Thomas had come up in the box four days ago, and had now began adjusting. He knew how the Glade worked. The lingo, the jobs (he did a little of everything.), he understood the hierarchy, and he even began to like Gally. But he was annoyed that the Gladers had yet to find a way out of the maze and it was clear that they way they were looking now wasn't working, yet they wouldn't change it.
Thomas was now giving Newt ideas on how to get out of here. "We've already tried everything you can think of! Now go get us some fertilizer," Newt exclaims. "A ladder?" Thomas suggests. Newt looks dumbfounded then he face palms. "Just go get some shucking fertilizer," he commands. As Thomas is walking through the woods he finds the fertilizer,but is attacked by Ben. He cries for help as he runs through the forest. Ben tackles Thomas im the Glade and has him pinned, if it weren't have been for Newt who hit Ben in the head he would probably be dead.
The next morning, after Ben is banished Alby and Minho retrace his steps. In the afternoon, Minho comes back dragging Alby when he can't get through the doors in time, Thomas rushes in despite being not allowed to, they all make it the next day and Thomas is made a Runner. But now he has Gally as an enemy.
A.N I know this chapter was basically a summary but I had to get it to a good spot for the Ender's Game crew to come in.