out. Bella balked, feeling her anger rising.

"No, not until you tell me what you are going to do with Eric" She insisted. Godric's fury seemed to rise by the second.

Bella saw Eric's head move in her direction slightly, to look at her in confusion. Apparently this was all that it took for Godric to snap. He moved forward in vamp speed towards Eric, snarling viciously.

Bella panicked, what was he going to do! She couldn't let Eric get hurt! That was too much. Godric needed to calm down.

Instinctively she put her hand up in a halt motion and saw as Godric crashed against an invisible barrier with a bang. He stopped, staring in front of him in awe then towards Bella then back at the invisible wall before him. Bella panted, feeling herself start to get angry.

"This is incredible, min kärlek (my love)" Godric breathed. Pam moved forward and touched the barrier like Godric, inspecting it and testing out its durability.

On closer inspection, it was not in fact invisible but nearly. It looked a little like a bubble. Mostly see through with swirling colours and slightly distorted view. But she wasn't thinking about that right now, now she was angry at the hotheaded vamp trying to attack his son!

"Godric" Bella began in a neutral tone, trying to keep her rage on the inside.

"What was that?" She questioned, giving him a cold look. He looked at her in shock then threw Eric a hateful glare before looking back at her.

"That is nothing to concern yourself with, Bella" He said frowning, "You should go with Pamela while I sort out the situation"

Bella's temper rose, "Situation? There is no situation anymore Godric. You went to attack Eric! That is completely unacceptable. What is wrong with you!" Her voice rose with heat and anger as she spoke. Godric looked at her baffled.

"Bella, he... surely you cannot allow me to let him get away with this?" He spoke in befuddlement.

She shook her head, "no i get it, your his maker and he needs to be punished yada yada but not physically. You are too angry right now and need to wait to talk to him. Jesus, calm down Godric, nothing happened" She said firmly, eyeing him sternly, still keeping the wall up.

Godric's eyes filled with rage again, "He tried to seduce you, Kissed you, kissed what is mine. He deserves everything he gets" He snarled, "He behaved completely inappropriately-" Bella cut him off.

"Inappropriately!" She yelled, "Your one to talk. I heard you told Eric about what we did last night. What the fuck?! Why would you tell him something like that? That's completely inappropriate! Why did you tell him!" She shouted at Godric, mortified that he told Eric such intimate details of their relationship.

Godric looked at her confusedly, switching his gaze to glares at Eric and a confused look at her.

"I do not understand" He sighed in exasperation, "Can you put that shield down, I will not attack Eric now" He huffed out.

Bella reluctantly nodded and moved her hand down, the barrier disappearing. Immediately Godric zoomed to her and pulled her into his arms. He nuzzled her and well rubbed himself all over her, like a large cat. Was he... marking her with his scent?! Jezz, vampires.

Bella tried to remove herself from his embrace, unsuccessfully, as he tightened the grip and growled a little, rubbing his cheek against hers.

"Stop it, I'm mad at you for telling Eric about us" She mumbled, trying to stay mad when he was acting so adorable.

Bella noticed that Eric had hastily retreated behind his desk, eyeing his maker warily and Pam looked deeply relived and was even smiling slightly as she walked further into the room.

"I do not understand this, Eric is my son, we have no secrets, or I thought we did" He fixed his impressive glare onto the Viking again, prompting him to look towards the ground.

Pam, not wanting things to escalate again, stepped in, "Dear Abby says that it is uncouth and inappropriate to discuss ones intimate details with a third party. It is ungentlemanly and disrespectful to your partner" Pam explained.

Bella shot her a grateful look. But apparently, Godric still didn't get it.

"I do not understand..." He repeated, exasperated.

Bella sighed, "it means don't talk to anybody about what we do! It's disrespectful and frankly humiliating" She explained, feeling exasperated herself.

Godric hands roamed her body, even her legs, he also licked her neck clean of every trace of Eric. She rolled her eyes, dear god this is ridiculous she thought but secretly liked the attention.

At Godric's even more confused look, Pam explained, "Bella is a modest women" She chastened playfully, hoping to ease some of the tension out of the room.

"Oh" Godric replied and turned her around in his arms, "Forgive me, i will refrain from doing so in the future" He flashed her a charming smile and moved forward to kiss her.

"Uh-uh, no way" Bella leaned backwards.

"No kisses tonight. In fact, I am going home and I will see you tomorrow. You need two sort things out anyway and I'm still pretty annoyed at you. You can find some way to make it up with me tomorrow night. We have that double-date with Bill and Sookie" Bella said to him and this time he allowed her to move from his arms.

