kyla-chan doesnt own dgm if she did well w wont got here ;)

"Hello." Allen whispers to the soft delicate lotus flower. Allen has waited for it to bloom for many months and still stayed patient. The flower has stayed budded for a while and allen was starting to get worried that maybe it will never bloom.

" Dont worry. I'll stay here until you bloom. I'm sure you'll more be beautiful than all of the others." Allen softly poked at the budded flower in his crouched chilly morning air making him shiver.

" You know it will probably never bloom and end up just like miranda the pheasants eye? You should just give up al-chan!" a cheerful voice behind the small boy says. Allen turns arouns only to be met with a bright red head. Lavi the sunflower.

"But I can't this one feels special." Allen being the quiet boy he is mummbles.

"allen to you they always feel special." Lavi speaks in a mocking tone.

"but this one is's more than the usual special, i feel drawn to it unlike the others." Allen huffs out. With a cute pout adornign his pale face.

"ok. If you say so beansprout." Lavi snickers playfully.

" I'm not a bean sprout im an angel trumpet." Allen half-hartedly glares at the red head boy. Lavi raises his hands in surrender.

"i know its just that your so short!" Lavi bursts into laghte as allen rolles his eyes but returns his attention to the lone flower. Silence fills the air.

"Lavi?" Allen asks uncertainty filling his voice.


"When do you think he will bloom?" Allen asks still looking at the lotus flower with sad but hopeful eyes.

"So it is a he huh?" Lavi quitetly mutters to himself. "I don't know al-chan, when he's ready I suppose." Lavi shrugs.

"I hope soon..." Allen smiles softly.

Lavi looks down to his friend but decideds to leave the two alone until tomorrow. Allen wathces over the lotus until he notices its dawn of the next day. 'Wow time flys when your having fun huh?' Allen says to himself. As the sun rises hogher allens hope becomes less. He stands up to leave the flower alone and turns away from the flower when the sound of one of the lotus's petals move alerts allen to look back at the flower to see it blooming, his eyes widen before he quickly rushes over to a leaf next to the lots and sits himself down. Allen then smiles brightly as he patiently waits for the lotus to fully bloom. The higer the sun rises the mire the flower opens. Once it is completely open in the middle is a boy with long dark hair being held up into a high pony tail by a stem. His closed eyes slowly open to reveal deep blue eyes looking at the new world.

Allen patiently watches the boy before doing anything to drastic. The boys blue eyes land on bright silver ones. At that moment allen feels a zing of pleasure shoot through him as their eyes stay connected. Allen then slowly moves toward the boy. As allen moved closer the deep blue eyes study the new being in front of him. After being just outside the flower allen smiles.

"hello." Allen decides to whisper as ot not frighten the boy.

"hello." The boys strong But silky voice hypnotized allen.

"My name is allen walker, the angel trumpet. Whats your name?" Allen asks calmly.

"Yu kanda, of the lotus." Kanda says proudly. 'I knew he was special he has two name like me.'

kanda looks up at allen and smiles making allen blush.

" We are bonded. And i will always protect you. Aren~ " Kanda says softly.

Allen looks at kanda with surprise and happiness. He gets a bonded one. An eternal partner. This made allens life. He was so happy he was crying.

" Im so hap-" allen tried to say but was cut off by another voice.

"ALLEN! ITS LENALEE OF THE OLIVE FLOWER! SHE NEEDS HELP!" Lavi yells. Allens mood turns from absolute joy to seriousness.

"take me to her. now." Allen deadpans. He looks back at kanda and holds out his hand.

" Yu. Please come with me." Allens face softens as he speaks. Kanda just nods and accepts his hand. They speed off following lavi.

hope you guys like it reveiw it and tell if i should continue it :) chow! ;)