Hello everyone! I'm back again with another update because I got some lovely reviews!

peacedog34- Thank you! I'm happy you're enjoying it and I will!

ANNA- Your review has made me immediately want to update! And, I know what you mean, I searched for a SeaCat fanfic too but didn't find one anywhere on this site! That's actually part of the reason why I started writing this! This update is for you, my darling. I hope you enjoy!

Butchy went for a walk outside to clear his head and when he came back he saw everyone sitting around, engaged in time-filling activities. SeaCat and Rascal were sitting at a table, attempting to stack a small amout of cards. SeaCat put a card down on top of their two tier tower and Rascal intentionally flicked the tower, sending it down. SeaCat hit the side of Rascal's head and rubbed his own temples. With a sigh he looked over at the table in front of him where CheeChee, Jinx, Struts and Giggles were standing, building a ginormous card tower that needed two tables to fit. Jinx caught sight of SeaCat looking at her and gave him a shy smile back, twirling a bit of her hair in her fingers. SeaCat leaned his head on his hand and stared back at her, a big grin on his face.

"Okay, what is goin' on here?" Butchy asked as he inspected the girls' table. "It's like we're bored or somethin'!"

"We's not bored, Butchy. We's confused," CheeChee answered him.

"Yeah," Struts agreed.

"And a little bit scared," Jinx added in.

"That too," Giggles nodded.

Lugnut came running up to Butchy and started stammering again. Butchy turned to his friend and immediately started panicking. "Oh, no, no, no. Who is it now?"

Lugnut's hand shaked as he pointed up at where the band was staged. The guitarist shimmered and vanished up into thin air just ike the guy before him. CheeChee, Giggles, Struts, Jinx and SeaCat all came running over.

"Oh, it's happenin' again, Butchy!" Struts squealed.

"I know," Butchy sighed.

"This is really, really bad!"

"I know!"

"Soon, we could all just be-!"

"Struts!" Butchy yelled, making Struts shrink back from him. Butchy sighed and gently rubbed her arm. "I'm sorry for yellin'. I'm just a little stressed right now. Hows about you

and the girls go take a walk and we'll figure all of this out later?"

Struts nodded and grabbed CheeChee and Giggles' hands. "You, too, Jinx," Struts said as her and the girls started walking by.

"Oka-oh!" Jinx had walked right into SeaCat who chuckled nervously. "Sorry, I jus-" They tried to manuver around each other but kept stepping in each others way. Jinx laughed nervously and so did SeaCat. Finally SeaCat took a wide step to the right and Jinx smiled at him. "Thanks," she said.

SeaCat shook his head, silently saying it was no big deal and bowed deeply and dramatically to the girl.

Jinx giggled and then went off to join the girls. Looking over her shoulder as she reached the door she was delighted to see that SeaCat was watching her, still bent in half from bowing. She giggled again and slipped out of the door to meet up with the girls.

The four of them walked down the beach, CheeChee, Giggles and Jinx were trying desperately to calm Struts down who would not stop talking about the possibility of them up and vanishing and never coming back.

Eventually two biker guys, Sidecar and Muffler joined them. They all walked together down the beach and Struts was just starting to calm down when Sidecar and Muffler up and vanished too! Struts was immediately sent into hysterics agian and all four girls ran back to Big Momma's where Butchy, SeaCat, Lugnut, Rascal, MItzi, Daisie and a few other people who always stand in the back and never say anything who's names weren't known were standing in front of Big Momma's and all bickering about what they were going to do next.

"Hey, move it! Out of the way, out of the way, out of the way!" Butchy yelled as he made his way through the group and jumped down the stairs of Big Momma's. He clapped his hands and yelled, "Okays! I think there's only one thing for us to do." Everyone moved in closer around Butchy. "And that's to not do anything's and pretend that nothing bad is happening. Sound good? Perfect. Okay." The group all agreed and moved to walk back into Big Momma's.

"Butchy! Butchy!" CheeChee yelled as the girls all ran up to Big Momma's. CheeChee made too hard of a stop and almost fell forwad from the weight of her hair. "Oh. My. Gosh," she panted when she righted herself. She pointed up at Butchy, "You are not gonna believe this."

Butchy turned to his friends and fixed his vest. "CheeChee what's wrong?" He asked with a worried expression.

Struts, Giggles, and Jinx all worried their hair as CheeChee relayed what just happened to Butchy. "We was walking with our pals, Sidecar and Muffler, and boom! They just up and vanished."

"Oh, this is terribles! Peoples have been disappearin' left and right!" Butchy gripped SeaCats shirt and shook him as he yelled, "Any one of us could be next!"

"Oh," CheeChee whimpered.

Butchy and SeaCat both slowly turned to the ocean. Butchy let go of SeaCat and made his way down the stairs, everyone followed closely behind. "Okay, things started goin' wrong ever since Tanner and Lela took off into the ocean."

"You thinks thems leavin' is somehow coordinated with this chain of events?" CheeChee asked as she ran alongside Butchy.

"Yes, I do. Hey! What's that?" Butchy threw his arms up, making everyone stop. He bent down and picked up an item that had been laying in the water. He snapped and everyone moved in closer. He inspected the item and the realization of what it was hit him. "This is the same neckalace my sister had when she disappeared into the ocean. Okay, maybe we's can use it, too. We can find Tanner and Lela, we'll bring them back and then maybe everything will be normal again."

"We're leavin'?" CheeChee asked. "I gotta go home and get some hairspray, this does not travel well," she said, pointing up at her hair and then trying to leave.

"No, we ain't got time, Cheech!" Butchy pulled CheeChee back to where she was, causing CheeChee's hair to move her head back and forth, nearly breaking her neck. "We gotta get there right now before more of us start disappearin'!"

Struts grabbed Butchy and turned him to her. "But wait! Where exactly is 'there'?!"

"How am I supposed to know, Struts. I ain't been there yet! Come on." Butchy started walking but immediately stopped, taking a nervous step back.

"Oh, yeah. Water gives you the fears, don't it?" CheeChee rememebred.

"Yeah, it does. But some things is bigger than fears. Now let's go!" Butchy yelled, pointing out into the ocean.

Everyone let out excited yells and ran into the water.

SeaCat turned to Jinx and grabbed her hand. "Come on!" He shouted excitedly.

Jinx laughed and let him pull her out into the ocean. He held her hand the whole way to the other side of... whatever it was they were going through.

Butchy turned back around when everyone else was already in the water but was immediately faced with Giggles who knew him well enough to know that he was going to back out. She gave him a look, snapped her fingers and ran into the ocean excitedly. Butchy sighed and ran in too, whimpering the whole way. Once Butchy was in the whole group was transported to the other side of... whatever it was... and suddenly, it was day time.