Author's Note: Don't worry I haven't given up on my other story I just this idea in my head and it will not leave until I write it. All the title's will be song titles it's not necessary to listen to them and these are not song fic's but it will add to the story if you listen to them or if you've heard them. Also if the tags were unclear this is a Barson fanfiction. I love them. Read and enjoy.
Disclaimer-Dick wolf owns the characters.
Chapter:1 –Calling all Angels
Rafael Barba lay in his bed staring at the ceiling. He couldn't sleep. This week had been long and intense. He rolled around in bed. Tossing and turning trying anything to get comfortable. He finally threw the covers back and his feet hit the floor. He grabbed his rob and his phone officially giving up on sleep for the night.
He walked out of his bedroom and down the hall to the kitchen. Glancing up at the clock he realized he had spent almost two hours trying to fall asleep but it wasn't going to happen. He sauntered to the counter and started the coffee. It would be a long day. He had multiple trials to prep for and the squad was working double time trying to make up for Benson's absence.
Olivia had slowly worked her way deeper and deeper into his heart. They had worked so well together. Over the last year or so things had changed. They had gotten more coffee, midnight take away. They had spent late nights in his office reviewing cases but inevitably getting completely off topic. Finding themselves laughing so hard they were crying.
They had also shared deep and painful parts of their pasts with one another. He didn't know if he knew anyone as well as he knew Oliva. And he was sure that no one else knew him like she did.
They had developed an almost silent language. It was buried in quick glances, postures, smiles and quick wit.
He had realized months ago that she was always' on his mind. She had become the reason he wanted to go to work. The reason he wanted to get the bad guy. Not so much to impress her but more to feel worthy of her.
He had pulled away from her. Some silly fight arguing on the same side and just not seeing it. It's was after that fight though that He realized how empty his life was when he didn't see her every day. When he wasn't seeing her every morning for coffee. He was in love with her; madly in love with her.
He wanted to talk to her. Check in and see how she was doing.
He picked up his phone. She probably wasn't sleeping either. He dialed her number. His mind raced back a week ago. He hadn't see her since that day. He didn't know what to say to here.
****One week earlier
Court house
The courtroom was full of people. They sat silently waiting to hear the verdict on the man who had raped a woman and then shot three people who had been in the area when the police came to arrest him. They would all live. He had been charged with one count of Rape in the first and three counts of attempted murder.
Barba held his composure as the jury filed in and took their seats. This case on the surface had been a slam dunk. Witnesses to the shooting, DNA on the rape victim. Unfortunately for the Squad and more specifically Barba, the defendant Josh Maddison had money. He hired the best legal team to spin every possible Defense. He was crazy, then he was ill then he was under emotional distress. Then there had been conspiracy's that the police had singled him out. Experts to testify that the DNA could have belonged to someone else.
The moment that Barba had received the case it had turned into a living nightmare. The whole squad was in the court room they wanted to this guy go down. Barba gained some strength knowing that Olivia sat behind him. They had a connection. They backed each other's play's they were in each other's corner. The rest of the squad had begun to feel like a family. They would all go out to the bar after a hard day talk and enjoy one another's company. It was comforting to know that although we each walked alone in this dark world we had chosen; we weren't forced to endure each horror alone.
The jury foreman stood opened the paper looked to the judge.
"Have you come to a verdict?" The Judge asked
"We have your Honor. In the First count Rape in the first we find the defendant Guilty." The jury foreman paused as the gallery cheered and the defendant and his supporters yelled that he had been framed.
"Order, order" The Judge said slamming his gavel down
The room quieted and the attention returned to the jury foreman.
"In the Second, third and fourth count of attempted murder in the first we find the defendant guilty."
The court room exploded with yells and cheers.
Barba turned to the squad. He looked at all of them. They smiled and stood. They formed a half circle around him on the other side of the divider.
"Good job councilor" Amanda said with a smile
"Yeah man, ya did good" Fin added
" you pulled it off." Carisi spoke placing a hand on the Barba's shoulder
"Drinks tonight to celebrate? My treat." Nick offered looking around to everyone who responded with smiles and nods.
The courtroom had been cleared and now only the six of them. They gathered their belongings and headed to the door. Small talk ensued promises off meeting up at their regular haunt later that night and they all parted way's at the top of the courthouse steps.
Now Barba stood alone looking down the steps. There was a mob of reporters and Ray's supporters at the foot of the steps. Joining them was the Ray's lawyer undoubtable saying that they would appeal the case and such.
