Currently editing and working on updates
"one more bus to go" Shiro nodded and slid her hand into his as they boarded another bus that travelled another day.
Once they arrived at their new hometown they wandered around for a while before figuring out what to do "let's find a place for us to stay at" Shiro nodded as she looked up at her boyfriend and slid her hand into his.
They kept walking around for a bit until they found an apartment building that looked suitable. Grimmjow followed Shiro as she bounced through the revolving door to the lobby, once inside they talked to the manager and rented an apartment, the only available one had three bedroom, two bathrooms and a decent sized balcony. Shiro bounced in excitement as they went up the elevator to the sixth floor and found their place, it was a corner spot. Once Grimmjow unlocked the door, Shiro burst inside and went straight to the balcony to look at the view " it's so pretty grimm!" he grunted and threw the bags in the empty living room then met Shiro on the balcony " I s'pose it is nice here" Shiro nodded "we gotta go shopping soon, it's so empty here" Grimmjow sighed "I hate shopping" she pouted "but we can't live in an empty apartment" he shrugged and made a sound that sounded like he somewhat agreed. Shiro grabbed his hand happily " can we go now? Pleeaasseeeee" she begged. He rolled his eyes and went to the front door and ushered her out " let's get this shit done already" Shiro squealed in excitement and dragged him all over town, they bought blankets, sheets, pillows, furniture and food, among other necessities. Everything was set to be delivered he next day except for the food, blankets, pillows and a few other things they needed immediately. They spent the day out and about, exploring their new home town. Once it got dark they picked up a quick dinner and went home, they set out some blankets on the bedroom floor to get it ready for bed and sat on the balcony while they ate. Shiro finished her food first " hey grimmy, we're living together, does that make us married?" Grimmjow nearly choked on his food and had a coughing fit, within minutes he caught his breath and answered her innocent question " no. living together doesn't even mean you have to get married. Some people stay living together like this and never get married, even if they decide to start a family, which we won't do" he then continued eating. She nodded and thought about his words. Shiro decided to shower while Grimmjow finished his food. While in the shower Shiro thought about their future and wondered if this was all it would be. By the time she was done in the shower Grimmjow had finished eating and was staring at the night sky. She smiled and snuck over to him then hugged him from behind " hello grimmy" he smirked and turned around in her arms to face him "well hello princess, how was your shower?" she giggled " it was nice, I think I'll take a bath next time. OH! And with lots of bubbles and candles" he chuckled and whispered in her ear "maybe I'll join you next time" she blushed and nuzzled her face into his chest "whats it feel like to be in a gigai all the time?" he groaned " it fuckin sucks! I feel restricted and enclosed." she nodded " that sounds horrible" he nodded and agreed. She yawned and began rubbing her eyes, Grimmjow noticed this and heaved her over his shoulder which made her giggle "let's get you to bed beautiful" she flailed playfully and kept hitting his back " but I'm not tired yet!" he snorted " yeah, that's why you keep yawning and rubbing yer eyes" she pouted as he dropped her on the blankets then flopped on them next to her. He then nuzzled her neck and pulled the blankets over them both.
*next morning*
The next morning Shiro woke up to a light knocking on the front door, she groggily got up and put her clothes from last night back on and snuck to the front door, she blushed at her sleeping boyfriend when she thought about the previous night. She snapped out of that train of thought and opened the front door to see a beautiful young woman and a young boy who looked to be the age of four or five " hello miss!" the young boy shouted, Shiro smiled at him and bent down to his level " well good morning! My names Shiro, what's yours?" his small arm shot out and he made a serious face "my name is Akio ma'am" he smiled then burst out laughing . Shiro giggled and stood up to meet the young boys mom, the mom chuckled at her son " sorry if we woke you up, Akio is very excited to have new neighbors, the last ones were not very nice. Oh! My name is Hana, it's nice to meet you!" Shiro smiled excitedly "it's great to meet you too! You guys are the first people I've met here. Come on in!" Shiro opened the door to them "would you guys like coffee, juice, milk, tea? That's about all the drinks we have at the moment" Hana smiled while Akio sat on the floor and played with some toys, Hana sat on the barstools Shiro bought the day before "I'll have coffee and Akio will have some juice please, and thank you so much, not many people in this building are very friendly to us" Shiro got them each a drink and sat with Hana "why aren't they nice, you guys seem very sweet" Hana sipped her coffee "I'm a young, single mom. People here are very old fashioned" Shiro nodded in understanding " well screw em, I'll be your friend, and so will grimm" Hana smiled at her sweet personality "who's grimm? Your pet?" Shiro let out a loud laugh, once she caught her breath she told her who he was "no he's my boyfriend, he acts like a moody kitten though" the girls continued chatting while Grimmjow slept in the next room.
