Kyla-chan doesnt own DGM T^T ENJOY! Sorry for the late update been busy lately... Btw I will be post a new chapter of jewel of Egypt and caged animals next week :) and because my bestest friend bean123 requested more lavi here he is!

Lavi pov:

Wow that was surprising who knew yu-chan would act that way towards moyashi-chan? I think to myself. As I observe everyone they all are shocked still. I silently chuckle before deciding to be a super- awesome- sneaky- ninja- like yu-chan! I quietly leave the room following after them down the damp hallways of the order, when yu-chan stops just outside his room. Mouashi-chan notices that they are out side yu-Chans room and his/her face turns a bright red. Tehee this will be fun! I rush to the door just as its closed and put my ear to the wooden door. I hear voices.

"BaKanda! Why did you do that?!" I hear a very feminine voice squeak. Ooooo it's moyashi-chan!

"be quite I did bring you here for a reason after all." Yu-chan says almost nervously.

"W-what could that be?" Moyashi-chan replies hopeful.

"I...I love you!" Yu-chan nearly screams. I gasp yu-Chan has feelings for mouashi-chan?! Lenalee must know! I run down the halls searching for the pig tailed girl.

Normal pov:

allen looks into the dark orbs of Yu Kanda with a disbelieving look. She/he begins to laugh. Kanda scowls at her laughing at his confession. He glares at her/him trying to hide the embarrassment and shame on his face.

" What's so fucking funny?" Kanda growls. Allen looks at kanda with sad eyes before saying.

" I know you are telling a joke."

"So my feelings are a joke to you?!" Kandas mood turns darker but is instantly surprised by the hurt smile allen shows him.

"No I am laughing at the fact that this is a sick joke. No one could love me. Especially some one as incredible as you. Everything I love leaves. And I know you will too. No one could love a monster like me. So please don't tell me that you love me." Tears poor from Allens silver blue eyes, but she/he still somehow maintain a fake smile. Kanda stands up quickly hugging her/him.

Allens eyes widen in surprise. Kanda pulls away before planting his warm lips on her/his thin pale ones. Kanda kisses her/him for what feels like an eternity but was only a few minutes, as time passes on he pulls away to look at her/his face.

"I love you aren." Kanda says letting his accent slip while saying her/his name. Allen crud not holding the sobs anymore. Kanda holds her until she/he could speak.

"I ...(sob)... Love...(sob) too ...(sob)...kanda!" Allen wails. Kanda then starts to kiss her/him passionately, Allen kisses back. That night they slept together screaming each others names.

next morning:

"Good morning beautiful." Kanda says brushing a few stray hairs out of Allens face.

"Good morning Yu~" Allen smiles at him making him blush at the sound of his first name. She/he gives him a delicate Kiss on the lips. As they pull away Allens stomach rumbles.

"Guess we should get food." Kanda says with a rare smile on his face. Allen nods then gets out of bed to get dressed.

at the dining hall:

"Hi Yu-chan and moyashi-chan!" Lavi yells over at the new couple. Allen waves at lavi while shoving more fanfi into her/his mouth. Lavi bounces over excitedly and glomped Allen not realizing the fast approaching samurai.

"Basks usagi!"


" Get. Off. My. Moyashi!" Lavi squeaks before delatches himself from the poor girl/boy.

"And don't call him by that name!" Allen yells activating crown clown at the same time Mugen is activated. Lavi scurries away scared as the two exorcist chase after him.

Several hours later:

allen and kanda are pantingw. They lost Lavi...awhile back. As they catch their breath Allen suddenly faints onto the cold concrete floor vomiting bile and blood. The smell overwhelms kanda As he swiftly lifts the poor girl/boy off the floor rushing to the medical ward . As the nurses take Allen away kanda paces the floor very scared. Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into an hour. By the time the head nurse came back she had a confused face. Kanda all but ran to the old nurse.

"how is Allen?!" He practically begged.

"well you see... Mr. Well Ms. Walker is...pregnant." The head nurse stumbles over what's she is saying as if she herself doesn't understand. Kanda stares at the place where the head nurse once stood in shock. Allens pregnant?