She straightened her dress and hair, moving to sit down on the sofa. Bella felt a pang of sympathy looking at the despondent look Godric was giving her.

"But... But... What about your safety? I am your body guard, you need to be protected" He said in a defeated voice that made her want to hug him.

"Pam can come with me tonight, right?" She asked, looking at her for confirmation. She smirked,

"Of course, kitten. I would love to" She said amused.

Godric frowned and looked at the ground, "If that is what you wish..." He sighed.

She stood and made her way over to him,

"It is" She affirmed and in a moment of weakness, leaned forward to give him a chaste kiss on the lips. She then embraced him goodbye,

"Go easy on him" She whispered into Godric's ear, hoping he would listen. He gave her a rueful smile, even though his eyes danced with unrestrained anger.

"I will try" Was all he said. Bella nodded knowing this was the best she could get.

Quietly, she left the office not looking back.

She made her way out of the back door with Pam following behind her. She could hear her with her heals clacking noisily on the ground.

They walked in silence to her mini-van. They rode in silence for a while until Pam spoke up tentatively.

"Thank you for defending my maker. He really fucked up big this time. I have never seen my grand-sire so furious before. I truly thought that he may of ended him" Pam said quietly, staring straight ahead at the dark road. She didn't turn on the headlights. Bella supposed she didn't need to.

She sighed, "He wouldn't of killed him but seriously hurt him? Yes, definitely. I wonder what on earth Eric was thinking. Was it really worth it? Trying to bed me, you saw how angry Godric was" She shook her head in exasperation at her brother. God, he was like a brother to her! What was he thinking!

Pam was quiet for a moment before responding, "I do not think it was merely about bedding you" She said quietly.

Bella waited for her to elaborate.

Pam sighed, "I think it was more about the intimacy than the actual pleasure of bedding you"

Bella wondered what this meant, "What?"

"Eric has been feeling left out lately. He is always at the center of everyone attention and not being the most important person in your life hurts his ego. He truly thinks of himself as your brother and is hoping to get closer to you, fucking is a way to closer bond with someone. That in addition to being constantly rejected by the telepath he needs some reassurance. To my knowledge, Eric has only ever cared for those in his bloodline which now includes you and your cousin. He doesn't do things half way, he cares with everything he is and her constant rejection of him is... difficult. He most likely sees how affectionate you are and wants some caring of his own. My maker is ruthless, calculating and the strongest person I have ever met but he is but a man and every man has a weakness. His is that he cares too much about those he loves" Pam ended her speech with sadness clear in her voice. It was odd seeing her so serious. It was obvious how much she adored her maker.

"I had noticed his attitude lately but did not think he would do something so foolish" She added.

Bella nodded, understanding a little and decided to go easy on Eric for trying to sleep with her. She would still get him back but pushing him away won't help anything.

Bella contemplated how on earth she did not see this in her visions. I mean come on! She saw that guy with diarrhea but not this disaster that could have been easily fixed if she'd known beforehand? Ugh, it was so stupid.

With Pam's fast driving they made it back to her grans in record time.

"Is anyone in the house?" Bella asked, nodding towards her grans.

"There is an elderly women sleeping but that is all" Pam told her. Bella nodded and stepped out of the car.

They walked up to the farmhouse in companionable silence, "Won't you please come inside Pam" Bella said as she made her way up the porch steps.

Just before she opened the front door she turned to Pam, "Godric and I are going on a double-date with Sookie and Bill. I need some help in making the night more... interesting" Bella shot Pam a wicked look. Pam smirked back.

"It would be my pleasure" She purred as they entered the dark farmhouse together.

A loud crash echoed throughout a wooded area in the outskirts of Shreveport. A tree had been toppled over by an incredible force smashing into it at extraordinary speeds.

Eric lay panting on the forest floor, in the debris of a fallen tree, drenched in his own blood, accepting his fate. Him and his maker had been fighting for the last hour, each taking their frustrations out on the other. Mostly Godric on him with him meagerly defending himself.

"Tell me why" Godric hissed and he landed with thump beside his son. Godric looked down at his prone from in anger, he had never felt so betrayed before. His own progeny no less. He swallowed back the pain and stared hard down at Eric.