Grimmjow woke up to Shiro and another woman's voice, along with a child's voice 'what the hell?' he thought as he groaned while standing up off the floor. He put on some sweat pants but no shirt and walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, ignoring the others in the room. He stretched and got a mug of hot coffee, no sugar or creamer. He turned around and scowled while sipping coffee " who the hell is this?" Hana blushed at seeing the handsome man and his toned body, she looked at her drink while Shiro glared at Grimmjow " this is Hana and her son Akio, they are our neighbors and they are very nice. So be nice!" his scowl deepened, Akio jumped up and pointed at Grimmjow dramatically " you said a bad word!" Grimmjow leaned in close to the boy's face and said nothing. Shiro and Hana watched curiously to see how he reacts. Everyone was surprised that he ruffled Akio's hair and gently nudged his face to the side " I like ya kid, you have guts" he pushed Shiro out of her seat then sat down and pulled her not to gently onto his lap " nice to meetcha. " Hana smiled brightly " nice to meet you as well" Shiro and Hana chatted for a while before Grimmjow got up " what's for breakfast woman" Hana watched how the couple interacted, surprised that such a sweet and gentle woman would be with a harsh, rough man ' guess opposites do attract' she thought to herself. Shiro jumped up "are you guys hungry? We can go out for lunch" Akio grinned "yes!" Hana raised an eyebrow at her son " I suppose we can go out for lunch" the young boy cheered and jumped around happily. Shiro chuckled " want to meet in the lobby in thirty minutes, gotta get dressed" Hana nodded and held Akio's hand "see you both in a bit!" they waved and left. Grimmjow set his coffee down and grabbed Shiro, shoved her back against the counter and kissed her hard "ive been waiting to do that all morning!" she smiled and undressed as she walked away from him " im getting in the shower, youre welcome to join me" he smirked, dropped his pants and chased after her.
*thirty five minutes later*
Shiro stepped out of the elevator with Grimmjow trailing behind her, he stared at her ass the whole time with a satisfied look on his face. Shiro was wearing short black shorts that hugged her hips, a dark blue tank top with white dots all over it and blue flat sandals. Grimmjow was wearing dark wash jeans that clung to his hips, a black t shirt that hung nicely on him and black shoes. Shiro bounced over to Hana and hugged her " ready to go?" she nodded. Grimmjow loosely draped his arm over Shiro's shoulders "so where are we going for food, I'm starvin" Akio tugged on Shiro's shirt gently "can we go to the best ramen place in the whole wide world!?" Shiro laughed and nodded " lead the way" they walked about fifteen minutes before arriving at a small ramen shop with a few tables. They walked in and the store owner greeted them enthusiastically and took their orders before they picked a table to sit at. Once everyone sat on their knees Grimmjow's phone starting to ring "hello" he answered, his attitude became agitated and his scowl deepened before he passed the phone to Shiro " its for you" she took the phone and whispered to Hana " be right back" she immediately went outside and talked on the phone. Hana broke the tense silence "is everything okay?" he grunted " her dip shit friend called, he's an ass that can't accept that she didn't choose him!" Hana nodded " this friend likes her right?" he nodded but said nothing so Akio spoke up " of course he likes her! She's super pretty and nice" Grimmjow raised an eyebrow at the kid before grinning " dontcha try to take my woman, she's mine" Akio giggled and started to draw on a notepad his mom packed for him. Shiro walked in a few minutes later in a slightly agitated mood just as the food arrived. Her eyes lit up as she practically drooled" it smells so good!" she quickly dug in with everyone soon following her actions. There was no talking, only slurping as they devoured the delicious food. One they finished they decided to head home to meet the movers. Once everyone got to the apartment building they parted way and exchanged numbers. Shiro unlocked the door with Grimmjow following