First came her lover... Death.
52 years later came her bothers, War and Pestilence.
2 years later her Guardian Conquest came.
And one month later so did she.

She had white blonde hair that was the first sign.

"Lily if she is the seer than she will be of great import to the war" Dumbledore looked tired, he had bags under his eyes, his dull coloured robe had torn and frayed at the bottom and he had no twinkle in his eye.

"I agree with Albus, you must go into hiding, you are just as important as your child" Lily turned around startled but relaxed when she saw it was only Tom Riddle, he looked as handsome and refined as ever only a few small signs showed that he too was affected by the war, his hair was longer than usual and tied into a low ponytail at the base of his neck, and a frown marred his handsome aristocratic face.

"I won't allow James to fight if I'm not out there with him" Lily stood tall and defiantly. Dumbledore sighed and then said "then you will all go into hiding"

~ ~ ~
A small year old baby was screaming at the top of her lungs. Lily came running into the room and lifted her baby, James trailed behind her bleary eyed. She was clutching baby Alessandra Potter close to her chest as she hushed her baby, when Alessandra felt her mother's protective arms wrap around her she instantly stopped screaming, as Lessa sniffled against mothers shoulder, Lily hummed a lullaby to Lessa and eventually she fell asleep.

This went on for almost an entire month, the only time she stopped crying was when she was in the arms of Lily or James, it happened mostly after or during sleeps and naps. At first Lily thought Alessandra might have just been going through a phase, but when Dumbledore came over he disagreed.

"Has this been happening frequently?" Dumbledore asked over the sniffles and sobs of Lessa.

Lily nodded her head. "Yes, mostly after sleeping or during naps".

"This may have to do with young Alessandra's special abilities. Now Lily, I know we haven't discussed it too much but she has all the physical signs of a seer, I think we might have to consider the possibility that she is having a premonition" Lily shook her head in denial, she didn't want that kind of life for her baby, for her little Lessa.

James put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. "Lil's I think Dumbledore is right, we need to be preparing her for her future" James tone was gentle but Lily spun around to look at him with wild green eyes.

"No! No! I don't want this for her! Just because physically she looks the part of a seer it doesn't mean she is one!" Lily's eyes were tearing up.

The life of a seer is hard, most people go mad from the gift or so Lily had read, Lily if course had never met a seer the last seer had been around well before she was born.

"Lily, I don't want to believe it either, but in the likely chance she is in fact a seer, we want to be able to help her and we can't do that if we turn away because we don't want the gift, this is about her Lil's and we need to do what's best for her and right now that's helping her in her fragile state of mind" James pressed his lips to Lily's forehead and wrapped his arms around her, their sleeping little girl was cocooned between them as they hugged. James unwrapped himself and took a step back to look at her, she looked at the ground for a moment before lifting her head to look determinedly at James, she nodded her head. "Ok" she whispered.

Lily and James sat across from each other in the lounge and encouraged little Lessa who was crawling to and fro, occasionally she would stand but would promptly to the ground on her little bottom, she didn't look the least bit concerned and it was what had been worrying Lily and James for the last 2 weeks.

Two weeks prior she would scream her head off, if James or Lily weren't at least within her line of sight, on one day it was really bad, she was screaming and tears were streaming down her face, she had vomited three times for how worked up she was and nothing was working James held her and rocked her, Lily held her and hummed, but nothing was calming her down. It went on like this for a good 10 minutes, Lily and James were ready to call Dumbledore and then Lessa just stopped, she went wide eyed and just started staring at the roof in a fascinated way. Occasionally she would raise one chubby fist and move it around in the air as if she was tracing something, but after that moment she didn't laugh, cry or react to anything, she didn't even grizzle if she needed to be changed or was hungry. She would, of course, interact with her parents, but she showed no signs of any emotions except for a dreamy smile once and while and it worried Lily and James, surely this abrupt change wasn't normal? They forged on anyway, their child was a seer and this could just be a side effect of that.

There was a loud roar as Sirius entered their house through their floo network, Sirius was a usual occurrence around the house as he loved seeing his goddaughter and Lily knew that James appreciated the company. But right now Sirius looked ragged and wild, his clothes were singed, his hair was sticking up in the air, he had a few cuts and bruises and his dark eyes were alight with fear.

James stood up quickly when he took in Sirius appearance.

"Padfoot! What's happening?" It was clear that Sirius was either here for refuge or because he needed help, and decidedly it was not the former because Sirius would never run from a fight, but if he was here for help of some kind, then it must have been bad.

"Lestrange...Longbottoms...needed help...didn't...know who call" Sirius was taking in large gulps of air. He looked at them pleadingly, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I just got in the floo and I ended up here, but the death eaters have killed all the Aurors protecting the Longbottoms place and Bellatrix has Alice and Frank, I couldn't fight a dozen death eaters on my own! I'm sorry!" Sirius sounded distraught.

"I'll go, Lily you stay here with Lessa" Lily might have smiled at seeing a serious moment from Mister James Potter, but right now she was overcome with worry and fear for her friends and now her husband.

Lily shook her head firmly "No, Alice and Frank are my friends too, I'm not letting you go by yourself"

James seemed like he wanted to argue but knew it would be pointless, Lily smirked at her Husband as she clutched his upper arm "Besides, we all know if it weren't for me you wouldn't be alive right now, I don't plan on dying tonight and I hope you don't either" Sirius and James apparated away while Lily side apparated with James. They left Little Alessandra in her playpen, all alone and although now she didn't cry, her mind was fractured.

Lily and James never came home, Sirius was sent to Azkaban for the murder of Peter Pettigrew without trial, Remus was captured alive by Greyback's pack and all the while Alessandra sat in the living room in her play pen, waiting for someone to remember the Potters child. No one came, not for three days and three nights and then on the third night a teenage girl, who was breaking and entering into the Potter's home, came across Alessandra and gave her to the orphanage in London a week later. Dumbledore and McGonagall showed up on the fourth night only to realize they had lost their greatest asset, the last seer in over 200 years but most importantly they had lost the Potters child and for that Dumbledore knew that Lily and James would spit on his name from the heavens.