Chapter 7: Surprise Part 1

Just wanted to say sorry for the late update, my parents computer basically went to shit. Anyway on to the story, so that I can avoid anger. Hope you in joy!Warning lots of cursing. Don't say I didn't warn you.

29 Days Later

Karin still hadn't found anyway to become a substitute Shinigami. I tried to get Renji-san to do it since he's one of Ichi-nii's friends and he reminds me of that idiot Jinta. I also tried to get Rangiku-san to help since she almost agrees to do anything to get out of work. But they both said "NO".

Little she knows she was going to get a surprise visit today. She still can't believe he's going to come in a day. She planned on getting him a gift and a good ass-kicking for making her wait two months.

On her way home, after school and a match she didn't try very hard at. She's finally home and ready to revise her plan because nothing going to stop her, hopefully Ichi-nii doesn't kill Urahara-san later for helping her, he did help Ichigo so he has to be able to help her. Though she has this strange feeling she might die. Oh well, life's short anyway, she thinks.

But what I see when I comes in kinda throws me for a lope. Clue one Ichi-nii was trying to smile that means something happened. Clue two Goat-chin (Kurosaki Isshin) starts saying "my beautiful daughter has come home, to be courted by my …." Then Ichi-nii punches him. Clue three Yuzu says "Ichigo, stop being mean to dad." That just throws a big red flag says something's happened or the world is about to end since Yuzu never calls Ichi-nii, Ichigo.

So then I yell, "Cut the shit if you don't tell me what's going on ….." I just stop midsentence because the reason for my decisions for all most two months were about him. He just steps out of the chaos known as my family and says nothing. He's wearing black button-down shirt, black skinny jeans and blue-white Jordan's with the number ten on them. I blush realizing I have been staring for the past five minutes, but he doesn't notice since he's pointedly staring at his shoes. But then he looks up and with that I almost fucking fly up my room screaming "Fuck" as I go. All I could think, of all the motherfucking days he shows up, why is he here?

Meanwhile down stairs Toshiro says "Well, that's not what I expected". But what he's really thinking is normally she would try to hit me, key word tried. Probably would have succeeded judging from the blood rushing up to Kurosaki's head. Good thing Kuchiki-fukiaTaicho is here. "Ichigo, I'm going to check on Karin-chan."

"Karin, what's wrong "asks Yuzu.

"Everything, it's not going according to plan" Karin mumbles incoherently.


"Nothing Yuzu,", Yuzu looks at me, "I look like a train hit me." Karin says

"Since when do you care how you look Karin-Chan?" Rukia says as she barges in.

"Forget that, just help me. "pleads Karin.

Well, Rukia thinks, I don't know what Hitsugaya-Taicho did to her but Karin isn't acting normal. "Okay calm down, Yuzu call Orhime"Says Rukia.

"Hai, Rukia-neesan" Yuzu says

Rukia takes out her soul communicator and calls Rangiku-san.

"Hello, Rangiku."

"Hey, Rukia-chan"

"Okay forget formalities, are you in the real world?"


"I need you to buy a dress for Karin-chan."

"eto.. since when does Karin-Chan wear dresses."

"You'll find out when you get here"

"k, I'll be there in minute."

While Karin whispered "I'm going to kill Toshiro, he better have good excuse for being gone for almost two months." But at least he's early said a tiny voice in her head. Shut up , she thought, now I'm going crazy. Toshiro dead.

Sorry that its short guys.