Chapter 30

It was ten a.m. when Nancy opened her eyes. Nancy had never slept so late on a Friday morning. Not unless she was sick and she was not sick. Well, not physically sick. One would not be remiss if they said she was emotionally sick.

Sleep had eventually come, but it had not been restful. Images of Ray and her mother in the car had plagued her dreams. Nightmares. That's what they were. Nightmares. It would be a long time before Nancy had dreams again.

Nancy forced herself out of bed. The house was quiet. As quiet as a grave. Nancy donned a robe and shoved her feet into fuzzy slippers. She padded down the stairs and into the kitchen. Hannah was there, having a cup of tea.

Hannah looked up. "Would you like some tea? The water's still hot."

Nancy eased into a chair. She felt a headache coming on. "Yes. Thank you, Hannah."

Hannah prepared the tea and set it in front of Nancy. Hannah returned to her chair and placed her hands around her teacup. "How are you, dear?"

Nancy added cream to her tea and stirred. "Exhausted. Emotionally and physically exhausted. After this tea, I'll probably go back to bed."

Hannah looked at Nancy over the rim of her teacup. "I don't think any of us slept last night."

"Probably not."

"Would you like some toast or a boiled egg?"

"No, thanks. I'm not hungry. I have a bit of a headache."

The women sat in companionable silence and sipped their tea.

Finally, Hannah said, "Whenever you need to talk, I'm here for you."

Nancy gave Hannah an affectionate smile. "I know and I appreciate that, Hannah. More than I can express. But today, I need to rest. I'm emotionally drained. I can't even think straight."

"That's quite understandable, dear. You've been pushing yourself hard on this case and now it's over. I think a little rest is just what the doctor would order."

Another silence and then Hannah said, "Gladys called. She has new pictures of her grandchildren she'd like to show me. I told her I might stop by, but I wanted to see how you were doing first."

"I'm fine, Hannah. Please, go and visit your friend."

Hannah pushed to her feet and collected her teacup. "Your father's at his office. When he saw you sound asleep this morning, he decided to go in. He said he could take the afternoon off though if you wanted."

"I think I'd like to be alone today. I need some time to myself. Sometime to relax and unwind."

Hannah placed her cup in the sink. "Well, in that case, I'll take Gladys up on her offer of lunch. And then I have my book club tonight."

"Sounds like you have a full day," Nancy said and a small smile lit her face. "Please, go and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. I'm sure there's plenty of food in the fridge if I get hungry."

"Yes, there's plenty to eat. Well, if you're sure you don't mind being alone …"

Nancy rose and pulled Hannah into a hug. "I don't mind at all. I need it."

# # # #

Nancy took some aspirin and went back to bed. This time she slept. When she woke three hours later, she felt somewhat rested. The headache was gone, too.

She lay in bed and listened to the house. It was quiet and peaceful. Exactly the way life should be.

Nancy threw back the covers and stretched her body. She stretched her legs and pointed her toes. She stretched her arms to the sides and wiggled her fingers. All her parts seemed to be working. Perhaps, a little stiff after being in bed so long. A nice long soak in a hot bath would fix that.

An hour later, Nancy climbed out of the tub. She felt refreshed. Like a new person. Her face tingled from the fruity mask she'd used. Her skin was soft and fragrant from the scented bubble bath.

She pulled on comfy pants and a t-shirt then brushed her hair and pulled it into a ponytail. She grabbed a long forgotten book from her bedside table and headed downstairs for a cup of tea and a sandwich.

As Nancy got to the last step, the doorbell rang. Now, who could that be at three in the afternoon? Her father wasn't due home till at least five and then he wouldn't ring the bell.

She opened the door and stared at the tall figure filling her doorway. One arm was in a sling.

"Frank? How'd you get here?"

Frank hitched a thumb in the direction of the driveway. Joe smiled and winked from the driver's window of a rental car. He waved and pulled out of the driveway.

