A/N: As you may have noticed, we in the Shenny fandom have a tentative tradition to write something for International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Before now, I hadn't participated because I'm really bad at original settings and just writing in general. But for this story, I have set aside my shame and have blatantly stolen settings from Once Upon a Time so much so that I could validly classify this as a crossover. However, I won't do that, because it will be more visible if it's just labelled TBBT Shenny. For some reason, my other fanfiction isn't nearly as popular. *shrugs* Go figure.

Anywho, Risknight asked (read: badgered) me to write something for ITLaPD and I legit had no idea what to write. But then I decided to combine my two fanfic obsessions: Shenny and Captain Swan. So this is basically Shenny written as though they were Captain Swan and I have no shame in admitting that I'm blatantly ripping off the Jolly Roger for Sheldon's ship.

I didn't mean for this to become a full blown multichaptered adventure, but when a story is this easy to write I can't deny it it's due diligence. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Penny knocked on Sheldon's office door at CalTech and frowned when there was no answer. Unsure where else he would be, she made her way to Leonard's lab; she could ask him.

Before she could even knock, she heard Leoanard and Sheldon arguing loudly over whether or not they needed to tighten or loosen a screw.

Tighten, definitely. You both have a few screws loose, if you ask me, she thought.

The lab door was open so she just knocked on the doorframe to announce her presence, but it startled the two scientists and Leonard's hand slipped. It scraped across the device they were working on and jarred the debated screw completely free. The device started beeping and vibrated a slight pattern until a green blob oozed out one end and puddled on the floor at Penny's feet. She was about to cringe at the goo on her shoes, but never had the chance; she fell through the puddle as though it were a cartoon hole someone had slipped beneath her.

A strangled screech was the last Sheldon and Leonard heard.

"PENNY!" they both screamed, wide-eyed. They rounded the table on opposite sides and met up again right as the green puddle disappeared. It was like it drained down a tiny hole very quickly.

"Sheldon, I swear to god, if you say 'Well at least it worked,' I will literally kill you."

Sheldon gave Leonard a broken look. "Leonard. Penny is gone and we have no way of knowing where, or if she is even able to return. Or if she's even alive! This is a disaster! It most definitely did not work as planned."

"Well, maybe if we can actually get it to work we can find her," Leonard offered, both to placate Sheldon and as hope for himself.