Eric lay slumped on the ground and looked towards the sky whilst addressing his maker, "I... I wanted her..." He whispered. Godric growled in warning to where his son was leading with his. It was fucking clear that he had wanted her. Wanted what was mine! My Bella! My love! MY MATE! He seethed internally. Godric was fighting back his instincts as a vampire to destroy any possible male suitor for his mate. If it was anyone but Eric he would not have hesitated to destroy him.

"She... is my sister and I am losing her already. I am being forgotten. Pam has no need of me. You have her and she has you" Eric said in a very quiet voice, "I want that. I want to be a part of it. I knew if I seduced her you would not deny her in allowing me to enter your bond..." Eric stopped hearing the rising growl.

"I can feel your emotions through the bond and it is so... peaceful" Eric sighed and closed his eyes, "You have everything, your missing half, your fated one, she... makes you whole... I simply wanted that." His voice faded as it was filled with emotion. Godric saw blood tears well up in his sons eyes.

He sighed, sitting down next to his progeny on the forest floor. Despite his fury, he was still his maker.

"You are aware that even if you had seduced her and I allowed you into our forming relationship then this would never happen. She and I are mates. The bond between us is infinite. You would never of fit into that equation" He explained quietly. The night was peaceful and his words hung in the air.

Eric swallowed, "I have been around for a thousand years and have never been denied anything I want. I have had to work hard sometimes to achieve my goals but never have I been denied... unwanted like this before" He confessed to his sire.

Godric looked curiously at him, "you are speaking of the telepath?" He asked.

Eric's jaw clenched and unclenched but did not speak.

Godric sighed again weary, "You were trying to substitute Bella's love for her cousins" He stated.

Eric sat up in protest with his eyebrows furrowed and opened his mouth to complain. Godric held a hand up not to interrupt him.

"I am aware that you did not mean it in this manner but that is what you were trying to achieve. You crave the companionship and love of Sookie Stackhouse but her constant rejection and apparent dislike of you is bruising your ego" Godric shook his head in disappointment, "I have always told you anything worth having is worth fighting for and yet you seem to forget this when it comes to this woman. After centuries of arrogance now you feel unworthy" His head continued shaking now in disbelief.

He locked eyes with his son to convey the importance of what he was saying, "You know as well as I do how to get Sookie Stackhouse to be yours. Simply show her your true self. Show her you have feelings and care for her. Be open, honest and treat her equally and you will have her complete devotion. She is not a difficult creature to figure out. You allow your insecurities to plague any interaction between you. You want to be the one in power, in control, you believe this will prevent any heart ache. It will not"

Godric paused for a minute, looking to the stars before he continued, "Your bravery on the battlefield is unquestionable but matters of the heart are complex. You know that bravery was one of the qualities I saw in you that made me want you as my son. I have allowed you to sort the situation with you and Miss Stackhouse on your own to figure your own way; I have faith in you"

Godric closed his eyes and rubbed his face. He felt weary. Being a maker was difficult. It never ends. There is always something to teach or guide.

"However" He said, his voice icy, "Your interaction with Bella was disgraceful. I cannot explain to you how disappointed and furious I am with you. Trying to steal my mate" Godric growled and his fangs slipped out. He glared at him, "This will not be forgotten" He swore, eyes glinting dangerously in the moonlight. Eric bowed his head with a shiver of fear.

Godric looked away, trying to compose himself, "I will wait until my temper has cooled to think of a punishment for you. Until then you are not allowed any interaction with Bella whilst alone. I will be watching you and monitoring the bond carefully so tread lightly" Godric said darkly. Eric nodded.

Godric turned a blazing glare onto his son and flashed forward, gripping his throat tightly, "and do not forget, son or no..." Godric said dangerously low, "Bella. Is. MINE" He snarled, fangs and all before flashing up and flying away into the night sky.

Eric sighed, all the tension leaving his body. He knew that it was a bloody miracle the little damage that had been done to him. His punishment was not death but he shuddered to think of what his maker will come up with. He was creative. Even he knew how stupid and suicidal his plan had been. He groaned, thinking about what Godric said about Sookie. Staring at the stars, he contemplated his words and created a new plan of action against his Sookie.

Bella stretched in her sleep, moaning lightly in enjoyment. She felt... good. As she slowly sunk into awareness she kept feeling better and better, in her enjoyment panting and moaning lightly. She felt a hand down her panties, rubbing that spot... oh so perfectly... slowly and amazingly hard, she rocked into the delicious pressure.

Bella in her semi-conscious state did not think much of this and enjoyed the feelings invoked in her body without much thought. She felt the spot being pinched and moaned very loudly, arching her back in enjoyment. Her eyes flew open.

