Rin stirred awake slowly, opening her eyes to the sight of Saber sleeping peacefully in her arms.
The King of Knights' golden hair, not held up in her usual bun, were gleaming in the light of the morning sun filtering from the window near the bed.
She sighed wistfully and snuggled further into her lover's embrace, inhaling the scent of her skin.
Recent circumstance aside, Rin considered herself to be very lucky. Magi weren't the social kind and didn't have many meaningful emotional connections outside of their direct relatives. In Rin's case, she had been alone for all intents and purposes since the end of the Fourth Grail War, which claimed the life of her parents.
If she hadn't met Shirou and Saber she wondered what kind of person she'd have become in her year and a half at the Clock Tower. Having found love, twice, helped her rediscover the human side of her personality that had been buried under her Magus persona for a decade.
It was a priceless thing that she wouldn't give up for any reason in the world, though already half of it
"Is something the matter, Rin?"
"Just basking," she replied. Saber's arms tightened around her waist. "Come on, let's get the day started."
"Very well."
A light breakfast later, Rin left for the Clock Tower with Saber in tow. Though there was no direct danger against her person, the protection of the Servant of the Saber Class, which vaunted the greatest degree of immunity to magic, meant that just about no one could afford a direct attack against either of them. The only person whose Mana that could affect Saber was that of her own Master.
There was a certain measure of respect granted to those who could sustain the existence of a Heroic Spirit on their own and Rin was one of those people. It was a sad thing that it wasn't nearly enough respect as she wanted or needed.
With the exception of a few people, everyone went out of their way to get into hers, making the simplest things such as reserving a laboratory or requesting financial support for experiments a quest of herculean proportions.
She was on her own in everything except emotionally. The support of Saber had been invaluable during the long months after Shirou was gone, but even then the accumulated stress was taking its toll.
"You are quite pale, Rin," Saber said after a light lunch in the cafeteria. "Perhaps you should take a break."
"I can't afford it," she grunted. "I need to complete at least five essays this week. If I fall back on my studies I'll become the joke of the Association more than I already am."
"You cannot afford to disregard your health either," the King objected.
"I know. Calm down. I took steps to keep up my shape, don't worry. They will just take some time to show results."
"Arrangements?" Saber quirked an eyebrow.
"Yes, yes. Don't worry. I'll sleep eight hours a night and eat properly too."
"Well, if anything you always knew the measure of your capabilities so I'll trust your judgment for now. Don't give me reason to force you into taking a break."
"What are you going to do? Tie me to the bed?" Rin giggled. "I recall that being your favori-"
"RIN!" Saber shouted, outraged and embarrassed, looking left and right for eavesdroppers. "That's not something to be discussed in public."
"Sorry, sorry," she laughed. "But seriously, don't worry. I've got it covered. Let's focus on the things at hand now."
"Right. Is there any way I can help?"
"Actually, would you mind….."
The day passed by normally and so did the day after that, until it came the day for her next session with Gerard.
Even though the man revealed himself less unpleasant than she first believed, he was only part of the problem, which was still sneaking behind her lover's back to have sex with someone else. Even though it was a necessity didn't help her conscience, for it was all her fault to begin with.
In Rin's mind, she was at fault two times. The first for having put Shirou in danger for her sake, the other for having found no other mean to solve the first problem.
'Focus, Rin,' she told herself, shaking her head. 'There is no other option.'
And with that, she stepped into the other Magus' workshop once more.
Rin bit her lips to prevent a moan from escaping. This was horribly unfair, but she had no ability to deny the pleasant feeling that was coursing through her body.
It wasn't supposed to be like that. She was supposed to hate every minute in his presence, but that was not the case and she trembled under his expert touch.
"Is this… hm…really necessary?"
"Yes," Gerard answered flatly, sticking another needle in her back. "Acupuncture is not Thaumaturgy, but it does make wonders for the body."
"I didn't.. hm.. know I subscribed to a health center."
"You haven't and please don't mistake this as kindness on my part. I'm simply making sure all my resources are in proper working conditions."
"A resource… hm… am I?"
