I really need to work on updating my stories faster. This chapter is from Luki's point of view.

"You actually ran into him again?" Luka asked as she played with a kitten.

"I can hardly believe it myself," I responded. "And what the hell possessed me to give him my phone number?"

"He broke your heart and you exchanged numbers with him? What the fuck, bro?"

"I know, it was stupid, but maybe he really has changed," I said without much confidence.

"Sure he has," Luka muttered. "Look, I can't stop you from going out with him again, but at least be careful this time."

"I will, promise."

"Oh, and if it does end badly, could you please refrain from getting drunk off your ass on me again? That'd be great," my sister added.

"You're never going to let me live that down are you?" I groaned. After mine and Mikuo's break-up, I thought it would be a good idea to drink my sadness away that night.

"Nope! I've still got the video," she laughed.

I buried my head in my hands, remembering the video Luka had taken while we were in the bar, featuring me drinking until I collapsed on the dirty floor.

"Changing the subject, have you named these cats yet?" Luka inquired.

"Not yet."

"And why not?"

"Haven't gotten around to it, I guess," I shrugged.

Luka rolled her eyes and handed a kitten to me.

"No time like the present," she said.

"Fine," I took the cat from her. "I'll name him Fluffy," I said after looking at it for a moment. My sister sighed.

"Okay then, if you can't name these kittens, I will," she took the cat away from me.

"Knock yourself out," I told her.

Luka held the kitten up in front of her face and stared at it.

"I'll call you Cream," she smiled at it.

"What kind of name is that?" I asked.

"Better than Fluffy!" she shot back.

"Whatever," I said with a wave of my hand.

She put Cream down and picked up two other cats.

"You'll be Star," she said looking at one of them. "And you're Macaron." I rolled my eyes at the names my sister was choosing. She turned around to look at the last kitten. "So you're the runt of the litter, huh?"

True, this kitten was noticeably smaller than it's siblings. It had been the last to open it's eyes as well. Luka put Star and Macaron down and picked up the tiny cat.

"Let's name you Moon," she said. Moon let out a soft purr. "I take it that means you like it?" Luka smiled.

"So should I ask him out first or should I wait for him to do it?" I asked.

"If you really like him then go for it," Luka said, waving a cat toy in front of Star and Cream.

I stroked Moon and Macaron who lay in my lap.

"What should we do?" I wondered.

"Invite him to your art show next week?" she suggested. "Didn't you say he was interested in your art?"

"Actually, that could work..." I pulled out my phone and started texting Mikuo.

"You're welcome." Luka said. "Speaking of your show, did you finish everything for it?"

"Shit." I groaned. Sending the message to Mikuo, I dumped Macaron and Moon into Luka's lap and ran to my studio to finish the remaining pieces.

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. I hope it came out alright.

I'm not very good when it comes to names either, so I hope the kitten's names are fine.

Please review!