AN: And it's been over a year. Sorry about that, folks. It turns out your final year at university is even more stressful than the first two. If I have any readers who are still about- Hi! Hope you're well! And to any new readers- Hi! Nice to meet you!
With the last chapter being about baby Lily, I thought I better let baby Alfendi take centre stage for this chapter!
Requested by anonymous user, Never Compliment.
A Hundred Snapshots of Their Lost Future
18- Baby
It almost doesn't feel like morning. No one has slept properly and the lights have remained on for the past three hours that Hershel and Claire have been trying to sleep; hospital policy, for health and safety reasons of course.
Although not for long, Claire has slept deeply. Exhausted and in a surprisingly comfortable bed for one that belongs to a hospital, she managed to drift off with ease even though her mind was full with dreams and her heart full of love. Hershel, in an uncomfortable bedside chair, has barely slept., but he doesn't feel in his rights to complain. After the near two day ordeal Claire has suffered, a bad nights sleep does not seem worth complaining about.
He is mostly awake and so hears his wife stir from the bed across the room and instinctively turns towards her.
"Claire?" Hershel says in a hushed tone as he tiredly shuffles over to her bedside, just in time to watch her open her eyes. "Good morning, love."
It takes a moment for Claire to remember where she is. She is understandably sleep deprived, but as she remembers the past couple of days and the long and eventful night that has occurred, the confused morning daze one normally feels quickly fades and her eyes grow wide.
"Where's Alfendi?" Claire says. There isn't necessairily alarm in her voice, but a heightened level of a need to know is there.
A smile is quick to Hershel's face. If the mention of their son isn't enough to bring that smile to his face, then witnessing the maternal concern present in Claire is. He always knew that she would be a marvellous Mother.
"He's fine. He's just with all the other newborns, getting a goodnight rest and allowing you to do the same. You needed rest, remember?" Hershel says, doing the best he can to keep his voice quiet and calm.
"No, I need him here..." Claire replies, her shoulders tensing as she uses her elbows to push herself up.
"Okay. That's okay," Hershel is quick to say, anxious that she may cause herself further strain if she moves too suddenly. Lightly, he places his hand on her forearm. "I'll go and speak to a nurse to bring him up here for you. Okay?"
"Mhmm," is all Claire has the energy to respond with, as her eyes half close and she falls back into the comfort of sleep all too quickly.
Hershel watches her go to sleep, for she only takes a second. He's sure that she'll sleep another few hours at the least but wants the baby to be here when she wakes up. If Alfendi wakes, he's sure he can rise to the challege of looking after him whilst Claire gets some well earned rest. After all, he is is his Father- and it's not like he's going to get anymore rest in that rickety chair.
In no time at all, he finds a nurse and politely requests that their son, Alfendi Hershel Layton, is brought from the neo-natal ward to their room and the nurse obliges. Within minutes, a small crib is delievered to the Layton's room. A small but sturdy metal stand, with a see-through plastic crib sitting on top is wheeled over to Claire's bedside by an orderly, who politely nods at the new Father as he is thanked.
Hershel can't help but make his way over to the crib and peer over the top, as he still can't quite believe it. The past few months had seemed to go ever so quick and the whole time he could never quite believe that they would have an actual child of their own. Every morning he woke up and thought it must have been a dream. But this is no dream, here he is.
Little Alfendi Layton. In his plastic hospital crib, with his white baby grow and blanket to match. With his blue cap and his already flame red hair (presumably inherited from Claire) peeking out from under the hem. With his round face and his button nose and dimpled chin. With his curled up fingers and his chubby wrists. Here he is.
AN: See, a part of me right now is thinking, shall I really publish this? I'm a bit rusty, but it has been over a year and I think this short story just it's job in playing a part of one of the hundred lost moments between Hershel and Claire.
If you're a new reader, this fic is based off of one word requests given by you! Any word you like can be left in a review.
Thanks for reading.