"Of course," he nodded. "A very valuable one, but a resource nonetheless . Why? Were you hoping for something different?"
"As… hm… if!"
"That's what I thought. There, this is the last of them."
"How am long am I supposed to stay like this?"
"Well, the it would be best if you stayed in that positing for at least two hours, which is two and half hours more than agreed at this point. It's your choice, really. This treatment is good for you and if we stop sooner we will have to make several more shorter sessions afterwards. It all comes down how pressing it's your need for Mana."
"… I'll stay, but you're paying the overtime."
"That goes without saying. This is also in my best interest. Look, I'm going to pick a book and sit here, alright?"
"Do you have to? I'd rather be by myself."
"Sure," he shrugged. "I'll come back in two hours. Give a shout if you need anything."
"Yes, yes."
He left and Rin was yet again alone. This was definitely not what she expected. For one thing, he was being far too agreeable. Not that he went out of his way to make her feel welcome but he was being more decent than she thought him capable of, which made her wonder if his lecherous behavior had been a mask all along or if he just didn't mix business and pleasure. A odd thought, considering the nature of their relationship.
It was confusing, something that Rin did not like at all, but she was starting to feel warm and cozy, even if her naked breasts were pressed onto the stone. She wasn't quite ready to discount a lack of Magecraft on Gerard's part at this point, but she didn't really see the point of him being dishonest when she was basically his part-time slave, sworn to secrecy.
Besides, Saber was right. She was very tired between the lack of Mana, the accumulated stress and the ordinary exertion of every day. It wasn't a really wonder if her eyes closed and she fell asleep again.
She woke up slightly dazed to the feeling of the needles being pulled out of her back.
"Yawn… is it already time?" she asked with half lidded yes.
"Indeed," he replied, extracting the last of his needles out. "How are you feeling?"
She pulled up to a sitting position, rolling her arms and neck tentatively.
"… Wow," she said after a moment. "I didn't even know I was that tense in comparison."
"Told you," he smirked, finally showing a bit of his usual cockiness. "Now, I don't know if you have other plans after this, but it's getting late."
"What time is… crap! I forgot. Saber is probably worrying herself sick. I have to run."
"Yeah, I'd rather not have your Servant breaking into my Workshop anytime soon," he said worriedly while Rin dressed herself.
"I'll see you next week," she told him, hastily putting on her shoes. "I'll tell precisely when in a couple of days."
"Fine by me. Careful on the way home."
With barely a nod of acknowledgement she left his Workshop in a hurry.
"Rin!" Saber exclaimed seeing her Master emerge from the subway.
"Saber, I'm sorry," she replied, putting her hands together in an apologetic gesture. "I completely lost track of the time."
"Thank goodness you are fine," she sighed. "What were you thinking, worrying me like that?"
"I'm sorry! Really, I didn't notice what time it was until it was already late."
"I'll forgive you this time but don't let it happen again. Have I made myself clear?"
"Crystal clear! I swear, I'll tell you beforehand if I'm going to be late."
"Come on, let's go home," the Servant said with a smile, finally mollified. "I'm starving."
"Oh," Rin smirked. "So that's why you were so worried."
"RIN! It's nothing like that and you know it!"
'Groooowl,' said Saber stomach on cue.
"It looks like your stomach is more honest than you," the Magus laughed. Saber was too embarrassed to say anything and was forced to suffer Rin's teasing until they arrived home, though Rin made sure to express her apologies with several extra servings of the King's favorite dishes.
It was a cheerful evening, the likes of which had been missing for many months and a very much needed respite.
Saber put the dishes into the sink and sighed.
She wished she could do more, both for Rin and for Shirou, but the truth of the matter was that she couldn't. In this era there was little for her to do. Even with the knowledge of modern days' workings imparted by the Grail upon her summoning she was still very much a fish out of water.
She was a Knight a King, two things that were little to no use in the current peaceful era. Even if she took her duty seriously, being Rin's bodyguard wasn't much of a job. The kind of threats she faced were of political sort and would very unlikely come to harm her physically.
She was a sword that needed not be drawn.
A useless trinket.
