Do not touch Weiss Schnee's Dust.
Most people thought that this was because she would get mad. While this was true, the real reason was because Weiss was in the habit of leaving her Dust unlabelled. Nobody wants to try and soothe a burn with a little Freeze Dust and find out they grabbed Burn Dust instead.
We're sorry. Please stop.
Team CRDL, to the shock of many, actually learned their lesson. This may have been because of the beatings or it might have been because Cardin was too busy joining in on Nora's antics.
To those three students from Heaven: whatever you're plotting, STOP IT. We have enough craziness to deal with it as is.
a. You're not as subtle as you'd like to believe.
Cinder took one look at the list and freaked out when she saw this entry. Then she took a second look and decided Beacon would destroy itself eventually.
Do not enter your dormitories by the window.
a. We have doors for a reason people.
Sun had started a trend.
Standing between Ruby Rose and cookies is inadvisable.
Turns out collisions at super speed hurt. A lot.
Do not call Weiss Schnee short.
Her reaction and that fact that she started putting her hair in a braid during her Dust experiments had started people calling her the Fullmetal Huntress.
Theme Songs. No.
"But Coco said…"
"I don't care what Ms. Adel said. I'm saying no."
Do not assist Professor Port with any experiments of any kind.
The man was a genius at killing Grimm. The problem he thought he was a genius at everything else too and he wanted to prove it.
If you encounter the criminal know as Roman Torchwick do not ask if they make his outfit for men.
"Hey Cinder, you do know that's just going to encourage them right?"
"I know, Emerald. I know."
Do not eat Dust.
No one was stupid enough to try this, even if the Fourth Years said it would give them super powers. Still, it was nice to see it in writing.
By 'do not touch' we mean 'DO NOT MESS WITH IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM'.
Some students (CRDL) had started seeing the list as a challenge.
Mission reports are to be written down and handed in to your professor, not acted out with sock puppets.
This rule only needs to be obeyed if the professor in question is Professor Goodwitch.
"Yes Ruby. Unlike Glynda, I appreciate true art."
"YAY! Thank you Professor Ozpin! You're the best!"
Yes, Emerald Sustrai has red eyes. No, she is not a Grimm.
"Stop hunting me!"
You are not allowed to steal underwear.
a. Or pants.
b. Or any sort of clothing.
Goodwitch sighed. "I can not believe I had to post this."
You are not allowed to abduct the leaders of other teams.
Cinder hadn't realized how cute Ruby was until meeting her in person. When they did meet Cinder lasted five minutes before squeeing, shouting about how cute she was and then running off with the younger huntress. They were found barricaded in one of Beacon's attics half a day later.
You are not allowed to use your team leader as collateral.
On a side note, Ruby forbid her teammates from ever making bets with Cinder again.
The library is for studying, not for picking up members of the opposite sex.
a. Or the same sex.
b. We don't judge.
"I told you libraries were for reading."
"Oh shut up, you blue-haired bastard."
Once again, Grimm are not pets. Edgar the Minotaur is the exception, not the rule.
a. Do not approach the Minotaur hole
b. Do not feed the Minotaur.
Nobody was sure what part of that day was the most surprising: That Cardin was capable of taking down a Minotaur on his own, that he got permission to keep it, that he was actually able to tame it, or that Cardin finally won a bet with Nora.
Stop spreading rumors that the reason the moon's destroyed is because it used to cause monkey faunus to transform into giant apes. This is completely, totally, utterly untrue.
a. We mean it.
b. Really.
"Yeah, that's a Suspiciously Specific Denial if I ever saw one."
Nora, stop explaining the joke. AND STAY OFF OF TVTROPES. It will ruin your life.
"Like yours?"
Shut up.
Would Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, and Mercury Black please go back to plotting whatever you where plotting. It was much better then you actively participating in the chaos around campus.
"So do either of you remember what we where actually plotting?"
"Something to do with a virus? Maybe?"
"Computer or sickness?"
"I don't know!"
"Aw, fuck it."
Hey Guys, What's Up?
And with that we're pretty much off the rails. That happened a lot quicker then I thought. I don't have much else to say other than-
"Review! Ask us Questions! And Suggest Jokes!"
That. Thank you Nora.
And that's all from me. If you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go post Round 8 of Cards Against Remnant! Right Now!
Reviews are nice.
- Rex Heller