her in "what did strawberry call about?" Shiro said nothing and folded up the blankets and started cleaning to prepare for the movers. Grimmjow grabbed her arm and tilted her head up to face him "what's going on" she sniffled "Rukia told the soul society about us, ichi said that everyone is looking for us. What're we gunna do?" Grimmjow pulled her to his chest and hugged her "we're gunna be fine, we live here and no one knows how to find us" she nodded then jumped as someone banged on the door, Grimmjow unlocked the door and opened it "Shiro, the deliveries are here" he left the door open as all the items they bought the day before were brought in. Shiro watched excitedly as their home became unique and special to them. Grimmjow locked the door as the movers left, she pounced on him as soon as he turned around, he fell backwards and groaned "what the fuck princess!" she giggled and planted kisses all over his face "I love you grimmy" he gently pushed her back and sat up "you what" she blushed and whispered shyly "I love you Grimmjow" he grunted "yeah uh, me too" she furrowed her brows in confusion "you what?" he got an extremely uncomfortable look on his face and mumbled "love you too" she squealed in delight and wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He picked her up and carried her into the living room "so how should we arrange our new place?" she giggled and jumped down then started to move things around. In the living room they had a sixty inch flatscreen tv mounted on the wall, there was a soft black couch in the middle of the room facing the tv, a square coffee table in front of the couch, a chair in the corner with a lamp next to it for reading, behind the couch was the dining area that had a tall four person table. The kitchen had four barstools tucked under the eating area of the counter. All the appliances were stainless steel, dark wood cabinets and marble counters. Shiro grinned at her handy work "what do you think?" he flopped on the couch "I s'pose ittle do" Shiro clapped happily. They spent the evening together cuddling on the couch, whispering sweet words to each other before ending up in bed.
The next morning Grimmjow woke up before Shiro and smirked as he thought of the night before and grabbed his phone to take a picture of his sleeping beauty. Her body was wrapped in the blankets, while her legs stuck out, sprawled across the bed. He laid down next to her after he took a picture and dragged his finger along the bitemarks he left. She groaned and curled into his side which made him wrap his arm around her and pull her closer. He kissed her temple and whispered into her ear "good morning princess" she smiled lightly but didn't open her eyes. He nuzzled his face into her hair and rested his hand on her hip " yer making me lazy" she giggled "well that won't do" he grunted. They spent the next hour in bed, half asleep. Around eleven they were showered and dressed. Shiro got a bottle of water "hey grimm, we gotta get jobs now don't we?" he groaned "yeah, Kisuke might know someone here to help out with jobs, I'll call him." Shiro nodded while he called Kisuke, they talked for about thirty minutes. " he said there's a dojo in town that will hire both of us.". "yay!" Shiro shouted and grabbed his hand "let's go now!" he grunted and followed her out, locking the door behind them. They walked for about ten minutes before they got to the dojo, Shiro skipped inside and stood there happily as Grimmjow stood next to her. The store owner and sensei walked up to them after class and stuck out a hand "I'm Katashi, you must be the people Urahara called me about" Shiro smiled excitedly "I'm Shiro and this is Grimmjow!" she pointed to the blue haired man. Katashi nodded "wonderful, so you need a job. When can you start" Shiro tapped her chin and thought while Grimmjow spoke up "whenever" Katashi nodded "tomorrow morning then! Be here at eight in the morning. Shiro you will be the receptionist and Grimmjow, you can help me train the students" he grunted and walked out while Shiro stood there happily then bowed "thank you so much for the opportunity" he smiled "it's not a problem dear" she waved and darted off after Grimmjow, ecstatic that they got a job.