A worthless piece of junk, however rare.
"I know what's going on in that head of yours," Rin whispered in her ear, simultaneously sliding her arms around Saber's waist from behind.
"Rin!" the knight yelped in surprise. "I… just wish I could be of more help."
"You are so silly, Saber," the Magus laughed softly. "You give me more help that you think. I don't know where I would now be without you."
"You would have fared probably better without having to sustain me."
"Yes," Rin agreed mercilessly. Saber wasn't the sort of person to take sugar-coating kindly, "but I don't think that would be for the best."
"Your words are… comforting, Rin, but I-"
"Hush. Let me show you what comforting actually means."
"Rin, what –ah!"
The Magus kissed the back of the Servant's neck, while her hands roamed under Saber's skirt and up her torso, caressing the silken skin and teasing the edge of her breast.
"That's… against the rules," the King protested weakly.
"Magi don't care about the rules," Rin murmured into the King's neck.
"Such a wicked –hm- witch."
Turning around, Saber wrapped her own arms around Rin's shoulders and pulled her into a kiss.
It was welcome… but awkward. In truth this was the third time they were doing something like this since Shirou was forced to run. It wasn't like their mutual attraction had diminished, but every time they got closer his absence felt heavier.
He was out there, running and possibly fighting for his life, utterly alone, while they were safe in each other's arms. It didn't sit well with either of them.
But even then they did love each other and their attraction could be put on hold only so much. So, in those rare occasion when things felt too much to handle, the need for a lovers' embrace surpassed the sense of guilt and they gave up to the need for comfort.
Thus, Saber's shirt slid down her skin and onto the kitchen's floor, followed shortly by her skirt, leaving her only in her panties. She never did take to wear a bra, her slender physique didn't require it and she lived most of her life without.
"Shouldn't… hm… move this to the bedroom?"
"No. Here –kiss- is perfectly –kiss- fine."
She pushed Saber backward, hitting the kitchen's table and ending up sitting on it.
"Eep," the King squealed when Rin trailed kisses down her collarbone, descending between her breasts and proceeding further down her body. "Rin, I- AH! That's… hm… there!"
A short tug of Rin's fingers and Saber's panties slid down her legs. The Magus kneeled and gently pulled apart the King's legs.
Saber's face was flushed. It was not the first time people kneeled in front of her, but never in such a fashion. Sitting like that on the kitchen's table, an entirely inappropriate setting for such activities, made her feel more than a little embarrassed.
However, it did nothing to subdue her desire and Rin found proof of it between the folds of the King's womanhood.
"Meeph***!" Saber clamped both hands over her mouth to quell the undignified noise that escaped her throat when Rin kissed her nether lips. "!"
Even that was almost not enough to contain her reaction. Rin's tongue expertly opened her folds and sought the sweet nectar of her body.
"Your reactions… slrp… are too cute, Saber."
"That's not -uwaaah- fair! You are far too… hnn! Far too good at this!"
"I've only just begun," the Magus declared. And indeed, she attacked Saber's weak spot with renews vigor.
"Aaah! Rin!"
It didn't take long from there to reach and edge of her arousal. Biting her finger to choke down a scream, she wrapped her legs around Rin's back and pulled her further into her most precious place, climaxing on her lover's lips.
Her body trembled cutely for a moment, shaken from within by her own release. Finally she came down from the pleasurable high and relented her hold on her lover, slumping down on the table, breathing heavily.
Rin was upon her a moment later, lips meeting in soft but passionate kiss. The King tasted her own arousal, not for the first time, and while she did not dislike it that was quite enough of that.
"You are overdressed," she all but growled a moment before their positions were turned.
"Eeep!" Rin screamed, not at all surprised or displeased by this development.
It didn't take long for her clothes to join Saber's. Let it be known that the King of Knights is no stranger to delivering swift retribution.
In his lair, Gerard was humming to himself as he positioned the needles he had used earlier that on a mannequin, precisely in the same spot as he did on Rin's body.
