Here is a new chapter after a long wait had to take my computer in and been busy.

Chapter 12 Meeting Sirius

At the Sinclair house Robbie was in his room getting for his date with Haley. He was getting nervous because he was picking her up at her house where he would have to meet her uncle. "Starting to get cold feet breathasaurs," asked Charlene at the door. "Yeah, it was hard enough just asking her out, and now I have to meet her uncle," said Robbie, "I know he is not her father, but he is still her family." Charlene looked at Robbie sincerely and then said, "Wow it's sounds like you really like her already, tell you what why don't I give you tips." "Really you will," said Robbie and then asked, "What's the catch?" "Well she seems like a nice girl who needs someone she can trust," said Charlene. Robbie looks at her suspiciously and then Charlene replied, "And to also get you to babysit Baby when it's mine turn." "All right fine," Robbie said. "Alright so tip number one try not be be too assertive, number two make sure he knows your not a threat to him or her, and number three bring her home at the time he says," said Charlene. "All right thanks for the advise Charlene," said Robbie. "Your welcome," said Charlene and she left.

Downstairs in the kitchen Fran was finishing make dinner when Earl came. "Is dinner almost ready Fran I'm starving over here," said Earl. "Dinner is just about ready Earl," said Fran and then Robbie comes in then starts saying, "Hey mom can't stay for dinner I have a date tonight." "Date?," said Earl, "My son is going on a date. Oh I'm so happy, and who is this lucky lady?" "Her name is Haley Black she is that new girl at school I told you about," said Robbie. "Oh that girl she was really nice," said Fran, "So what are you plans?" "Well I'm taking her to the movies, but first she wants me to meet her uncle," said Robbie. "It's nice that your meeting her uncle," said Fran, "It's important to make a good impression to her family." "I know mom," said Robbie. "Oh my son meeting the girls family already," said Earl, "Let me give you some advice son, if you really like this girl you would really have to beg for her father to court her." Robbie looked at Earl crazy and said, "Ok dad, but you sure its ok to do that in this day in age?" "Now see here Robbie when ever a male dinosaur wants to date a female dinosaurs they always have to feel low next to the father," replied Earl. "Earl," said Fran, "Don't worry Robbie just be yourself, and I know they'll like you." "Thanks mom, I'll see you guys later," said Robbie and then he left.

Robbie arrived at Haley's house, rings the door bell, and starts getting nervous. 'Maybe this is a bad idea,' thought Robbie, 'What if he doesn't want me to date Haley?' All of a sudden Robbie is brought out of his thoughts when the door opened. In front of him is a Velociraptor wearing a black turtleneck shirt staring at him with a glare. "Hello you must be Robbie," the Raptor said, "Haley told me all about, my name is Sirius its nice to meet you." "Well its nice to meet you too sir," said Robbie nervously, "Is Haley ready?" "Not yet she will be soon," said Sirius, "Why don't you come in while your waiting." "Ok," and Robbie when in to the the house follower by Sirius. They waited in the living room in awkward silence. 'I should really say something,' thought Robbie. "So how do you like living in this part of Pangea," asked Robbie. "I like it good, it just took me awhile to get use too living here," replied Sirius, "And you can just call me Sirius." "Oh ok," said Robbie, "So what kind of job do you do Sirius?" "I'll be starting a new job in management soon," said Sirius. "So what are your intentions towards my niece?" Robbie then started looking scared wondering what to say when, "Sirius I hope your harassing Robbie," spoke Haley as she was coming down the stairs. "Of course not prongslet, I would never do that," said Sirius trying to look innocent. Haley rolls her eyes to him and then said, "You ready to go Robbie?" Robbie quickly got off the chair and said, "Yeah I'm ready, wow you look beautiful." "Thanks," said Haley, and they left for their date.