Hello Zaro Garon here again Zanatos: Alright what are we doing now. me: well were are going to have a look inside zarkoros's mind. Zanatos: well this should be interesting. me: I don't own legends of chima I only own my OC's, alright then, now let's start.
While zanatos was contacting that insectoid creature Zarkoros was in his own personal quarters, pondering not about recourses or training, but instead about his colleagues andthose in there forces. Zarkoros looked out of one of the windows in his quarters which was conveniently stations above the one of the many training grounds, and as Zarkoros looked at the soldiers doing things like sparing and practicing there aim, Zarkoros wondered what it was like to be one of the soldiers and wondered what was going through there minds. He then thought to himself what mite be going through there heads, will the coming invasion fail? will we all die before we even win? and if we do win will we ever see home again? Zarkoros knew that if we do fail then we all die and will be remembered as villains when all we were trying to do was survive. Zarkoros then wondered, what about my fellows? T'kekzikos and me, although we were always trying to prove ourselves superior to the other it was always a more friendly rivalry then a hostile one, although that doesn't mean that we didn't get into fights, T'kekzikos was always the inferior fighter and we were always on par in terms of strategic capability's, but that doesn't mean that we hate each other for that, it's just that were friendly rivals (if there even IS such a concept as 'friendly rivals'). Zarkoros then sighed to himself, I was always entertained by our little 'rivalry' it truly will be a sad day if it ever ends. Zarkoros then wondered about Zanatos, Zarkoros then thought to himself "what is it like to be him?". Zarkoros always believed that, Zanatos although he wasn't ALWAYS the nicest person, Zarkoros always saw him as a bit of a 'father figure' who when desperate resorts to rather extreme method. Zarkoros then wondered what it was like for Zanatos to act as a parent to both him AND T'kekzikos AND act as a leader. Zarkoros then took his helmet off and then stared at where his face would be, he then wondered to himself "what about me? what would our forces se me as, a leader or a parent?" Zarkoros continued to stare at the helmet and wondered how things would turn out. will I be a success or a failure? will T'kekzikos prove to be better then me? Will I prove to be better than him? Is he wondering the same things? will we both end up as failures and looked upon with shame? Or will we both end up as successfully and end up as good as the other? As Zarkoros is wondering these things the only thing that could be heared was silence, silence and the quiet sounds of some of there forces training outside. Zarkoros then knew that whether they would fail or succeed, should probably be kept as a thought for later. Zarkoros then put his helmet back on and then looked at the soldiers outside and then thought to himself "I don't know how many of us would come back home if we do win, if we ever are allowed to return home if we do, but until then let's just hope that we survive that long without starving out."
End chapter, yeah nothing eventful happens. Zanatos: Hopefully next chapter something eventful DOES actually happen. me: Alright then goodbye. Zanatos: Zanatos out.