Barba's eyes swept the steps and he saw Olivia cutting away from the crowd just then multiple shots rang out and as though the air had been ripped from him he water in terror as Olivia collapsed as frantic people swarmed in every direction trying to get away from the shots.
Barba dropped his briefcase and ran like a mad man down the steps towards Olivia.
" No,No,NO!" Barba screamed as he came to Olivia's side.
His body crumpled down next to her. He cradled her body in his arm's
" Olivia, Oliva hold on." He panted out. Barba looked up and pointed to a young man looking on at the scene
" Call 911 Now!" He ordered. The man quickly responded and called for help.
Olivia started to cough and brought Barba's eyes quickly back to the bleeding woman in his arms.
"It's okay Liv help is coming" He said looking down into her eye's.
He laid her down. He realizing he needed to stop the bleeding. He quickly pulled her jacket back and located the bullet wound. He pulled his scarf from his neck and forced it down on the wound. Olivia shrieked out in pain. Her face contorted.
"I'm sorry Liv, I'm sorry."
She only nodded. She knew he needed to slow the bleeding.
Olivia's head tipped slightly back just as the ambulance could be heard approaching.
"Liv…Olivia. It's okay they're coming just hold on."
Olivia's head tipped forward. She swallowed hard clearing her throat.
"I'm scared." Her voice was barely a whisper
Barba's eyes grew wide this was fearless Olivia. She wasn't scared of anything.
"It's okay Olivia. I'm right here. I'm not going to let go." He said lacing his fingers in hers and continuing to hold her hand.
" Don't let do. Don't give up."
Barba was shocked by this he wasn't giving up he was terrified by the blood she was losing but he wasn't giving up.
" I wont give up, If you don't give up." He squeezed her hand tightly and a sad smile spread across his lips.
*****Forward a week
Barba held the phone to his ear pouring the hot coffee into his mug. It rang once, twice, three times. He began to wonder if she was actually sleeping. It was four in morning but she was supposed to be released from the hospital today. He hadn't visited while she was there. He hated hospitals but he had called her almost every day.
It rang again and he heard the phone stop ringing and a sweet voice came from the other end.
"Hello" She said
"Hey, I didn't wake you did I? He asked quietly. Hoping if he had awoken her she wouldn't wake up to much with their middle of the night conversation
" No, I couldn't sleep. I've lost a lot of sleep this week." She said slightly sighing
"Yeah, I know. How long are they putting you on leave for?" Barba inquired.
"A month." She said another long sigh followed. Barba knew she didn't like not being able to go to work.
"I know you don't like it but it'll give you a chance to rest." He said trying to cheer here up.
"Yeah I don't know if I'll be able to stay away that long. I've only been home a day and already feeling a touch of cabin fever." She said with a small laugh. Barba could see her smile even over the phone.
Barba sighed and took a deeper breath. He's brow furrowed and he felt his stomach knot up.
"Listen Olivia, I know we haven't really talked about it but…I'm so sorry." There was a small choke at the end of statement.
Only silence answered. He waited a moment and then pulled his phone away from his ear. The screen lite up and showed that she was still there. He returned the phone to his ear. He began to worry. He hadn't meant to upset her but he needed her to know.
"Olivia. I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." He said trying to back pedal slightly.
Barba then heard a sigh.
"It's alright. I'm just not ready." She said quietly. Sorrow in her voice but to relief it didn't sound like she was crying.
"Ok, well I'm always here." He said with conviction in his voice.
"I know. You're not letting go." She replied
"No, I'm not. I care too much." Barba said almost not thinking.
When he realized what he had said he was almost in shock. He loved Olivia. And He would do anything for her. But he hadn't meant to come off so forward in a late night phone call.
Before he had a chance to say anything else she began to talk again.
"You should probably get going it's almost time for you to be at the office." She said
Barba's eyes snapped back to the clock. He was sure he must be wrong. It couldn't be passed five at this point. To his disbelief the clock read seven thirty. His heart jumped into his throat. He did need to get off the phone. He didn't want to but he needed to.
"you're right. I better go but I'll call later. Ok?" Barba said
"Sounds good, Have a good day Rafael." She said
Barba's ear's pricked at his name on her lips. It was unfamiliar, but he liked it.
"Get some sleep. I lo….I hope you have a good day too Olivia." Barba said with a quick correction.
Olivia hung up first. Barba set his phone down. He rubbed his face. He felt like he was losing his mind. He had almost told Olivia he loved her. He wanted more than anything to tell her. But at the right time in the right way.
Barba stood and headed to his room to quickly get ready. His head was still spinning.
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