"We should go check that base, maybe there's still some supplies," I say. 10k nods his head in aaa agreement as we set off to the old high school. "God. I loved this place," I s ay. " Remember we both in ROTC. You wanted to be a Marine and I wanted to go into the army. Even with the world's greatest military we couldn't fight the Zs," 10k reminess in a rare moment of conversation. As we walk along the roof top I can see Zs crowding something, on the othersise there is a zombie crushed by a car. Then I hear something, a baby! I rush down the wall and cautiously approach the car, I look inside and there is a dead woman in the drivers side. In a car seat in the back there is a baby. "Oh! It's okay sweetheart. Let me get you out of there come on," I say opening the door and gently lifting the baby out just as a truck full of people pulls up.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" A black man in a military uniform yells. Before I could say anything as woman takes the baby and the military man pins me against a wall and puts a gun to my head. Suddenly, the man is pulled off me by 10k. "We don't mean any harm we just came looking for supplies and heard that baby crying. Who are you and why are you here?" I explain moving next to 10k.
"I'm Seargent Garnett National Guard from Camp Blue Sky, this is Roberta Warren also National Guard, Addy and Mac, Doc, that's Lt. Hammond and Murphy. We're here to see his rendezvous he is on a mission to get Murphy to a lab in California because he has antibodies in him, now we are to because our camp was attacked by Zs," a white bearded man explains.
"California! My father was in California last time I heard. He's General James Dobbs, special forces for the marines. He was a sniper 100 confirmed kills in Afganistan. Please let us come if there's a chance he's still alive I wanna take it," I exclaim. " I'm under his command for this mission month ago he was alive, yes you and your friend can come first I wanna check this place out," Hammond says. I patrolled the perimeter in the time we were there Hammond and the baby were killed and we found a girl in the cage who is also coming with us.