kyla-chan doesnt own dgm!

Allen: thank god!

me: oh shut it you!

kanda: come on guys your ever faithful readers want to read so get to it!

me: awwwww yu-chan you care!

kanda: no I don't.

me: sigh* fine. Here you go guys sorry for the long wait!


"oh by the way why did she call you angel?" Kanda asks curious and confused.

"because silly he's an angel trumpet. Unless you are close to the ledgendary Allen then you have to call him that." Lavi says putting an arm on Allens shoulder. Kanda growls at Lavi.

"get away from my aren!" Kanda yells as he pulls a black sword out of nowhere while trying to chase Lavi.

"Where'd you get a sword?!" Lavi screams.

Allen laughs as he watches the too. I'm so lucky to have them. Allen thinks to himself with a large smile on his face.

The sun sets on a fiery horizon. Empty silver eyes look at the burned wood and the torched bodies of his previous tribe As he held his bleeding arm. This was all of his fault. If only he had warned them when he could, they would still be alive. This fiery plane would be green and filled with life. A sharp pain shot to his leg, he looked down to see a knife sticking in his thigh, he looked up only to be met with haunting gold eyes and a sickly sweet smile. The man twisted the knife. His dirt and ash matted hair flew back as his head twisted backwards at the pain. He looked at the man and saw him mouthing words, tears filled his silver-blue eyes before a voice broke through the horrible scene.

"-REN! AREN! WAKE UP!" Kanda shook the screaming boy in worried panic, tears had filled dark onyx eyes as he watched his beloved slowly relax into his arms. His panting slows before silver eyes open cautiously. In his still slight daze he try's to push kanda away thinking it was the man in his dreams, well nightmares even if they were a reality it still haunts him.

The angel trumpet Looks into the lotus' worried eyes and began to cry while repeating the words 'I'm sorry!'. Kanda holds him tighter whispering comforting words in his lovers pale ears. Allen baried his head in Kandas strong chest. A few moments passed before the sobbing stopped. Kanda thought that Allen had fallen back asleep but was proven wrong when the boy pushed away just enough so they could look at each other's face.

"I'm ok. Thank you." Allen says in just barley a whisper smiling brightly, before pushing off of kanda and standing up. He offered a hand to the stoic flower man. Kanda accepted the help and stood next to his bonded one.

Allen looked at his small home observing it as though he was seeing it for the first time. All it was, was a bed made of a angels trumpet flower and hundreds of white roses that bloomed around the small makeshift bed. He had no walls and his roof was woven Palm tree leaves. Simple yet chiq.

Allen looked at kanda before leaving the room but soon returned with chamomile tea. He walked over to his Yu and handed him a cup of said tea. Kanda nods appreciative before taking a sip. Kanda sits on the floor and Allen soon follows sitting in between his legs. Silence filled the room as they sat drinking their unsweetened tea.

" What was your dream about? It sounded like you were being tortured." Kanda says straight to the point. Allen stiffens a little.

" Karma. I made a mistake and it is my punishment. I'm sorry the others don't know about my night habits, that is why I live so far away from the rest of the tribe. Please don't tell the others...please." Allens voice was wavering in nervousness. Kanda just nods before continuing sipping his tea.

"THANK YOU YU!" Allen yells before kissing kanda unexpectedly on the lips. Just at that moment a voice broke them from their kiss. Kand ablushed while Allen smiled.

"Hey why does yu-chan get a kiss but I don't?!" Allen looks at the sunflower before laughing.

" Do you want one lavi?" Allen asks innocently. Kanda stiffens as lavi brightens quite considerably.

" Yes it's no fair Yu-chan gets all the love!" Lavi pouts childishly. Allen leans over to lavi and God stop give him a peck on the cheek before lavi grabbed his jaw and kisses his mouth. Kanda stood up and started growing. But before he could do anything Allen started talking.

" Lavi~ I didn't know you had a death wish~ shall you meet your maker early~?" A dark and sinister aura surrounded Allen his voice darkly sweet. Both guys shiver, lavi shaking his head back and forth, trembling in fear. Kanda leans in lavis direction whispering in his ears.

" I didn't know he could be this scary..." Kanda shivers.

" And this isn't even the worst I mean no ones seen his worst but him playing poker he a real demon then..." Lavi says his voice shaking in fear. They are broken from their conversation by the sound of clapping.

" Hai! Hai! What are we talking about boys ~?" Allen says sinisterly.

The rest of the day screams could be heard from all across the land. With our lovable white haired flower boy laughing evilly.

Well there yall go hope us like it! PLEASE REVIWE!

~chow! Kyla-chan