The Fox Scroll

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Naruto OR Fairy Tail

A/N: Okay folks, out of my honest curiosity I decided to start a popularity poll on my profile. Who is your favorite Fox Scroll girl?

Look Carla! A new issue of the Weekly Sorcerer Magazine! I wonder if that mage from Fairy Tail will be in it again?

Hmph! I suppose I could take a look, if only to make sure there isn't anything inappropriate for your eyes.

Carla grit her teeth. Why was she having flashbacks now of all times?

Wow! He took down Phantom Lord's guild master!? Isn't that amazing, Carla?

I'll admit, he's not bad.

They were almost at the island, so having these memories come up now was nothing more than a bad omen to the female cat.

Carla! Carla! That mage saved another town from a demon!

It's good to know there are some sensible people out there.

Carla and Lily were now upon the island and swiftly flew across the beach and into the forest.

What do you mean I should stop following that mage!? I thought you liked him Carla?

I was a fool to praise that man! Just look at this article! He was nothing more than a… A BEAST!

Tears began to form in Carla's eyes as she zoomed past all the trees.

"H-hey, Carla! Slow down a little! Do you even know where you're going!?"

Panther Lily said as the white cat picked up her pace and was beginning to leave him behind.

We're teaming up with the other guilds? Oh! I wonder if we'll meet that mage…?

If we do, then it'd be wise to keep your distance child.



Carla desperately thought, as the safety of her best friend was all she could think of. She was nearing the place she saw in her visions, and broke through a set of bushes.


"Ahahah! This power really is amazing! Don't you think so, Fairy Tail mages?"

Naruto, who was currently cloaked with evil chakra, said with a demonic voice while stepping on Erza's face and holding Rock Lee by the throat.


A whirl of confusion welding up in her mid, was about to speak out when Lily pulled her back in the bushes and covered her mouth to keep her quiet.


Naruto didn't seem to notice as he threw Rock Lee into a nearby tree, then kicked Erza into the green clad ninja just as he was about to fall.

A weary bead of sweat trailed down Lily's face as he kept the struggling Carla in place. He didn't know what was going on, but he felt if they walked out there right now and asked…

They would be killed.

"Mfph! Mm… Hm?"

As Carla continued to struggle against the older cat's hold, something caught her attention. On the other side of the clearing, near what looked to be a shrine, a mop of blue hair could be seen.

The female cat's blood ran cold and she stayed perfectly still, the sight of Wendy's limp form being held against the tree burned into her wide eyes. She then looked back at Naruto, who didn't seem to care about the dragon slayer's predicament in the slightest. The boy was merely laughing as he toyed with Erza and Rock Lee.

"We need to stay put until we get a grasp of what's going on. I don't know if that's Naruto or the demon-H-hey, Carla! Wait!"

Because Carla had seemed to calm down a little, Panther Lily lightened his grip on her. But she suddenly struggled once more and broke free before making a beeline around the clearing.


Lee grunted as he was pushed back by the vile chakra. This was the fifth time he tried to get close to Hades' body, and the fifth time he had been repelled by the Kyuubi's chakra. Even when Erza was as a distraction, the chakra cloak would extend and attack him whenever he tried to attack the old man's body.

It was like it had a mind of its own.

"Lee! Are you okay?"

Erza asked without taking her eyes off their opponent. She lost track of how many of her swords had been shattered, and her Flight armor was beginning to wear down. But if she switched armors now, then she wouldn't be able to keep up with Hades who was only getting faster.

"Don't worry about me, Erza-San! These attacks are nothing compared to Naruto-Kun's when he's serious!"

Lee said while getting back into his stance. If they wanted to bring Naruto back, then he was going to have to step it up a notch. No more pulled punches.

Hades, who was currently residing in Naruto's body, stood in front of them with a bored look on his face. Two tails made of pure chakra lazily swayed back and forth behind him.

"This is getting tiresome. Let's see the extent of this power, shall we?"