While it was true that acupuncture was not Magecraft, it didn't mean they could not work well together. Using particular techniques he could reconfigure the nerves in the human body to respond in certain ways, placating or arousing the recipient with seemingly innocent touches, or without touching at all if suitable was employed.
It wasn't increasing the sensibility of the body, that would be dangerously close to be considered a form of permanent damage, but more like shifting existing spots located in places unique to every person to a location where the user could find them without fail.
Why bothering learning how to please, when you could teach the body how to be pleased?
Speaking of which, Magi were very strong willed people, having grown able to sustain the inherent pain of having a Crest and performing Magecraft. However, for all that well deserved credit, the truth of the matter was that the human body was naturally able to withstand a great deal of pain before the mind snapped.
A pity it was not so well equipped when it came up to resisting pleasure. To think it was all just a matter of pushing the right buttons.
In the darkness of his Workshop, the Magus laughed to his heart content.
In the end, a whole lot of things came up and Rin didn't have a chance to speak with Gerard for the next four days and when she did his own plans made it impossible for them to meet for another couple of days, which meant that in order to fulfill the twice a week clause of their Contract they had to meet two days in a row.
Rin would have preferred to avoid that if at all possible. She didn't trust Gerard one bit and made sure to check both her mind and body for tampering extensively. Nothing strange came up now, beside the fact that she was more relaxed, as far as the body went. However, being subjected to his whims twice in a row gave him more opportunity to mess around with her and gave her a smaller timeframe to check herself for strange things.
It was with such thoughts that she found herself yet again at his Workshop's doorsteps. As usual the door was open and just like the two other times he was waiting for her at the entrance, idly reading over a book.
"Good afternoon, Rin."
"Gerard," she greeted for the first time upon entering. Perhaps it was because it was the third time, or perhaps it was his behavior, but she didn't feel like mustering her usual hostility. "So, are we going to finally try this ritual today or what?"
Gerard closed his book slowly and stood, examining her with an inquisitive eye.
"Yes," he finally said. "You don't look like you are about to snap and tear me in two anymore."
Her eyebrow twitched.
"Saying it isn't exactly helping your case."
He shrugged, unconcerned.
"We are Magi. Honesty isn't exactly a virtue to us, but neither is sugar-coating the truth. I won't lie to you about this Rin, I'm not a better person than you think I am; actually I'm probably worse. I'm looking forward to this for reasons that are not wholly professional and let me tell you, you are not going to enjoy yourself more than strictly necessary. It's only natural that you'd hate me."
"Well," Rin blinked at his forwardness. She thought he was trying to lull her in a sense of false security. "Of course I hate you."
"Good. Hold onto that feeling cause you're likely to hate me even more at the end of the year. Now come, we have things to do and far too little time."
Nodding, she followed after him.
In spite of what he just said, she felt reassured. This was the way things were supposed to be.
Of course, this was exactly what Gerard wanted. Saying the things she wanted to hear, that he was Magus and a lowlife at that, which he was, while behaving exactly the opposite. It was something Rin herself did, minus the lowlife part.
Besides, if he played too nice, she would be looking out for traps. If everything about him fit her vision, at least superficially, she could not blame him for the emotion he was about to evoke in her.
She probably would anyway, at least outwardly. Rin was the kind of person who denied her feelings first and foremost to herself, but underneath she wasn't able to completely dismiss them for what they were. It was a cage of her own making and a delicious duplicity that would serve Gerard well.
He took her to a bedroom, this time. Rin was more relieved than she thought she would. Doing something like that on a slab of stone was going to be very uncomfortable.
"Alright," she said. "How are we going to do this?"
She didn't undress right away and Gerard was glad for that. On her first visit, Rin acted mechanically, forcing her pride aside. If they had done it back then, regardless of how good he made her feel, she would have been able to detach herself from it.
This, however, was the real Tohsaka Rin. Headstrong, proud and fearless at least on the outside.
Time to begin cracking that hollow shell.
Wordlessly and with confident slowness, Gerard stepped into her space and brushed her hair behind her head. A gesture that spoke of familiarity. Rin followed his every movement, but did not shy away from his touch. The previous three session had paid off, both physically and mentally.