Bella looked around her darkened bedroom in shock trying to figure out what was going on. She felt very very exited and was panting desperately. She felt a body underneath her shift slightly and a finger run through her wet folds. She groaned.

"Godric?" She questioned, her voice thick with sleep. Still completely unsure what was going on.

"Yes, min kompis?" The gravely voice of Godric whispered in her ear. She felt him dip a finger inside her lightly then return to rubbing up and down her folds roughly but oh so perfectly. She let out a keening moan and arched into his body, which she realised was laying on top of his, her back to his chest.

"Wha-" she panted, "What are you do-ing here?" She moaned. Bella felt so hot right now it was questionable that she may explode. Godric had never been so rough with her before but his pressure was just right.

"your-your not supposed to be here" She continued to pant, trying to keep a train of thought. She shifted and felt his very large cock press into her backside, she gasped and she heard him growl quietly.

"I-I'm mad at you" she whined and began rocking into his hand which was rubbing that spot oh so perfectly again.

Bella felt him shift and place himself to her side so that he hovered over her without removing his hand from touching her. As he moved she got a good look at his face. She gasped. Godric eyes bore onto hers in the low light, feral, fangs out and pinning her to the bed. Her breath hitched. He looked just like he was back at Fangtasia when he was about to hurt Eric.

Two fingers plunged inside her without warning. She groaned and arched into him.

"I can come see min kompis whenever I wish" He snarled at her quietly, glaring at her in indignation. She keened as his fingers went deep, deep inside to touching something that felt... felt... fuck. They went in and out at a steady pace, hard and intense.

She panted looking at him, she felt a frisson of excitement seeing him like this... he looked magnificent.

"Godric..." She tried breathless. He bared his fangs more and licked them with his tongue, a pleased growl rumbling in his chest.

Bella could feel the familiar stirrings building down low. She was going to cum. And soon. She threw her head back in ecstasy gasping as his hand sped up. He was pumping his fingers so powerfully and deeply it was driving her wild. Dear god, had anything ever felt this good? She thought desperately, feeling wild and out of control. Her hips slammed into his fingers.

"Oh-god-Godric-so-good-so-fuck-please-mor-don't-ahhh" She screamed out, feeling herself explode around his fingers. She came so hard she screamed out in complete and utter ecstasy, her loud cries of delight echoing throughout the room. Oh... fuck... that was... Bella thought in a daze, coming down from the best orgasm ever.

Bella stared into Godric's eyes in a daze. That was incredible she thought.

She opened her mouth to say something when he stole her breath with a kiss. The kiss was beautiful, it was a hot mess full of passion, tongues and an aching need. She groaned and weaved her fingers through the back of his hair.

"Godric..." She sighed in wonder as he trailed kissed down her neck. He was touching her body sensuously, every where, making her heart pound and heat pool down low. She wanted his fingers inside of her again.

He growled quietly into her neck placing wet kisses everywhere while panting wildly. He moved to look into her eyes... they were so wild and unrestrained. He brushed a thumb over her nipple. She gasped and keened,

"Ohh" She moaned at the delicious sensation.

"Yessss" He hissed. Godric moved quick as a flash and had removed her vest top, attacking her breasts with expert precision. He nibbled and licked her nipple roughly, whilst using his hand to massage her breast and rub her nipple. This drove Bella wild. Her breats were so sensitive and the feeling of him kneading her nipples was exquisite. Sparks of sensation few downwards and she began rocking her hips, seeking friction.

Godrics mouth moved to her other breast whilst his hands began exploring her body, stroking and massaging every curve. Bella panted and screwed her eyes shut, the feeling was too intense for her. Her body began twitching and she moaned, groaned and whined loudly as she enjoyed the feelings but needed more.

"Please, Godric, more, more" She begged, her voice full of need. He looked up at her from his position on her breast and bared his fangs at her as his eyes shown in triumph.

"What do you need, min söta (my sweet)" He asked, giving her a predatory look.

"You, please Godric, touch me" She thrust her hips upwards to make her point clear.

Godric growled at her and licked his fangs. He continued stroking her nipples with her thumbs and moved forward slowly. Godric rested his fangs on her jugular and scrapped them back and forth softly.