With that said, the evil man began to draw out more of the tailed beast's power, and a third tail sprouted out from behind.

'At this rate, we're going to be wiped out!'

Erza thought and prepared for another attempt, for that was all they could do until help arrived.

"Let's go Lee!"

'Hang in there you two… I'll help as soon as I get Yamato-Taicho up!'

Tenten thought as she held a vial that contained a medical aroma to Yamato's nose, but the man wasn't responding.

The kunoichi had already gotten Wendy out of the wood as well with the use of her enchanted sword and rested her on a mat. As soon as Yamato was awake, then she could help-



Tenten jolted when something white flew past her vision, almost making her drop the vial in the process.

"Was that… That white cat from the guild? But I thought she stayed behind… What!? She took Wendy!"

With the young dragon slyer now missing, Tenten went through her options. Her first priority was to wake Yamato, but then what?

Yamato was showing signs of chakra fatigue, so he wouldn't be much help in the fight against the Dark Guild. But there wasn't much she could do for him…

"Tenten, what's going on?"

"Lily! Thank god you're here too!"

Tenten said with a breath of relief when she saw the familiar black cat flying towards her.

"We don't have a lot of time, so I'll make this short. The island is under attack by the dark guild Grimoire Heart, and the master took over Naruto's body."

She explained, earning a set of wide eyes from the former commander.

"Naruto was defeated? How-"

Lily began to ask, but he was cut off by the brunette.

"With a magic spell or something! Look, can you carry Yamato to the resting camp? He needs Sakura to look at him because he's not waking up and my medical knowledge is limited. The site isn't too far in that direction."

Tenten snapped and pointed in the direction of the camp.

Not wanted to further anger the kunoichi, Panther Lily transformed into his original form and placed the unconscious man over his shoulder.

"I'll be back with help as soon as I can."

Mavis' Grave…

"Gate of Life: Open!"

Lee shouted as he opened the third inner gate, he then disappeared in an explosion of speed alongside Erza.

Hades' eyes darted back and forth until Erza was in front of him, her sword ready to strike down on him.

The slash landed true, but Erza's eyes widened when she found that what she had cut was merely an after image.


The female knight shouted as the leader of Grimoire Heart reappeared behind her green clad comrade, who was inches away from the old man's original body.

Hades swung down with a clawed fist, but Rock Lee was ready and kicked the palm of the imposing hand upward by going into a handstand. The ninja then spun on his hands and kicked both Naruto and Hades' bodies.

The older man's body was launched into the air, right in Erza's direction.

'Well done, Lee!'

Erza thought and surged forward to deal the final blow.


Hades grunted as he felt the pain of both the kick to his stomach, as well as his original body's face. He felt his control loosen a tad, but he retained control over the spell by force. It seemed the brat was still fighting for control.

Seeing the redheaded mage flying towards his body, he moved to stop her but was immediately intercepted by a kick from Rock Lee.

"You will not have your way!"

"Damn it!"

Flaring the Kyuubi's chakra, Hades brought his combined fists to the ground.


The sound of an explosion pulled on Erza's attention, but she remained focused on the body in front of her. With just one more hit, they could all see that goofy grin again…

"Great Tree Arc-"


Erza's eyes widened when she was suddenly entangled in tree branches, causing her to drop her sword. Her eyes snapped towards a tanned skinned man with brown hair reaching in her direction.

'Damn it! I almost had it!'

The S-class mage cursed as the man used his magic to carefully catch Hades' body as well.

"Well done Azuma! Now, quickly! Take my body back to the ship!"

Hades said as he continued to exchange blows with Rock Lee, who had just opened the fourth inner gate.


Tenten said as she finally jumped into the fray. The girl summoned a Fuma-Shuriken and chucked it at the enemy mage responsible for Erza's capture.

Azuma casually stepped out of the way of the large projectile and reached his hand out to restrain the second girl as well, but he hesitated when he noticed a slight glint in the air where the weapon had passed him.

