I own nothing but a deep and abiding fan based obsession with Bones.
Chapter 23 – Missing Pieces
"Booth, we should finish the first draft of our book this week. It has come together so easily and I am more than pleased at how well we work together."
"Bones we have always made a great team. I will admit I was worried how much I could contribute, but Agent Andy is a pretty straight forward kinda guy, even with his Ivy League education and knowing 6 languages he is not to complicated. Best of all he loves Kathy, and that makes his story easy to tell."
Booth pulled her in for a quick kiss to the temple and she took the opportunity to turn her head toward him and brush his lips with a gentle kiss before kneeling down to pick up one hungry Hank Booth who had crawled to his mother for attention.
"With everyone gone and Max to watch the kids, why don't we get an early start and see how much we can get done today. I know Beth will appreciate an early delivery of the first draft." said Bones. "How 'bout I meet you in the tree house after breakfast?"
"Sounds good to me," said Booth
Booth was in the tree house first and opened his notes. The voice to text transcription app worked so well. It captured his thoughts and ideas could flow freely. Bones would do lots of the edits, but she left the 'voice' of Andy intact for readers to fully enjoy.
When Bones arrived, Booth had just finished adding bits concerning the killer and how Agent Andy had found the pattern to the murders. Kathy had already linked the murders forensically to one killer and now all that was left was to track down the murderer and get the confession. Agent Andy had also discovered one of the murders had taken place on Federal land. The best laid plans of a no death penalty, to get away with murders was quickly put in jeopardy as Reichs and Lister fully intended to help the Federal Prosecutor build a case that included the death penalty.
Booth's favorite parts of the story were the love scenes and intimate moments between Andy and Kathy. He insisted on realism and would not settle for anything to be added to the text unless he and Bones tested it out first. Bones found this to be an added bonus to partnering with her new favorite author and she fully endorsed this method of writing for authenticity.
"You know Booth, Beth will want us to start a book tour when it is time to release our book. It can be quite grueling and in the first months after release we may not get to stay home weekends."
"I am aware how tough the tours can be. I missed you when you have had tours in the past, but at least now we can be together. I like that idea a lot." Said Booth
Booth turned to grab up the walkie-talkie as he heard George key up and say "you have visitor at main gate," Booth returned the call, "George, who is the visitor?" "Agent James Aubrey," came the reply. "Send him up George; we'll meet him at the house."
Booth offered his right hand for a firm handshake, "Aubrey, I thought you were gonna call. What did we do to rate an in-person visit?"
"Deputy Director Cullen asked that I take a ride out and deliver some documents in person; let you know your schedule for recertification which will be easy since you have been working at Quantico and a general catch up with current cases. He also thought a face-to-face would be a better way to let you know about the raid on Jimmy's place. Cullen was personally involved with the deal that Caroline made and wanted to be sure you had all the facts."
"Deal?" asked Booth, "What deal; arrested, trial, jail, isn't that the deal?"
Dr Brennan walked up and heard Booth's question. "Aubrey hello it's good to see you again. I hope you have good news for us."
"Oh yes Dr. Brennan I think you will agree it is good news. Where is Max, we might as well get this outta the way first. By-the-way, it's been awhile since breakfast, and I have heard some amazing stories about the pie served up here at the cabin. I've also heard the coffee was the best in the county."
"Sure Aubrey and we even have some leftovers from lunch I think you might enjoy while we wait for Max." Booth smiled at the Agent as he moved behind the counter toward the fridge to serve up leftovers for Aubrey's late lunch.
The trio turned as Max came through the back door with a big grin and a hello for Agent Aubrey. "Glad to see you Aubrey, whatcha got for us?"
"It seems Jimmy was in a lot more trouble with his 'investors' than we originally thought. While we may have accelerated his fall from the inner circle, he was well on his way to being on the outs with some very dangerous people." Aubrey continued, "Cullen took a personal interest in this case and made sure Caroline had everything she needed to ensure a conviction on multiple federal charges. With Money Laundering, Wire Fraud, Tax Evasion plus the threat from his Las Vegas connections, Jimmy decided he would take a deal. He confessed to the federal charges, but will enter Witness Protection and testify against the Las Vegas gambling crime ring he was working with. Under the terms of the WP he will be moved to no less than 1500 miles from DC and live happily ever after in domestic tranquility as a proud owner of a dry cleaning business. Should he come back to DC or decide to start up his gambling enterprise again, he will face incarceration in a federal penitentiary for no less than 25 years."
Tempe and Max seemed satisfied with the outcome, but Max had one last question for Aubrey, "So is Booth and Tempe completely clear in this, no way for Jimmy to know Tempe had anything to do with his fall from grace?"
"Nah, no way Max," said Aubrey. "We came at him from so many directions; he will never really know what caused his operation to so completely implode. Nothing in the documents mentions Booth or Dr Brennan in anyway. Each agency involved had its own evidence trail and no mention of Booth or his prior association with Jimmy exists."
Booth was quiet as he listened to Aubrey, Max and Bones talk about Jimmy's case. "Guys, I do not know what to say. I am so sorry I brought Jimmy into our lives. Thank you for helping keep our family safe."
Aubrey did not miss his inclusion in the phrase OUR family.
"Here Booth, I need to get back to the city." Aubrey handed Booth a manila envelope filled with documents. "I will give you a ring when I know more about your start date."
Saying their goodbyes, Booth headed back to the tree house while Tempe spoke with her dad.
Booth took a glance over his shoulder to watch Max and Bones get a few minutes to chat over a cup of coffee. Parker and Christine were playing cards in the floor of the living room and Hank was napping up stairs.
Climbing the stairs to the tree house, Booth noted the weight of the envelope he held in his hand and as soon as he settled on the couch he tipped the contents out for a look.
