Hi guys it's Kyla-chan here again! I thought this fanfic should honor our beloved shark week! Well any one who knows just what shark week is knows it's a an entire week of shark related documentaries on the discovery channel! Sorry I'm nerding...,lol enjoy! And thank you all my loyal followers your reviews help me to keep updating!

I see a boy standing in the sea his dark blue swim trunks just barely visible, I am on his right but I could see a slight discoloration on his left arm. His dazzling Stark white hair and silver blue eyes seem to fit perfectly with the crashing waves of the ocean. As I move closer I notice a dark fun move in predator like patterns. I imeadiatly realize it's a shark. Fuck that kid is going to get seriously hurt! I pick up my pace, kicking up cold sand behind me. When I almost get to the boy the shark moves in getting ready to attack but the strange boy just stands there. He has scars all over his back and chest, his pale completion seemed as though he had never seen sunlight in his life. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear chaotic splashing. I finally get Agee feet from him when I see him holding a bucket of dead fish. What the-

"Did you know they only attack humans because we look like food. We don't actually taste good so they usually let go if they bite you. They are just curious creatures who unlike us who can define thing with smell and touch they use their teeth and tongue. Fascinating right?" The strange boys voice soothing and soft and slightly melodic asks me while watching the shark calmly.

"you could have gotten seriously hurt." I say sternly surprised of the obvious concern in my voice. Why would I care about him, I don't even know who he is.

"It's ok. I'm not afraid of them." He turns his face to me smiling a blinding smile. I almost had to cover my eyes at how bright it was. At closer inspection I see he has a strange scar run over his left eye. strange. But it didn't take away the beauty of the boy or well man for at closer inspection his baby fat is all gone and his jaw line was well defined, infact the scar brought out the mans exotic features.

"Not being afraid doesn't excuse playing with dangerous creatures." I say codly, he shrugs as he threw another fish in the air the shark jumping in the air gracefully and catching the fish in its jaws with ease. It was actually a majestic sight to see such a powerful being in action.

"Allen." The man all but whispers.

"what?" I ask raising an eyebrow at the sudden statement.

"My name is Allen walker, I'm a marine biologist." The man says non-chalantly.

"Yu kanda. I'm an Inexperienced marine fresh from college, and call me kanda." I tell Allen casually While shrugging my shoulders.

"A pleasure to meet you." Allen says with a small smile before turning around to bring his attention back to the baby great white shark. He moves closer into the water and is now waist deep in the ocean. He pulls out a camera and begins to take pictures of the sharks growth and movement.

I stared at the white haired man in wonder. When his silver eyes clashed into mine. I real side my mistake for having lingering eyes. Damn. I look away quickly and pretend to be looking at a nearby sand crab. I hear him stifle a small giggle. I look back at him, only to find him still looking at the ocean. What could be so funny?

"You know it's getting late and you should head back." Allen says off-ish-ly.

"actually I'm looking for someone up here." I exclaim proudly.

"Well, you must have taken a wrong turn because I'm the only resident at the side of the beach." Allen says almost sadly as he makes his way to the shore, sand sticking to the mans feet from the cool wet ocean water he just got out of.

" No my supervised said THE most amazing and famous marine biologist lives here and has dicoverd more about about sharks behaviors, and livelihood than any man in the top ten divisions of the black order marine institute." I state aggravated that he insinuated I took a wrong turn.

" Im going to kill Komui one day. And it will be bloody." Allen says darkly.

"Wait are you A.W? The top marine biologist in the country?!" I almost yelled he just nodded and began to head away from the ocean waters. I follow suit matching his pace. We walked in silence as we walked up a set of concrete stairs that led to a large wooden cabin that would make you feel warm and cozy just from look at it. A soft breeze blows past is as we reach the top step, the salty ocean air calms me.

Allen opened up what looked like newly polished mahogany door, to reveal a living room with a large fireplace and a leather couch sitting just close enough that you would stay comfortably warm. We both walked in the house I'm in too much of a daze of how extra agent his house is to hear his question.

"Sorry what was that?" I ask feeling guilty I wasn't listening.

"I asked if you would like some tea." Allen says again patiently and calmly.

"Umm. Sure, thanks." I was able to mutter at the breathtaking sight of the man before me. Allen walks away to make refreshments so I decide to take a look around. The first thing I noticed was a picture on the fireplace. I walk up to it and pick it up finding a brown haired boy with a huge smile and a man with dark brown hair and eyes both holding a fish. I smile at the picture and set it down looking at another photo frame beside it finding the same boy and man only the boy looks angry and is pulling at the mans cheeks while the man seems to be laughing.

The sound of a voice clearing brings my attention to the silver haired man I. The doorway holding two cups of tea. Allen walks over towards me with a sad smile,handing me the freshly brewed cup of tea. I set the picture down,and look at Allen.

"who's the boy and man in all of those pictures?" I ask cautiosly. Allen sadly smiles as if remembering a very sad memory.

"me and my father, well not my Real father but my foster father." Allen speaks bluntly.

I decide to be brave and ask another question. "Where is he?" Allen stiffens at the question before clutching his cup hard enough to make his knuckles puts on a fake smile before answering.

"A great white shark attacked him, while he was doing research the shark was calm and compliant but something made her frenzy and she attacked the closest thing to her. Mana, my foster father was torn to shreds, they tried to save him but he didn't make it through the night..." Allens voice got lower as silent tears fell from his face.

"I'm sorry I brought up a bad memory..." I apologize while averting my eyes.

"it's quite alright. I must go. your room is the third on the left upstairs. The bathroom is the door before your room and my room is across from yours, don't go into the room with the white door." Allen explains before disappearing upstairs to go to his room I presume. Damn. It's been a long day.

I will Dedicate this to shark week! Thank you for reading and please REVIWE! ~kyla-chan