Tenten pulled on the ninja-wire, causing the shuriken to change trajectories mid-flight.

The dark mage, having figured that the shuriken was under the girl's control, turned around and briefly focused his attention on stopping the flying weapon.

Wasting no time at all, Tenten ran towards Erza and summoned her enchanted sword. Activating its lacrima, the blade became encased in fire allowing her to slice through the wood restraining her friend with ease. Placing Erza's arm over her shoulder, Tenten jumped into the trees and out of view in hopes to buy them some time.

When they felt they were hidden, Erza let go of Tenten's support and fell on one knee. She was nearing her limits, and it was beginning to show.

"Thank you, Tenten. How's Yamato and Wendy?"

"Carla showed up out of nowhere and took Wendy, and I couldn't tell where they went. Lily was apparently with her too, so I had him to take Yamato to the resting area. He'll come back as soon as possible with reinforcements."

Tenten explained as she looked passed the tree to check on her teammate. Lee was currently holding his own against Hades, but he was already using the fourth gate and she wasn't sure how long he would be able to sustain it.

They needed to get back in there before Lee was overwhelmed, then there was the dark mage who was planning to take Hades' body back to their ship.

Erza was worried about Wendy and Carla, but the cat was likely taking the little girl some place safe. So, she decided they would search for them later. Naruto was their top priority.

"That other mage is going to be a problem. Even if they're low on magic too, we're at a disadvantage."

Erza said as she carefully watched the dark mage named Azuma. The man's movements were sluggish, but he was beginning to make his way into the forest with both Hades' original body and the blonde dark mage Naruto had defeated earlier slung over his shoulders.

They needed to stop Azuma fast or else they might never get another chance at getting to Hades' body again.

"Natsu! Where are you!"

Happy shouted as he flew in the direction he last saw his friend going. They had been talking about flying to the top of the island when Natsu suddenly took off running.

It was Natsu, so Happy wasn't too worried. But the loud noises that he had been hearing recently were making him nervous.

"Huh? Is that a flying cat? That's weird."

"Hey, let's catch it!"

Happy heard two gruffly voices to his right and his eyes widened when he didn't recognize their faces.

'Dark mages! What are they doing on the island!?'

The cat was about to turn tail and run, but he wasn't enough and found himself trapped inside a bug-catcher's net.

"Hehe! Caught it!"

"Nice! We should be able fetch a fair price for this thing!"

The two unnamed dark mages said in glee as the stared at their catch with greedy eyes.

"I don't wanna be sold off! Natsu! Help!"

Happy shouted with all his might in hopes his best friend would hear him.

"Woah, it talks!? Looks like we struck it rich!"

"Hell yeah! First thing I'm gonna buy is-"

The second thug didn't even get to finish his sentence when a fist suddenly made contact with his face.


The first thug shrieked when he saw his comrade's body fly through a nearby tree. He dropped the net that contained Happy, and the cat fell to the floor.


When Happy recovered from his fall, he opened his eyes just in time to see the thug responsible for his capture fly through the air just like the other one.

"Na… tsu?"

The blue cat said when he took in his savior's appearance.

It was Natsu, but he was covered head-to-toe in an aura-like veil of black, almost transparent fire. The flames stuck to his form, almost like a second layer of skin. But what shocked the little cat the most was the scales that appeared to be growing on the teen's face.

The dragon slayer took one look at the cat, then he was gone.

The forest lay silent.

Happy continued to stare at the spot his friend was standing just a second ago, a feeling of anxiety growing in his gut.

'That was Natsu… Right?'

'Naruto-Sama…! Naruto-Sama…!'

Juvia frantically thought as she ran through the forest. She had one thing on her mind: Save Naruto.

But the water woman suddenly came to a stop when she sensed a strange smell. It was a scent that Naruto, along with all the other ninja from Konoha had.

