"kill" tarkartan,shokan,mileena,demon,ermac,khan,kyuubi speaking
'kill' tarkartan,shokan,mileena,demon,ermac,khan kyuubi thinking
"Die" normal speech
'Die' normal thinking
Disclaimer:I own nothing
Hello there NK here this is my first fic which is a naruto MK9-X
crossover fic so please don't flame it will be rated M for gore,
blood,future lemons,fatalities,brutalities,death and people getting
Khaned so please enjoy
Chapter1:Who am I
A blonde figure on a table was starting to wake as there were voices in the background "I don't want excuses shang kill this welp now for what he did to my daughter" a deep male voice demanded as another began "We can make another if we use this Naruto's soul and blood we can make a better one and if he has lost his memories he would still have instinct which still makes him strong plus with Goro defeated we need another fighter" there was a long silence as the deep voice began"Fine but listen well shang if he regains his memories and rebels I have YOUR head am I clear" "Yes master he should wake up soon let's prepare him" unbeknownst to the two men the boy was partially awake 'My name is Naruto'
A few hours later
Naruto began to stir and finally stood up holding his head in pain as he got up and looked around as a door creaked open he saw an old man walking in with a smile on his face"Well I see you have awoken my name is Shang Tsung after the damage you took I suspect you have lost your memories am I right"the boy nodded "Do you remember anything"he nods his head again"And that would be" "My name Naruto" the man smiled again"Good that makes things easier you are a warrior of emporer Shou Khan during a tournament he hosted you were badly beaten in a match but good thing for you you were not disqualified now your match will begin soon now follow me"Naruto not knowing what to do followed the man thinking of what would happen to they went through corridors Naruto began to wonder where the old man was taking him they reached a large door it seemingly opened for itself revealing a large courtyard with what seemed to be an arena in the that moment a woman in a blue dress with a veil over her mouth stood infront of them"Shang who is this stranger you here""Hello princess Kitana this is Naruto he will be fighting the earth realm warrior" both Kitana's and Naruto's eyes widened "Um I just woke up plus I don't think I can really fight"Shang smiled as he looked at him and smiled "Fear not for even if you remember nothing you still have instinct"Nauto sighed"Ok if you say so"he started walking towards the arena where a man was standing waiting for"You are my final opponent after I win earth realm will be free""What?I really don't know what's going on but I'm guessing I need to fight you so let's go"
Round one fight
Naruto rushed at his opponent only to be kicked in the stomach'So pathetic you used
to be better at this,your just a pathetic punk and don't think about talking just think what you want to say or people will think your crazy''Ok who are you''That doesn't matter I'mconsidering giving you your fighting skills but I'm not sure'when Naruto focused back on the fight he found his face being kicked repeatably when the last kick came he was thrown on back.
Liu Lang wins flawless victory
Round two fight
Just as Naruto began to get back up he felt a rush of knowledge as Liu Lang jumped at him his fist raised only for Naruto to catch it and slam him hard into the ground as he was getting up he looked infront of him was Naruto with his index and middle fingers put into a cross "shadow clone jutsu"as two clones appeared beside him they both charged and using Liu Kang's momentary confusion kicked him in the chin sending him into the air as all three after him legs extended bringing them onto his face sending him back to the ground as the two disappeared and Naruto landed a few feet away smile on his face
Naruto wins flawless victory
Final round fight
A monk wearing white with glowing eyes came forward "Liu Kang you must not loose" he yelled shaking head Liu Kang yelled back"I won't loose,I swear I will never loose for earth realm!"as the last words left his lips he charged at Naruto his fist on fire all Naruto could do was dodge'I gave you all your fighting knowledge back and you can't even use it' Ok furball what did I just say'not pondering on it he dug deep into his mind as he got an idea he started putting chakra into his right hand as it appeared around him it started pulling in the wind and fire on the torches the water molocules the in the dirt from the ground he extended his hand into the the sky as a lightning bolt struck the forming ball he closed his and and when he opened it a whit like orb with rainbow like colours in it and blades rotating around it as soon as the monk saw it he yelled"Liu Kang don't let that attack touch you" that's when he threw just as it was inches away from it him Liu dodged it as it neared the other attendees it pulled away into the air as a giant blue sphere erupted using Liu hesitating again Naruto uppercuted him towards the sphere scorching his back when he made contact with it,exploding causing a shock wave launching him back to the ground causing a small crater just as he got onto his knees Naruto was about to end the fight with one last punch he felt a sharp pain in his chest remembering what Shang said about his fight before he woke up whatever happened he still hadn't healed,seeing his weakness Liu began rapidly began punching Naruto's chest earning a blood curdling scream ending it with a fire covered punch to the face knocking him a few feet away Naruto tried to get back up only to fall unconscious on the ground
Liu Kang wins
Shang couldn't believe it they were so close to winning the boy was weakened if they could heal him he would be a useful or he lost because of him using a piece of his soul to make a new Mileena but he had seen it start to grow back this boy was a mystery one he would unravel"Take him to the infirmary"he ordered one of his men he needed to make a plan to take earthrealm or get his souls including his taken by Lord Khan for now raided could enjoy his victory just then Liu Kang fell unconscious from his wounds as he was caught by raiden who kept looking at his amulet for a crack had sealed itself when the boy got onto the arena he needed to speak with the elder gods
The End
Hello to those who have been reading the story you've seen that I made the chapter longer instead of making the the extra parts chapter two any way please review
Ps:if any of you have the complete burst angel or Rosario+Vampire
series please pm it to me thanks ja ne(see you)