"ja , min kära , jag kommer röra dig , jag kommer att älska dig , jag kommer att ta dig till himlen , jag kommer att hävda dig, jag kommer att göra dig min, du . är. Gruvan" (yes, my dear, i will touch you, i will love you, i will take you to the heavens, i will claim you, i will make you mine, you. are. mine.) He whispered into her throat. As he spoke one hand stuck down her shorts and rubbed her softly through her panties. She moaned loudly in delight and frustration. It was more but still not nearly enough.

Bella was wiggling and twitching wildly, needing release, needing more stimulation and was imaging throwing Godric down and jumping on top of him to rub against him where she needed him most. Feel his hard cock against her, she groaned imaging that. She needed him, needed more, needed him inside of her.

She felt his fangs rub against her again and she shivered, "Oh fuck, bite me Godric, please" She groaned out and thankfully he complied. He bit her roughly but it only heightened her pleasure. She could feel him drinking from her roughly. One of his hands now squeezed her ass cheek while the other still rubbed her through her panties. She grinding hard down on the hand, praying for some more friction.

"Ugh, harder Godric" She gasped out, through pants. He stuck his fangs deeper and bit her harder, the feeling almost painful but oh so incredible. She keened long and loudly before releasing.

As she came down from her high she felt Godric nuzzling into her neck and making content little purring noises. Although she just came she still burned with desire. He hadn't touched her properly, she hadn't got her fill of him yet, she needed him and was sick and tired of his teasing.

In a swift motion she turned him onto his back. Bella quickly straddled him, trapping him with her legs. She placed her core right over his straining erection and groaned. This is what she needed.

She looked at Godric, he was baring his teeth at her and a rumble echoed in his chest. She growled back and leaned down over him, whilst grinding into him and enjoying the feeling.

She glared at him in the eye, daring him to object and slowly licked her blood off of his fangs and lips. She ground slowly but hard into him.

"It's my turn now" She threatened him, warning him again. She did not look at his face or wait for a reply as she attacked his mouth with a passionate kiss. She poured all of her need and frustration into the kiss, enjoying his taste, taking from him what she wanted.

Her hands began to wander over his chest which was still covered in a shirt. She growled angrily at the fabric. She pulled back from kissing him and tore open his shirt, her hands greedily roaming his magnificent chest.

"Yes" She breathed, taking in the fine specimen of man in from of her. She kissed, licked and touched him to her hearts delight all while speeding up her grinding. She let out gradual breathy moans in delight.

Bella could feel it getting easier to grind, especially when Godric began thrusting upwards also. The fabric between them was pretty damp, wetting his trousers but she cared not, only focusing on her pleasure.

Her pleasure was building and getting so much, her hips were beginning to jerk quickly and she was moaning loudly in delight. She fell forward and cuddled into his neck, closing her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her release building. Being her so close she could her him whispering,

"min kärlek , du är min , så jävla vacker (my love, you are mine, so dam beautiful)"

With a gasp, Bella came fantastically shuddering and sobbing. As she came she bit down roughly on Godric's neck causing him to roar and shudder below her. She did not break skin much to her disappointment and collapsed, sated onto his chest, basking in the afterglow.

She lay atop of him panting as he began stroking her hair. She nuzzled against him and felt him begin to her. She smiled serenely. She felt wonderful. She was so glad Godric came by, although she told him not to stop by she was infinitely grateful he did. She needed him here with her.

"thank you" She said quietly, feeling closer to him than ever. She was pretty pissed with him earlier but felt it felt amazing that everything between them was right again.

He chuckled softly, "It is not me who should be thanking you? I should not have come... I am very sorry I did not listen...I..." He began to sound hesitant and she lifted her head up to look him in the eye curiously.

He looked pained, "After... seeing you with Eric... I needed to reassure you are mine. I cannot loose you" He pleaded in a vulnerable tone. Bella felt warmth burst in her chest and affection for Godric tingle in her chest. He was so sweet and didn't want to loose her.

She smiled at him and cupped his face, "It's okay Godric. I forgive you. You won't lose me. I promise. I am right here. I am yours and only yours" She said softly, eyes shinning with tenderness, "Just as you are mine" She added, smiling at him. He smiled back.

"Yes, yes I am" He assured, staring at her with such sincerity it made her heart clench. She sighed and smiled, leaning back down on him. He resumed stroking her hair.

Bella felt peaceful, relieved and oh so comfortable as she lay with Godric. Before when she had went to bed without him and on bad terms with him it settled heavily in her stomach uncomfortably and she felt a little wrong. She shouldn't ever be angry with Godric. With him back, it felt like everything was right in the world.

As she settled into sleep she thought that she didn't want to lose him either.