Creeping her way towards the scent, she glanced around a tree and saw two figures trekking through the forest. The first person was a male with spikey black hair and seemed to be carrying an unconscious man over his shoulder.

The raven-haired boy was being followed by a woman, who also had black hair. Were they siblings, perhaps?

Juvia shook the useless thought out of her head. She recognized the boy. It was Naruto's comrade from the past, Sasuke Uchiha. But what was he doing on Tenrou Island?

The woman seemed to be talking. So using her enhanced hearing that she had gained since becoming a second generation dragon slayer, Juvia tried to listen in on their conversation.

"That is why we want Zeref-Sama. To go to the Ultimate Magic World where only those with magic can survive!"

The woman stated proudly before her expression turned dark.

'Not that you will ever live to see the day…'

Juvia's eyes shot to the unconscious figure on Sasuke's shoulder. Did that woman just say Zeref!?

"…We're being watched."

Sasuke said, and the water dragon slayer's eyes widened when kunai burst through the tree she was hiding behind and passed through her chest. Had it not been for her magic, the knife would have pierced her heart!


Sasuke sucked his teeth when he saw that the eavesdropper was still alive.

"You take care of this."


The woman seemed taken aback when Sasuke suddenly made such an order and continued walking. She clenched her fists but turned her glare towards Juvia.

"Sorry, but you caught me in a bad mood. I won't be showing you any mercy."

Shaking off her surprise, Juvia regained her composure and glared back at the black-haired beauty.

"The same could be said to you. Where are you hiding Naruto-Sama, wench!"

"W-wench!? How dare you! My name is Ultear, one of the Seven Kin of Purgatory!"

The now named Ultear hissed. But she realized that losing her cool right now would do nothing but waste time, and she needed to finish this quickly so she could catch up with that man to ensure Zeref's arrival to their ship.

"This Naruto fellow means a lot to you, does he? That's too bad. Master Hades should have succeeded with his plans by now, so that boy you are looking for is probably dea-"


A sickle of water swept right past Ultear, leaving a gash in her left shoulder. The water then proceeded to slice right through a tree, causing it to fall with a loud crash.

"You dare threaten Naruto-Sama's life!? Unforgivable!"

Juvia shouted as the thought of Naruto being harmed enraged her to no ends. Sizzling water encircled her form, and she commanded it by thrusting her hands towards her soon-to-be boiled foe.

'Th-this woman's magic power just spiked! Is she insane!?'

Ultear thought and quickly raised her hands to activate her magic, and just like that, the boiling hot water vanished into thin air.


Juvia staggered back in surprise. Why did her water just disappear? What did that woman do?

"H-hah! You caught me off guard with that quick shot, but it won't happen again. You seem to be a water mage. Too bad for you, but my magic controls an object's flow of time. Make time go forward, and water simply evaporates."

Ultear boasted as she thought the tables were now turned in her favor.

Juvia narrowed her eyes. If water wasn't going to work, then she would have to try a different approach.

It was time to put all that training to use!

With Lucy and Gray…

"Hey, did you hear that?"

Gray asked when he heard the creaking sound of a tree falling in the distance.

"You don't think Juvia got into a fight, do you?"

Lucy asked as she feared her friend might have been getting ahead of herself. She had faith in Juvia's fighting abilities, as they far surpassed her own. But their opponent was a dark guild.

"Yeah, we better hurry…"

The mage trailed as his gaze turned towards the brush to their left.

Noticing the boy's strange behavior, Lucy raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?"

"…No, it's nothing. Let's go."

Gray reassured the blonde, and the two picked up their pace to catch up with Juvia. For a second there, he could have sworn he felt a pair of eyes on him. Maybe he was just paranoid with Grimoire Heart being on the island.

A/N: Sorry for the delay, but duty calls.

Before anyone asks, yes, that is a new form for Natsu! Think of the appearance as a fire version of Naruto's KCM mode. ;)

See you all in the next one!

P.S. Don't forget to vote for your favorite Fox Scroll girl~