He helped her slid her coat off, folding it and carefully placing it on a nearby chair. This too was meant to induce tranquility, as one usually treated people better than their things. Another piece of a carefully constructed façade.
"Rin, I'm giving you one last chance to back off for this," he said when he turned to her again.
"What do you mean?" she frowned. "We can't back off from anything, we are under geass."
"True, but the way we have worded it, if we don't go along with the ritual you'll be only bound to come here a couple of hours a week."
"W-why are you asking this now?"
"I'm not sure myself," he shook his head. "Maybe I just like chasing you more than I like getting you."
It was a lie, of course, but a very good one. By giving her a chance to back off, acting against his own interest, he posed himself as a better person. He wasn't, of course, and if she backed off he would still be able to manipulate her into it at a later time.
Rin sighed and shook her head, the corner of her mouth twitching, however slightly.
"I wouldn't be here now if I hadn't already made up my mind. Stop wasting my time."
"Alright then," he said, wrapping an arm around her waist. She closed her eyes, slightly tilting her head backward. Gerard leaned in and kissed her mouth.
Rin forced herself to reciprocate, but it was a very awkward thing. His hands slid behind her and caressed her back, slowly. After a minute, her shoulders relaxed and to her surprise their kisses became more natural.
She did not allow herself to enjoy it, however she noticed that her shirt was unbuttoned only when he was already at her stomach.
'When...?' she briefly wondered, but soon discarded needless thoughts. If this was going to happen anyway, she wouldn't just stand there like a dead fish.
She went for his shirt, fumbling with the buttons. Her shirt was already completely open by then and his hands brushed against her stomach causing a shiver, God help her, not at all unpleasant to run up her spine.
She quenched down that thought and then forced herself not to. The ritual required her enjoyment, at least at a physical level. If she clamped down not only it wouldn't make her crime less heavy, but it would make it useless to.
'Forgive me, Saber, Shirou,' she pleaded in the confines of her mind. Sensing her resignation, his tongue slid past the boundaries of her lips, engaging into a slow dance.
Her breathing started to become more labored. 'From the lack oxygen', she told herself.
She let him take away her shirt, which joined her coat along with his.
Now skin against skin, Gerard kissed her neck while he kept caressing her back, warming up her body.
His touch was unwelcome but not unpleasant, a conundrum that Rin couldn't quite figure. She wished it was Shirou doing that to her. It didn't help her sense of guilt nor the heat that was starting to build up in her body.
She pushed him back and covered her chest with her arms.
"What?" he asked.
"What have you done to me?"
"What do you mean?"
"You know what I'm talking about," she glared.
"I can guess, however you should know this has been my family's Craft for centuries now. One would suppose we have become fairly good at it by now."
"... You haven't been using Magecraft," she said, but a sliver of doubt slithered in her mind.
"Not yet," he confirmed. "I would appreciated if you didn't assume my Magecraft is all there is about me, thank you very much. "
"Mphf," she scoffed, reaching out for him and pulling into a kiss again while inwardly cursing herself a hundred times over. Another minute into their kissing and she was barely aware that her bra had been unlatched.
It didn't take long for them to stumble over the bed. Rin fell on the mattress, noticing only then that her skirt and his pants was already on the floor. She closed her legs. Gerard didn't bother, prying them open, going for her pantyhose instead and beginning rolling them down slowly.
Rin allowed him to go past her knees with them and they fell on the floor by the bed. She squeezed her eyes shut and pushed the tears back. She wouldn't cry. She wouldn't allow him to make her cry.
His breathing and his lips were on her neck, his hands rubbing her thighs. Goosebumps crawled over her skin and to her eternal damnation it wasn't because she hated it, even though she did.
His finger tugged her panties and she opened her eyes. He was looking at her with a very serious expression, an unspoken yet very clear request of permission in his eyes.
She hated him for being so civil, almost as much as she hated herself for nodding in agreement.
The last shred of modesty disappeared and she was naked before him.
He returned to kissing and caressing her body, never quite touching her breasts, while he crawled his way down her stomach and further down.
Damn him for not being a complete asshole. Damn him for making her feel like this.
