i really shouldn't be writing more stories sorry guys but I couldn't hold this one in.

Allen: Baka...

me: I know...but hey I can't help it!

Neah: when can you ever?

me: quiet Neah or you might find yourself in and unexpected predicament. *smiles evily*

neah: Yes mamm'!

me: now the disclamer! Allen-chan you know the drill!

allen: *sigh* kyla-chan doesn't own DGM...

It was a truly frightful day. The freezing winds and dangerous waves crash together creating harmonious chaos. Lightning struck the sky in beautiful twists of electric. The sea was angry and sad for rain poured from the skys in bountyfuls. The sea lost its beloved king mana, and almost lost her and manas son Allen.

The attack was inevitable, after all humans were despicable and cruel beings. All they ever do is take. But the sea will not stand for such a horrible act again. So she takes the 10 year old merboy and hides him in a hidden cave beneath the sea floor to raise him. She will not risk loosing him as well.

Two years later:

One day, The sea is watching the merboy After one of her lessons in defenses he was practicing controlling the current, she notices he was lonely with only him and the sea, so she searches for acceptable companions. When one week passes she finally finds two children, one of the age 15 with his black curly hair floating in the water and his scales pure black but shimmers a slight purple in the sun and a 13 year old girl with spiky blue hair and her scales a deep red and black.

The sea decided they were perfect for her innocent Allen, so she takes the form of a beautiful mermaid the form only Allen and mana has ever seen. And asks them where their family was only to find out they are orphans, so she makes them an offer.

"What is this offer you speak of?" The boy asks cautiously.

"My son is lonley and has lost his father to the humans, I want you to protect him and love him. In exchange you can join my family. But you can not tell anyone of his being alive." The sea says with a gentle warning in her voice.

"How old is he?" The girl asks excited to have a family.

"12 human years" the sea smiles proudly.

"Is this a trick so you can eat us or something?" The boy asks with an eye brow raised.

"Oh Tyki don't be like that! Please I really want a mom and a brother!" The girl begs the boy named Tyki while hanging on his arm.

"This is no trick I promise." The sea swears.

"Ok. We would love to." Tyki smiles in reassurance. And the girl smiles widely as the sea leads them to the secret cave to meet the lonely prince. The two mer-children hide behind the beautiful mermaid.

"Oh mother sea you have returned!" The boy says in a joyful voice.

"Yes my son but I have brought some children." Mother sea says with a bright smile showing the young sea prince the children. Allen gasps in shock.

"Is this the boy you spoke of?" Tyki and rhode asks in synch.

"Yes, Allen this is your new brother and sister, Tyki and rhode. Tyki and rhode this is my son Allen prince of the sea." Mother sea exclaims proudly.

"I won't be alone anymore?" Allens eyes brighten at the thought of a bigger family. He instantly swims over and tackles the two unsuspecting mer-children.

Tyki and rhode hug back and both make an agreement that no matter what they will protect their new family member, for he was special to both of them.

The mother sea smiles at the display. Now her beloved son won't be lonely anymore.

please REVIWE! It helps me write more chapters!