I'm so sorry that I haven't updated recently, I haven't had time or much inspiration. But anyway, here is a new chapter!

Chapter 7

After surveying the heart wrenching scene for a moment, Gandalf cleared his throat loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the group. Even Kili looked up through a visor of tears.
"I believe that I know of someone who might – only might – let us stay for a while. He shouldn't turn an injured person away, even if said person is a dwarf."
"And who might this person be?" Thorin snapped, wary of who to entrust his nephew to.
"His name, is Beorn."

After a few moment debate, it was decided. They would take Fili to Beorn's house, where they would stay, hopefully, until Fili was well enough to travel. That was the plan, anyway.

The Company of Thorin arrived near the house of Beorn half a day later. Gandalf had explained the plan. Him, Thorin, who carried Fili, and Kili, were to knock on the door and let Gandalf do all the talking. Once Gandalf gave the signal, the rest of the dwarrow would arrive in two minute intervals, to let the skin-changer get used to them.
"Everyone ready? Let's go."

As they walked down the path that lead to Beorn's door, Kili would've admired the plants growing there, but his brother's safety came before anything else. Gandalf firmly rapped the door with his staff. From inside the house, great footsteps could be heard, getting closer, before the door opened. A huge man stared out at them, perplexed, before he saw Gandalf and sighed.
"What do you want, wizard? As you know, I am not overly fond of dwarves." He rumbled.
"If it now for the condition of Fili, I would've never bothered you. We would only intrude on your hospitality for a few hours, until we can treat him."
"What has you out so far from civilisation, with a wounded companion?"
"It is a lengthy tale, one which involves Goblins and Wargs, but it would take a few hours to tell. Maybe we would be better off visiting that stream I saw running through here, then be on our way." Kili was about to protest, as was Thorin, but Gandalf silenced then with a look. Beorn also looked shocked.
"But he will die if not treated properly. He is a child! No, come in, I will help you in any way I can, for as much as I dislike dwarves, I hate goblins and orcs more. I would not see a child die, not when I could help."
And so, they entered the house of Beorn.

Gandalf began recounting the tale of their various misfortunes, stopping every few minutes to introduce a couple of new dwarves to their host, who seemed enthralled by the recounting, not even bothering to examine Bilbo. It was what Gandalf had been counting on; that Beorn's curiosity would get the better of him and let them him. For all his outwardly appearance, Beorn was a gentle soul, who regarded all life as equal, from horses to bees, but excluding Sauron and Morgroth's ilk.

Once the lengthy tale was finished, Beorn nodded solemnly.
"Move the boy nearer the fire and we will get started."

Beorn brought bandages, clean, soft, white cloth, which they bound Fili in. His face was almost as pale as the cloth they wrapped him in. Fili looked so small and vulnerable, which made Kili feel uncomfortable. His brother had always been there for him, looking after him, so it felt weird to have their roles reversed.

Throughout the whole process of cleaning the wound and binding it, which involved a copious amount of alcohol, for antiseptic purposes, Fili didn't even twitch. Kili just sat there, helpless, not able to help, other than hold Fili's hand, massaging it. He was telling himself that if someone lost a lot of blood, then ensuring blood reached the extremities was important. Kili couldn't remember if it was true or not, but it was something to cling on to. Once he had worked on the right hand, he started on the left. He finished by the time Oin and Beorn had finished bandaging Fili.

"How is he?" Were the first words out of Kili's mouth once Beorn had stood up. The skin-changer looked at Kili, as if studying him, before speaking.
"Your brother will heal-" Kili let out a huge sigh of relief. "However, he will need a few weeks to heal." Thorin was about to protest, but Gandalf gave him a look which quickly shut him up. "He will need several weeks to heal fully, though if you have to, he may travel after only one week. Any sooner, and he will split stiches and bleed. If you wish him to live, give him one week to heal, minimum, if you want him to be able to move as he once did. One week." With that, Beorn walked over to the corner of his house and sat, leaving the dwarves alone. Ish.

"Kee?" A faint voice came from near the fire, just after everyone had finished eating. Kili was up and over to his brother in a heartbeat.
"I'm here Fee."
"Hurts, Kee." Fili whispered, the pain in his eyes the only true indicator of how much pain he was really in. A lot by the looks of it.
"You're going to be okay Fili. I'm going to ask Oin if there is anything he can give you for the pain." As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Oin was there with a tonic, which he quickly administered to Fili. Kili sighed with relief, for the second time that day, at the pain slowly fading in his brother's eyes.

After the pain was reduced, Fili quickly surrendered to sleep. Kili looked up at Thorin, Blain and Oin, people he had grown up trusting, with wide, worried eyes.
"Will he be alright?"
"Sleeping is good for him now. It will allows his body to heal. Don't worry too much laddie." Balin reassured.
"Speaking of rest, you should get some sleep to Kili. You've been through a lot." Thorin said, placing a comforting hand on Kili's shoulder. He smiled weakly in return and went over and curled up next to Fili. Within minutes, he was fast asleep.

Thorin picked up a few blankets and spread it over the brothers, before settling down next to both of them. Kili shuffled round and put his head on Thorin's shoulder. Smiling at the unbreakable trust his nephews still had in him, Thorin placed one arm round Kili and another hand on Fili's head. The three Durin's passed the night peacefully. After all, they deserved one nights rest.

Thank you for reading! Please review!
