Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. Duh.

Wake up. Go through hell. Black out. Repeat.

This daily routine had been going on for longer than the child could remember. He lost track around day 5, although it could have been 5 years. Rarely did the young boy ever have a quiet moment to rest, unless he could trick his capture that he was still unconscious from pain. Truth was Luffy had stopped feeling pain after his trip through the fire.

"Luffy I know you are awake."

Luffy tried desperately not to make a move. He willed himself to breathe normally. Just 5 more minutes of peace is all he asked. Was that so much. Day in and out, nothing but numbness and pain. A sharp jab with what he assumed was a knife remind him of this. That was child's play though compare to what he had been through.

"You can't trick me Luffy," the warped man said while pulling out more instruments of torture. "Today is going to be so fun."

Today? Was it a new day? Luffy was woken up sporadically so who knew. Being underground didn't exactly help either. Luffy was pretty sure that he had gotten night vision from being down here so long.


Dang it he was already starting the fire. It was basically the only that could still elicit a response from him. The many, many, burns all around his body proved that point all too well. He hated fire more than anything in the world. Not fear, just hate. Although, today all those wounds would come in handy.

"You know I love you don't you," asked the grey haired sicko who was currently staring into the fire pit.

Luffy wasn't that far gone as to think that. He knew what love was for a fact. Ace, Sabo, Dadan, Makino, Shanks, even Gramps loved him. Stockholm syndrome wasn't about to cloud his mine. That was the only place he felt truly alone and truly safe. His mine had become a fortress of solitude where he usually resided. The thinking that use to be hard slowly became thinking was clear as a window and razor sharp. It wasn't the only thing that was razor sharp.

The doctor had finally slipped up. Two days ago while Luffy was unshackled from the wall, he picked up a discarded surgeon knife from the floor. Thinking quickly, the boy hid the knife deep in one of his wounds and prayed it wouldn't be seen. So far so good.

The man who went by "doctor" walked over to Luffy and began to unshackle him.

"You know Luffy it's a special day," the doctor started while he unlocked the last cuff. "This day mar-." That was all he ever got out.

A gurgle noise came from the doctor as his windpipe was cut to sherds by the raven haired boy. A cut to the eye, mouth, nose, scalp, everywhere. After one last thrust of the knife, Luffy sat down in a pool of blood breathing heavily. Looking at the man beside him almost made him want to throw up. Not because he got sick at the sight of blood but the fact it was this man's blood. Just touching it was like handling acid.

Getting up from the floor, Luffy began to walk towards the exit of the cellar/basement/torture chamber, looking back one last time he walked out the room. A long corridor connected the door to the flight of stairs ahead. Time to leave.

Speed walking now, Luffy made it up the stairs to the trap door. As he opened the door slowly, light began to stream into the hallway. It almost burned out the retinas of the bloody boy. Although it sure felt good to feel the golden warmth on his pale, rubbery skin. He almost glowed as he walked into the two room house. Six months in the dark slowly melting away.

Looking around for a certain object, Luffy started to become a little nervous. He needed this more than anything.

Then like a beacon of hope, he saw it reflecting off a hat rack. Smiling forming on his lips, Luffy walked to the rack and plucked the possession from its perch. Even though the straw hat was too large for his head, it still fit better than a glove to him.

"Nice to have you back old friend," he said with such warmth it was like he was talking to a family member. Finally feeling right, Luffy opened the front door and walked out.

Walking toward Makino's bar, Luffy made a vow to become smarter and stronger. To become someone that isn't just capable of protecting himself but also the ones he loves. To never let his freedom be taken away again. To be the freest of all men.

To be the Pirate King.

It was late afternoon when Luffy casually walked into Makino's bar. The women had been sweeping when she heard the door open and close. Looking up and seeing the sight in front of the door almost gave the poor girl a heart attack. Immediately she ran toward the child, dropping everything she might have been holding, and embraced him tightly. The crying soon followed in loud sops.

Luffy embraced her back but did not cry, for he had no more tears to give.

They held each other for a long time. Makino being happy to have Luffy back. To know he was safe. Luffy being happy to finally have some familiar company.

A/N: The beginning starts one year after Sabo is "killed". A few things will be changed from the canon, most notably Luffy's intelligence and fighting style. Also Luffy is a lot less trusting and naive, instead having cool head most of the time. His reading and power of discernment is on par with Robin. He will be serious with everyone except his crew, which is when he will be a bit more cheerful. Luffy already has observation and conquerors Haki. He will develop armament Haki around the Water 7 arc or sooner if I feel like it. If you have any more questions please ask in the comments.

The crew is going to get a huge power boost too. Not just the monster trio either.