This is my latest idea. I know someone wanted a sequel to Chaos Beckons, but I don't have any prank ideas, so if you come up with any, please message me.
Description: Dis is taken one day by slavers. Thorin, Fili and Kili search for years, but they find no sign of her. When they embark on their epic quest, they finally find some leads. Will they be reunited, or are they too late?
Disclaimer: I own none of Tolkien's works
It was a fine summer's day, perfect for picnics. Dis was out picking blackberries for supper that night. Normally she would let her sons pick them, but they were both working at the forge with Thorin. Also, both her boys tended to eat the fruits on their way home, so often there weren't enough for jam as well.
Today there were so many blackberries that Dis reckoned that the entire settlement of Ered Luin could live off them. There were definitely enough for jam, and crumble. There were so many that Dis filled up her basket within minutes. Instead of walking immediately back, she carried through the woods until she came to the river, where she sat, eating blackberries and enjoying the peace and quiet.
A single, solitary cloud passed over the sun, momentarily casting the world in shadow. Dis looked up at the sky before getting up and setting off for home. It wasn't a long walk back, but it wasn't easy. First you had to go through the wood, cross a meadow, a few fields, pass through another wood and then it was uphill all the way. Fortunately, they lived on the edge of town so it wasn't too far.
Dis enjoyed the walk there and back and usually walked at a steady pace. Just as she entered the second set of trees, she felt uncomfortable. She dismissed the feeling as hunger and ate a blackberry. It wasn't until she was nearing the middle of the wood that she realised that she was being watched. She quickened her pace slightly, but she could hear footfalls behind her, hoping that it was only a small animal, she continued.
Suddenly, she could stand it no longer. She whirled around to face what was behind her. Three men, carrying weapons and rope, with menacing grins on their faces. As soon as she saw them, she dropped her basket and ran, cursing her skirt as she fled. The sound of pursuit was loud behind her, but dwarves are natural sprinters and soon she left them behind. Unfortunately, she couldn't keep up the pace forever. She slowed to a jog, listening intently for any noises behind her. But that meant that she wasn't listening to what was in front of her. Dis ran straight into four more men, who looked part of the group she was fleeing from. As soon as she saw then she deflated a little.
When one of them grabbed her and tried to tie her up, she still struggled and fought for all she was worth, for even though she knew it was hopeless, she was a daughter of Durin and Durin's folk don't give up. Even when she was bound head to toe and stuffed in a sack, still she struggled. Eventually one of the men got bored and hit her over the head with a frying pan, which ultimately rendered her unconscious.
Please review and tell me what you think! Sorry it's so short, this is just the prologue.