He had several pages of forms to be filled out for his return to active service. In amongst the documents was another envelope addressed to Master Sergeant Seeley J Booth.
Hum, wonder what this could be after so many years. Booth thought to himself as he tore open the flap and spilled the contents.
A cover letter address to MS SBooth.
Dear Sir:
These letters addressed to you were discovered in the retiring COs office in a remote outpost in Afghanistan. The office and contents were being moved to another location. In an effort to forward the letters to you, they were return from your last known address. The letters again were filed and it was only recently, when a new CO took command, they were found again. The CO determined you reentered your civilian life with the FBI and mailed the letters to your office address located at the Hover in Washington DC.
We hope this time they will find their way into your hands. While very much overdue, we extend our apologies for the delayed delivery and trust you will find comfort knowing those who cared for you kept you in their hearts and minds as you served your country.
The first letter was unmistakably the hand writing of his son Parker. As neat as possible for a 10 year old, but heartwarming to know his son had written him while he was away.
Dear Dad,
I sure miss you and I wish you were home. I got the Christmas gifts you sent. Really cool dad, I like the standard issue cap and jacket. I know I will grow into them soon. I will keep the Ranger medal forever. Why did you send me your medal? Oh well, you can tell me in your next letter or when you get home. I will keep it safe with me.
I am getting really good grades this year, especially in science and math. Going to science camp really helped. I miss Bones, but the guys at the lab are really cool and I spend time with them every week.
I played soccer in the summer, took the fall off for science fair and now I have just joined the basketball team. I worry I am not tall enough for basketball, but mom and coach said I would grow taller. Now is the time to learn the game. Remember Bones said I would grow to be at least as tall as you and maybe even taller!
Mom just walked by and says hi and said to tell you I look more like you every day. The Booth eyes and smile are a dead giveaway.
We went by to see Pops last weekend. He misses you, but said he would write soon.
I wish you were home; I do not like thinking of you so far away.
Come home soon, I love you Dad,
Booth smoothed the letter between his hands and folded it carefully. There had been several months when he had not heard from Parker and his remote location did not allow easy access to mail, internet or even phone service. Two more letters from Parker were in the pile. He set them aside when he saw an envelope from Dr Temperance Brennan, Maluku Indonesia.
He carefully pealed back the flap thinking to himself; I didn't think she had contacted anyone while she was away.
My Dear Booth,
It has been three months since we said goodbye at the airport. I am struggling for the right words, which seems ironic to me since I find comfort in words and I AM a bestselling author.
Let me begin by admitting I have made an epic mistake.
After the Taffit trial I found I could not compartmentalize my feelings. She invaded my thoughts and dreams. In my dreams I killed Hodgins when I operated on his leg and I couldn't save you from being blown up on that ship. We didn't win and she walked free to kill again.
She almost beat us, she almost beat ME. My confidence was shaken, I couldn't get perspective. In the past I had turned to you. This time, this life altering important time, I needed you so badly, but it made me feel weak. I was scared Booth, after all we had been through, after not accepting you that night at the Hoover, I felt… I felt lost.
The epic mistake was not giving you… not giving us a chance.
My time in Maluku has given me the clarity I needed. The only thing I see clearly is my desire to change, open my heart and let you come in. You own it anyway, so I want you to take possession.
If that is what you still want too, if it's not too late, I'll meet you at the coffee cart and tell you in person Booth. My world is better with you in it. My life is richer because you came into my world.
I asked you to promise me you would not be a hero; I hope you are keeping your promise. I miss you more everyday and if you think there could be an US, let me hear from you.
With my love,
Your Bones
Seeley Joseph Booth's with the letter open in his lap, eyes closed and his head tilted back on the couch as Bones came up the stairs to the tree house.
Bones could see immediately the letter she had penned so long ago. "Booth, where did you get that?"
"The Army forwarded some lost letters they found at the camp where I was stationed in Afghanistan. It looks like my forwarding address had expired by the time the letters were sent to my apartment and then again filed and forgotten for years until a new CO recently sent them on to the Hoover."
"Booth, don't look so sad. Everything is wonderful now. Look at what we have. We have us and that is all I ever wanted. It took me a long time before I could admit to myself I loved you."
"I know Bones and I am truly happy, but I can't help but wonder, what if? If I had received this letter, you gotta know I would have sent one right back to tell you it was not too late and yes I wanted a chance for us too." Booth pulled Bones over to sit on his lap.
"But you know the story, I gave up when I didn't hear from you. You may have been lost about how you were feeling, but I lost hope that I would ever feel again. " Booth's eyes were wet with unshed tears, looking lovingly into Bones eyes. "I will keep this letter safe and whenever I feel hopeless it will remind me to hang in there and wait. All those things you think will never happen, they will happen eventually. Bones I love you more than you will ever know."
"I love you too Seeley Joseph Booth and I am so glad I get to spend my forever with you."
They spent the rest of the afternoon finishing the first draft of their first ever coauthored book and feeling complete as partners, friends, and lovers.
Bones stayed in the tree house while Booth went to the house to check on the kids.
Bones finished final touches to the draft manuscript and got it ready to send to Beth. Her mind wandered back to Maluku and when she wrote the letter. She was so happy now and refused to dwell on 'if.' She knows her Booth and while things were rocky for a really long time, they found their way to each other and that, after all, was what mattered.
She heard Booth yelling across the yard it his loudest most excited voice. Bones, Bones are you still up there? Chop, Chop Bones, we have a case!
Complete for now XOXO
For those of you who reviewed and sent wonderful words of encouragement, Thank You.
My intention was to find ways B&B could express intimacy. Your feedback on how well that was accomplished would be very welcome.
New stories – Family Time for vacation, holiday, or alone time at Sunrise Cabin as necessary to relieve my stress when Bones gets to intense.