~*~ Here's a little short fic that was inspired by going to Baskin Robbins one night. ^_^ Hope you all enjoy it. Disclaimers go as usual, I do not own Gundam Wing. ~*~



Duo and Wufei were standing outside of their new location for their bakery. The two decided that it would be perfect to join in a partnership in creating their new business of creating bakery goods. The two were admiring their new bakery and for a while, they were pondering on how to name their new founded bakery.

For the rest of the day, they drew up possible designs for their sign, "How about Maxwell's and Chang's Bakery," asked Duo.

"It doesn't seem right. I should have my name first since I thought about having this bakery in the first place. How about Nataku's Bake O'Rama? There's a nice ring to it."

"Um. There's one problem. Where's MY name in it?"

"Oh. You don't have to have your name in the sign. As long were having some business, it will suffice."

"Oh really. Well how about this gesture."

Right then, Duo ran outside and climbed the ladder leading to their newly purchased white sign and started to outline his idea with a paintbrush. Within fifteen minutes, a thin outline in black paint can be seen and it read, "Shinigami's Bakery." But in between Shinigami's and Bakery, there was a little space left.

Wufei's eyes just widened, "What in the hell are you doing to our sign? I don't even see MY name up there. And besides, there's hardly any room left."

"That can be fixed."

Duo then outlined diagonally on what was left on the white sign, and it read, "Chang's." "How's that?"

"I give up. That'll do. But your gonna pay for that! One day, mark my words."


"Welcome to Shinigami's and Chang's Bakery. How can I be of service?" Out in the corner of the room, Wufei moaned as Duo was trying to flirt with one of the customers.

"Well..um. I'll like to order two éclairs and three powder donuts, if you have them."

"Terrific choice. Anything else?"

"That'll do." Wufei went back towards the kitchen and brought out a fresh tray of baked raisin bread along with the powder donuts, while Duo went to the far counter and picked two éclairs. He then handed them over to the girl with cornflower blue eyes and coolly said, "Have a nice day!"

She winked in response, "I guess I should be coming here more often."

Wufei stared at him from his tray of bread, and complained, "You know, Duo, you shouldn't be hitting on every girl you see."

"I know, but I can't help myself. Maybe it's the sweetness from baking cakes, cupcakes, and bread all the time." He gave out an evil chuckle, pretending to be some lunatic.

Wufei then threw his hands up in the air, "I give up. Why do I even bother? I'm heading out for a while to get more supplies. I expect this place in to be in one whole piece when I get back. I'm warning you, DO NOT leave the oven unattended. God knows what happened last time; an overgrown cake was popping out of the oven and everything was a mess."

"Oh come on Chang has some faith in me. Please?!" He then showed him a cute puppy dog look.

"I'm warning you!" Wufei then left, slamming the door behind him, which made the bells on the door jingle angrily.

"I'm glad he's out for a while. Let's see what I can do." He stealthily went over to Wufei's counter and saw an order form for three-dozen chocolate chip cookies for a person named Quatre Winner. "This shouldn't be too bad. Oh what the heck, how hard can it be to make chocolate chip cookies."

In the kitchen, Duo found the ingredients and placed his chef hat on. "All right, it's baking time." For twenty minutes, he crazily stirred the doughy mixture not realizing that he forgot to look at one major detail on the order form. They were due in a half an hour.

After placing small spoonfuls on three cookie sheets and placing them in the oven that was already preheated, the jingle sound was heard again. Duo decided to head out and surprise Wufei. For a second he paused and grabbed a handful of flour in his hand, and before he realized who it was, it was too late. A blond hair boy was sacked with flour from head to toe. Duo's jaw just dropped immediately and ran over to his side, carefully dusting the flour off.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you know who I am?"

Duo made a slow gulping sound down his throat. "Let me guess, you're Quatre Winner." He then cleared his throat one more time, "I'm so sorry about this, I thought you were my supervisor. Um..your cookies are almost ready."

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but those cookies should have been ready by now. I was supposed to pick them up right now."


"No buts. I don't see why Relena wanted to buy cookies from here. My patience right now is growing thinner."

"How about a complimentary cup of coffee?"

"I guess that'll do for now. I have to be back at her office in twenty minutes since she's having a party for her staff."

Just then the oven alarm went off and Duo let out a sigh of relief. "One moment please." He sneaked towards the kitchen and mumbled, "Phew that was close." He carefully lifted each of the cookies with a spatula and placed them in a pink box.

"That'll be twenty dollars."

"Here." Quatre then gave him the twenty dollars.

"Have a nice day."

Right then, Wufei stepped through the door, carrying an armful of supplies. Along with him, a lady with two braids of spiraled hair also appeared. "Where do you want these?"

"Over there by the back counter, where the bread trays are."

"I'll check you out later."

Wufei nodded in response, while Duo stood there, trying to comprehend what had just happened. At the same time, Wufei looked over at their customer, who was still dusted slightly in flour.

"I guess you found everything all right?"

Quatre gave out a little sigh of agitation. "You can expect that Relena Peacecraft will not be coming here in the near future. Good day to the both of you." With that, Quatre ran over to the car that was parked in a nearby street.

"What happened to you," questioned Trowa.

"Lets just say that going to the bakery was eventful and that one of the bakers is very, VERY crazy. He threw a handful of flour right at me. Just drive me back to the embassy. Relena will have a fit when she sees me like this. On top of that, I'm late with the cookies!"

"Fair enough."

Meanwhile back at the bakery, Wufei threw a fit at Duo.

"What were you thinking of throwing flour at a staff member of Relena Peacecraft? I'm glad that he didn't press any charges of the sort to shut this bakery down."

Duo tried to defend his position, "I thought it was you, but I guessed wrong."

"Guess wronged? Why I'll show you. You're lucky that Nataku isn't here with me right now."

With that, Duo sensed he was going to be in big trouble. The two ended up chasing one another in the kitchen with Wufei carrying a bucket of flour after him.

"This will teach you a lesson."

Right then an avalanche of flour fell on Duo and the whole entire kitchen became engulf in white dust. As the two were bickering still, their front door rang and someone had entered.

~*~ How was that? It's different from my usual fics, but anyway, chapter 2 is still in progress. Hopefully, it will be posted soon! Bye for now. ^-^