Hey heres chapter 2 :) tell me what you guys think! Xp


"I'm sorry I brought up a bad memory..." I apologize while averting my eyes.

"it's quite alright. I must go. your room is the third on the left upstairs. The bathroom is the door before your room and my room is across from yours, don't go into the room with the white door." Allen explains before disappearing upstairs to go to his room I presume. Damn. It's been a long day.

I wake up with sunlight burning my eyes, and the smell of eggs and bacon. I look around the well sized room to find a walk in closet on the right side of the bed, a dark blue carpet, and a small bookshelf filled with several documentaries on the diffrent species of sharks (of course all written by allen...) , On the left side is the damned window that blinded me this morning.

I get out of the bed and quickly get dressed. As I open the door I find allen on the other side hand in the air as if about to knock on the door I just opened. I blush when I realize what he is wearing. Only swim trunks well he is also wearing an apron. But, Seriously does this man have no modesty?! Then again this is his house. I look at his dazed and somewhat dazed expression.

" Here I made breakfast, meet me at the beach in 20 minutes." The white haired man hands me the tray of food before walking away.

I close the door and walk back to the bed and sit down. Within about 10 minutes I ate all of the food and I must say it did tasted good, and thats saying alot because I refuse to eat anything other than soba, because everything else tastes gross, but that was really good. After contemplating the food I got in my swim trunks and grabbed my note book.

I left the elegant beach house to find Allen nowhere in sight. I hurriedly ran down the beach to find him. God what if he is in trouble. I heard a loud splash and quickly turned my head to find allen fighting with a shark its teeth on his arm. Shit! I ran in the water towards him when allen kicked the sand shark into the water. He then set his silver blue eyes on me and waved happily. I stared dumbfounded.

"hello Mr. Kanda!" Allen says as he walks back up the beach to greet me. I notice he removes a silver mesh from the arm the shark had in his mouth. Ah it's chain mail thats on his arm.

"G'mornin." I say to him with a small wave. he looks me over before smiling.

"Today we will be doing tonic immobility, on the lemon sharks! So be ready! Oh yeah do you even know what that is?" Allen as genuinely curious. I mentally face palmed, before nodding a yes.

" It's a zombie like state that sharks go in when put upside down. It's a defense mechanism, but it leaves them highly vulnerable." I say bored. Allen smiles brightly before grabbing my hand.

"Perfect! That's less work for me! Tehehehe!" Allen laughs happily, I blush at how cute he is. Damn it.

" So what are we doing now?" I ask due to him dragging me across the beach. He just looks at me and winks.

" It's a se-cr-et~" God this man is going to kill me one day.

We ran down the hot sand of the beach until I saw a little wooden cabin (definitely nothing like Allens house) vines all over the sides of the little cabin and a broken window. Allen heasitated when he went up to knock on the door. I would to seeing how creepy this place is. Allen finally knocked and the door slowly creaked open the smell of seasalt and fish overpowered my senses.

"U..uncle?" Allen gulped. The next thing I know Allen is being glomped by a man with dark brown hair and a dark tan.

"Allen-chan!" The strange man yells while hugging Allen tighter, as I watch this my gut twist with obvious envy and jealousy,and a shit load of anger. I growled beneath my breath. I want to hug Allen this man has no right if I can't!

" Hey uncle nice to see you too, can you let go now I c...can't b...breath!" Allen begs while gasping for air. The man notices and imeadiatly lets go while repeating apologies to Allen.

" So ally-chan what brings you to my humble abode?" The man asks enthusiasticly.

"well you see I have been assigned with helping kanda here with getting some in the feild experience. And I thought you could help." Allen explains nervously. The mans shimmering gold eyes look over to where I am standing.

"Sure thing. Hello my name is Neah Campbell and I am Allens uncle, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Neah says while bowing politely. I nod in agreement. A silence envelopes the atmosphere.

"Well let's go on in I will make some tea." Allen says hurriedly, pulling me inside.

Once inside I am met with a similar version of Allens living room only smaller. I look around before sitting on the next to allen on the long couch. When i look at the beautiful man next to me i notice he is slightly tense. I wonder why.

" So ummmm uncle I was wondering if I could borrow your extra chain mail.. Hahaha." The beautiful man luaghs nervously. While scratching the back of his head.

" Anything for you dear nephe-... Wait a minute are you doing tonic immobility ?" Neahs voice turns from cheerful to dark and serious. I feel a shiver run up my spine.

" Kind of..." Allen says forcing an uneasy smile.

" But you know what happened last time. With man-" neah was cut off by allens booming voice.

"NEVER BRING THAT UP AGAIN! I...I know what happened but im ready." He started yelling but his voice slowly became to a whisper. I wonder what happened? It must be huge to make such a gentle and quiet man yell in rage.

" Sorry allen. I understand. I just worry about is all. Ill go retreive the chain mail." Neah says sympathetically. Meah leaves through the hallway to get the equiptment.

"sorry I... I didnt mean to make such a scene." Allen smile apologetically. For some reason ever since i first met him i feel he lacks the genuineness to his smiles.