"Oh," Nancy mumbled. Frank's sudden appearance had surprised her. In a good way, but also in a bad way. She looked awful. She was in old clothes. Her hair was in a ponytail and she had no make-up on.

Frank sensed his surprise had not worked as well as he hoped. Perhaps he had misjudged Nancy's feelings for him. "Sorry to drop in like this, Nan. Unannounced and all. I should've called first. But, but I really needed to get out of that hotel room. A week of lying around doing nothing is driving me crazy. Can you take pity on a guy and let him stay a while?" He tilted his head in the direction of the empty driveway. "My ride's gone."

Nancy leaned out of the doorway and eyed the driveway. "Hmmm, so it is. Seems you've been left high and dry."

Frank glanced from his cast in the sling to Nancy's blue eyes. "We haven't seen each other in a week. I've been worried about you. I heard about the interview. That had to be tough."

"That, I don't want to talk about." She was just beginning to feel normal again. She certainly didn't want to discuss Ray's interview.

Frank flinched at the harshness in Nancy's voice. He didn't want to talk about the interview either. He'd thought maybe he could comfort her, but she clearly didn't want that. So, he told her the real reason he was there.

He drew in a breath and shifted from one foot to the other. "Listen, Nan. I .. I've missed you. And there were some things I wanted to discuss with you. I'd meant to discuss them before … before all this happened." He indicated his broken arm.

He missed her? Had Nancy heard correctly? She was taken aback. Frank Hardy was full of surprises. And she liked that. She liked it a lot and she was also curious about what he wanted to discuss. It brought her back to that night Hannah had interrupted them. What had he wanted to say then?

Finally, she would get some answers. But she needed to admonish him a little. Showing up on a girl's doorstep with no warning?

"You know, a little warning would've been nice. I look awful." She gestured at her clothes and hair.

Now, he was taken aback. "Nan, you're gorgeous." He'd noticed the glowing skin and rosy cheeks. She was fresh and vibrant. He'd also detected a slight fruity aroma. It was quite enticing. Didn't she know how appealing she was?

The way Frank's eyes lit up told Nancy he meant what he said. He found her very attractive and she was pleased to know it. Beyond pleased.

She smiled. A smile that came from her heart. "Okay, Hardy that earned you a pass. I'll let you in."

"A pass?" he said in a low suggestive voice and stepped into the house.

Nancy thought his smile couldn't get any bigger. A flood of happiness washed over her. She felt the tingle from her head to her toes. Frank Hardy had brought her happiness. Serene and beautiful happiness. And in that moment she knew she was going to be okay.

"Don't push your luck." She grinned and closed the door. "I was just going to make some tea. Would you like some?"

"Tea? As in teacups?" One dark eyebrow rose then lowered. "I'd love some."

"Yes, teacups. Oh, teacups!" Nancy instantly realized what Frank was thinking. That first night. Their struggle over the cups. And she'd promised him a fight anytime.

"I couldn't put up much of a fight tonight," Frank said as if he'd read her mind. He nodded at his arm. "Still pretty sore. You would definitely have the upper hand."

"I think I like those odds."

# # # #

Nancy placed the grilled cheese sandwiches on the kitchen table and took a seat.

"Thanks for making the sandwiches, Nan. I didn't mean to make you cook though."

"I know. But I wasn't in the mood for a delivery pizza. I'm glad we agreed on grilled cheese. It's one of my favorite comfort food."

"Mine too."

After the sandwiches, Nancy and Frank relaxed on the living room sofa.

"So, how's the arm?"

The bruises on Frank's face had faded and the swelling was gone.

"Better every day. The pins come out Monday and I get a real cast. Then I'll be cleared to fly home." Frank didn't sound excited that, about leaving.

Nancy felt the same. "Have you and Joe and your mom booked a flight?"

"No, mom thinks it's best to wait until Monday to be sure. The doctors could change their minds about the cast."

Nancy nodded and thought about the questions she had for Frank. She'd been thinking about them ever since he arrived. Might as well ask them now. When would she get another chance?

