Just a quick one-shot on my take on how Opal found out she was an airbender. I hope you leave a review and sorry for any errors I did a quick proof read before posting. Enjoy!

"So mom, dad is working on the sculpting of the roof right now with a few of the workers and then we'll be adding just these few finishing touches and then this station is completed." Baatar Junior explained in a rush of words, excited to show his mother what he had been designing

Su looked on in pride as she watched he eldest gestured at the drawings on the table while explaining the plans, "That's great sweetie, will your father be done soon?"

"He should be." Baatar replied, pushing his glasses up his nose, "We could head over there."

Mother and son strolled out of the construction tent and over towards the nearly completed tram station. Su glanced up at the building, eyeing the tower and the top assuming that it was where her husband was currently working.

"Your father isn't at the top of the tower is he?"

"No they should be where the tower meets the roof."

"Then why do I see movement at the top of the tower?"

"Because I heard dad insisting that he had to fix something up there." Came Opal's voice from where she sat under a tree

"That doesn't sound good, the last time he was up that high he almost fell." Su muttered as she watched her husband

"I'm sure dad will be fine." Jr. said sitting down next to his sister

Su moved to join them when a scream came from above. They all looked up as Baatar Senior lost his footing and began to plummet to the ground.

"No!" screamed Su racing forward, looking for something to stop her husband's fall

Jr. called for the guards to try and help Su while Opal could only look on in horror; wind whipping around her as tears welled up in her eyes. Senior's fall seemed to take forever but the next thing Su knew her husband's decent seemed to have slowed and in the end he gently landed on the ground.

Su ran to him has he began to sit up, glancing around confused to how he was still in one piece. Baatar was only slightly ready for when his wife launched herself at him in a hug, causing him to fall back to the ground.

"Are you alright dad?" Jr. asked kneeling down next to his mom and dad

"I…I think so, not sure how though." Baatar answered, rubbing Su's back as she cried into his shirt in relief

"It looked like something was slowing you down as you fell."

"Yes, it felt as if the wind was forcing me to slow down.

"How's that possible?"

"Sounds to me like airbending."

Senior and Jr. looked at Su in shock, "An airbender here? How?" Baatar asked

"There are reports of airbenders popping up in the Earth Kingdom, I'll contact Tenzin and maybe he'll know what to do."

Giving her husband a quick kiss Su left for the radio control room. Baatar stood up and turned towards Opal who was still standing there in shock.

"Opal, are you alright?"

"I think that was me airbending." Opal whispered in shock

Once again Senior and Jr. had identical looks of shock on their faces, "Well this certainly makes things interesting, let's go tell your mother."

The trio headed after Su, things would certainly get interesting in the next few weeks.