Her guilt churned her stomach like a jagged blade.
His tongue pierced her warm folds far too gently and far too cruelly.
She bit down that moan. Every fiber of her soul rejected it, but her body didn't agree with her silent protests.
One minute of torture became five, then ten. She did not make a peep when the first moan washed over her, even if the way her hips buckled and her fingers dug into the mattress would have been a dead giveaway, had Gerard not been at the very epicenter of it with his face
He pulled up and leaned against her. She did not look at him in the eyes, even when something big and hot pushed against her stomach.
"I'm going in now," he said softly. She did not react. Not even when she felt the tip pushing at the entrance of that spot that wasn't meant for him.
But she did bit her lip when it pushed her open, finding little attrition thanks to his earlier ministrations and, much to her shame, her own arousal.
She wasn't a virgin, but slowly he was stretching her wider and more deeply than she ever had been. She didn't make a comparison. She most certainly did not make a comparison between him and the man she loved.
She was always very good at lying to herself.
Slowly, confidently, mercilessly, he begun thrusting back and forth. Short, slow stokes, that increased in depths and speed as time went by.
Her body was covered in sweat, small breast jiggling in rhythm with his thrusts, her hands clutching desperately and the bed's cover.
Despite wishing otherwise, despite biting her lips almost to the point of drawing blood, despite the tears she had been futilely trying to hold back in, she moaned aloud.
It only made his thrusts more intense and more cruel.
"Aah- hn! Ah!"
Try as she might, her voice just couldn't stay down. Her back arched and her toes curled. She would not wrap her legs around him. She would not!
She could not control her body. Freezing in place was the best she could accomplish and even then it was a close thing.
His pace varied, sometimes slowing and at other times accelerating. He was gauging her reactions, testing her limit. More than once he brought her to the very edge only to let her down when she was almost there.
For the life of her, she would not ask for it any more than she already did.
It turned out there wasn't need for it.
"Rin!" he called out sharply and she knew it was the time. Both of their circuits flared alive and a moment after both of them climaxed.
"Kh-k!" she grunted. Pain, Mana and his seed flooded her body.
Again and again and again.
The combination of those sensations was second only to her shame. Not for the first time she had able to establish a connection with another Magus on the first try, and in this case they were both more experienced, but she loved Shirou and she had wanted him at the time.
Gerard wasn't the same and it was humiliating that she had been able to achieve the same results with him as she did with the man she loved.
'Am I too easy?'
They were both breathing heavily from the prolonged exertion. Neither said a word for a while as words would not have helped in any way.
"It's done," he said tersely after a while. She didn't respond and it wasn't needed. "Your Mana... is it replenished yet?"
Never in her life such a short word sounded so much like a death sentence.
There was no point in explaining what was needed to be done.
Despite all the inward cursing the room was soon filled with half suppressed moans.
When Rin climbed out of the subway, the Sun had already set. She didn't go right back home. She just couldn't . How could she face her Servant?
'Hello Saber, I just slept with a guy to save your life.'
Thinking like that made her feel worse. Saber could never know about it, it would kill her in ways a sword never could. It was her secret, her crime, her sentence to bear.
And bear them she would until the very end.
AN: I am aware that Rin has more than enough Mana to keep Saber alive and then some. I forgot to specify in the previous chapter that she's overworking to keep up her reputation tarnished from Shirou's Sealing Designation in order not to be banished from the Clock Tower, thus losing any chance to help him in any meaningful manner. She also has a part time job to cover the expenses of every day and to pay for her not at all cheap jewelcraft, meaning she has less time to rest and to recharge.
In any case, accept it for what it is.
On a unrelated topic, I am aware that I'm in violation with the rules of this wonderful site, thank you Server Lock for pointing it out. I would appreciate if you didn't report me, as I made it very clear in the summary what the nature of this story is. It is, however, your choice and your right to do so and I respect that.
Should the worst come to pass, I do have also an account of Adultfanfiction. You can find a link in my profile and I would suggest anyone interested into this story to bookmark it if the SHTF, as the saying goes.
Thank you very much for reading.