"I have some questions for you, Frank?"

"Yeah?" Frank ran his tongue over his lips. A nervous gesture born of fear and worry.

"Yes." Nancy adjusted herself on the sofa so she faced him. "Why did you — the most sensible guy I know — go into that office without back-up?"

Frank dropped his head in shame. "Well Nan, the truth is I was thinking with my heart and not my head."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, I was thinking about protecting you and my brother." Frank shook his head in disbelief. He'd been so foolish. So stupid. "I didn't want either of you to get hurt again." He saw the look in Nancy's eye. "Yeah, I know. Both of you can take care of yourselves. But Trish's death hit Joe hard. It brought back all those memories of losing Iola. I hated seeing him like that. Suffering again. And then you and what happened to your mother ..." His voice trailed off. He appeared defeated.

Nancy didn't scold. She understood Frank's motivations. "Yes, but you seem to forget that it ways both ways. You got hurt and that frightened me. I'm kind of protective of you, too."

Frank smiled weakly. "We always did have each other's backs."

"We still do. I have another question."

Frank grimaced and swallowed hard.

"What were you going to say the night Hannah interrupted us, here on the sofa?"

Frank relaxed. This question was easy. "It had to do with my dad and his detective agency."

A perplexed frown furrowed Nancy's brow. "I don't understand."

"Dad's looking to expand the Hardy Detective Agency and I'm ready to get out on my own. I want my own agency. Dad and I have discussed it. I was … I'm thinking, what about opening a branch of the Hardy Detective Agency here."

"In River Heights?" Nancy was stunned. She had not expected this. A detective agency here? Her thoughts had been going in a more romantic direction.

"Yeah. Why not? I know some people here. After this case, I know some of the local law enforcement. And I'm acquainted with a well-known attorney and his daughter who's a well-known amateur detective. She might even consider working for me."

"Working for you?" There was a note of teasing displeasure in Nancy's voice.

Frank laughed. "I meant working with me. And Joe. He's excited about this opportunity. What do you think? River Heights isn't too far from Chicago. We might get the occasional big city case."

"Wow, give me a minute to take this in." Nancy cocked her head and looked at Frank from beneath dark lashes. "You're serious? This isn't a joke?"

"No, of course not. I'm going to lay all my cards on the table. It's been great seeing you again, Nan. I've enjoyed working with you. I think we make a great team. And to be honest, I have selfish motives for picking River Heights."

Nancy felt a bit light-headed. Did Frank mean what she thought he meant? "You have selfish motives?"

Frank worked his tongue around his mouth then said, "I'm wondering if there's any chance a certain titan-haired detective might consider getting to know me better."

Nancy tried to hide her grin. "How much better?"

"This much."

Frank leaned over and wrapped his good arm around Nancy's shoulders. He pressed his lips to hers. Tentative and unsure.

Nancy's arms went around his back and neck. She pressed herself against him and the kiss deepened. The kiss was everything she had hoped for. Everything she had dreamed it would be. Frank's muscles bunched and tensed beneath her fingertips. For a second the world stood still. Then she heard a soft groan and drew back. Frank's brow was knotted.

"You're in pain," Nancy said.

"The ribs." Frank slumped against the back of the sofa and squeezed his eyes shut. "The kiss was worth it though." He peeked at her with one eye. "So, do I have a chance?"

Nancy laughed and shook her head. "I'd say your chances look very good."

A/N: Now, I see why I rewrote so much of this story. The original was pretty cheesy and too YA for me. I prefer grittier characters and stories. Therefore, I changed N,F&J in the next story I wrote; "Meet Me at Midnight." I gave F&J a military background to explain all their knowledge of equipment and surveillance techniques. I made N a former detective of the Chicago PD.

But this story is the one that got me started down that path. There's one or two chapters left. I haven't decided if I'm lumping it all together or separating the very end bit. We'll see.

Thanks bunches for the reviews. I have several other stories I'm working on and may start posting another when this one is complete.
