Kyla-chan doesnt own DGM T^T ENJOY!
It was a relatively normal morning in the black order. The sun shining, birds singing, and allen walker screaming due to unnatural experiments. "KOMUI! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MEEEEEE!" The white haired excorsist screamed. We might want to back this story up a bit to see what transpired this ever so lovely morning.
allen walker an 18 year old boy who lives as an exorsist in the black order. He started this morning with waking at ungodly hours in the morning to start his routine of wake up, do 350 one handed push ups on a tilited chair, shower, brush his teeth, get dressed, and then eat, but this particular morning went a little diffrently when he happens to bump into komui on his way to breakfeast.
" Oh. Allen good morning!" The crazy scientist quickly says to him.
" Good morning Komui-san. What are you doing?" The naive boy asks politley. The scientist smirks in a mischievous way before turning back to the boy and saying.
" Looking for you~" the glint of an evil plan shimmering in Komui's eyes. Allen being the sweet, naive,and somewhat innocent boy we all know and love doesn't see the hidden intentions in Komui's words.
" Me? What for Komui-san?" Allen asks cocking his head to the side cutley.
"I need your help! There's a problem in my office!" Komui exclaims alomst to enthusiastically.
" Of course! What do you need?!" Allen asks frantically. Komui gtes closer to allen and grabs his wrist preventing any escape for the small boy.
"Come with me!" Komui all but screams as he races towards the science divison dragging allen behind him.
As Komui stops outside the wodden doors that leads to the science division he pushes allen inside with much force. As poor allen stumbles inside his vison is invaded by a pink and sparkly liquid. When allen stands up he is soaked to the bone in the strange pink fluid. He starts to turn to Komui to ask what he did to him, when a pink and purple smoke envelopes his entire body.
As the smoke clears everyone of the findes in the room and several of the scientist faint from nose bleeds. Allen looks at them confused before he feels a sudden weight on his chest. He looks down to see a pair of double D's attached to him. He is now a she. At this very moment allen snapped.
"KOMUIIIII! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MEEEE!" His now high pitched voice screeches.
~ End of flashback~
"well allen i knew you would never agree to be my lab rat so i kinda tricked you!" Komui smiles proudly unaware of the fury that allen was about to unleash onto him.
" I'm. A. Girl. Now?" Allen says through gritted teeth.
" Yes." Komui says happy with the success.
suddenly the door burst open to reveal a frantic samuri. Eveyone turns to kanda standing in the doorway. Kanda looks at allen and almost imeadietly blushes. (And more people fanited at the kanda yu blushing.) but then his embrassment turns to anger.
" What did you do to the moyashi?" A murderous aura surrounds Kanda. Komui looks at kanda nervously and nods his head. Kanda storms over to allen and swweps him off his feet taking him out of the room.
" K-kanda?!" Allen stutters while blushing.
Please review :) Chow! ~kyla-Chan