Hi, sorry it's been a while since the last update. Also sorry, but there won't be another update because I've decided to discontinue the story...
I don't really take any joy in making updates for the story anymore, and I'm not going to force myself to write a chapter since ultimately I write for fun not obligation. That being said ,however, I have tried forcing a chapter for the sake of everyone that loves this story so dearly, and I'm very grateful for the kind words everyone gave regarding this story! It kinda makes it worse since I feel like I'm letting you all down tho...
I don't even think I'll be creating the second story I talked about previously , I just lost my passion for the movies in general (which is ultimately why I never feel like updating this story). Updates for my stories usually hinge upon my passion for that series at the time, and if I've lost that passion I've lost the enjoyment of writing updates ya know?
Anyways this was already really long for a notice, but, once again, I'm discontinuing this story and I'm very sorry for all those that wanted to see it continue. Thank for reading and all the kind words!